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File: docs/source/api/atk4/core/FactoryTrait.rst
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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst .. role:: php(code) :language: php FactoryTrait ============ .. php:namespace:: atk4\core .. php:trait:: FactoryTrait :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/FactoryTrait.php#5 <>`_ Properties ---------- .. php:attr:: public static _factoryTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Check this property to see if trait is present in the object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/FactoryTrait.php#12 <>`_ :Type: bool Methods ------- .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public mergeSeeds( $seed, $seed2, ...$more_seeds) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Given two seeds \(or more\) will merge them, prioritizing the first argument\. | If object is passed on either of arguments, then it will setDefaults\(\) remaining | arguments, respecting their positioning\. | | See full documentation\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/FactoryTrait.php#27 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$seed** (array | object | mixed) * **$seed2** (array | object | mixed) * **...$more_seeds** (array) :Returns: object | array if at least one seed is an object, will return object .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public factory( $seed, $defaults=\[\], $prefix=null) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Given a Seed \(see doc\) as a first argument, will create object of a corresponding | class, call constructor with numerical arguments of a seed and inject key/value | arguments\. | Argument $defaults has the same effect as the seed, but will not contain the class\. | Class is always determined by seed, except if you pass object into defaults\. | | To learn more about mechanics of factory trait, see documentation :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/FactoryTrait.php#112 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$seed** (mixed) * **$defaults** (array) * **$prefix** (string) Optional prefix for class name :Returns: object .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public normalizeClassName( $name, $prefix=null) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | First normalize class name, then add specified prefix to | class name\. Finally if $app is defined, and has method | \`normalizeClassNameApp\` it will also get a chance to | add prefix\. | Rules observed, in order: | \- If class starts with "\." then prefixing is always done\. | \- If class contains "\\" prefixing is never done\. | \- If class \(with prefix\) exists, do prefix\. | \- don\'t prefix otherwise\. | | Example: normalizeClassName\(\'User\', \'Model\'\) == \'Model\\User\'; | Example: normalizeClassName\(Test\\User::class, \'Model\'\) == \'Test\\User\'; \# or as per "use" | Example: normalizeClassName\(\'Test/User\', \'Model\'\) == \'Model\\Test\\User\'; | Example: normalizeClassName\(\'\./User\', \'Model\'\) == \'Model\\User\'; | Example: normalizeClassName\(\'User\', \'Model\'\) == \'Model\\User\'; \# if exists, \'User\' otherwise | | \# If used without namespace: | Example: normalizeClassName\(User::class, \'Model\'\) == \'Model\\User\'; \# if exists, \'User\' otherwise :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/FactoryTrait.php#198 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of class * **$prefix** (string) Optional prefix for class name :Returns: string Full, normalized class name