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File: docs/source/api/atk4/core/DynamicMethodTrait.rst
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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst .. role:: php(code) :language: php DynamicMethodTrait ================== .. php:namespace:: atk4\core .. php:trait:: DynamicMethodTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | This trait makes it possible for you to add dynamic methods | into your object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#9 <>`_ Properties ---------- .. php:attr:: public static _dynamicMethodTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Check this property to see if trait is present in the object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#16 <>`_ :Type: bool Methods ------- .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public __call( $method, $arguments) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Magic method \- tries to call dynamic method and throws exception if | this was not possible\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#25 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$arguments** (array) Array of arguments to pass to this method .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public tryCall( $method, $arguments) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Tries to call dynamic method\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#47 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$arguments** (array) Array of arguments to pass to this method :Returns: mixed | null .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public addMethod( $name, $callable) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Add new method for this object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#69 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string | array) Name of new method of $this object * **$callable** (callable) Callback :Returns: $this .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public hasMethod( $name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Return if this object has specified method \(either native or dynamic\)\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#108 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of the method :Returns: bool .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public removeMethod( $name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Remove dynamically registered method\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#122 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of the method :Returns: $this .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public addGlobalMethod( $name, $callable) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Agile Toolkit objects allow method injection\. This is quite similar | to technique used in JavaScript:\. | obj\.test = function\(\) \{ \.\. \} | | All non\-existent method calls on all Agile Toolkit objects will be | tried against local table of registered methods and then against | global registered methods\. | | addGlobalMethod allows you to register a globally\-recognized method for | all Agile Toolkit objects\. PHP is not particularly fast about executing | methods like that, but this technique can be used for adding | backward\-compatibility or debugging, etc\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#152 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of the method * **$callable** (callable) Calls your function($object, $arg1, $arg2) :See: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\self::hasMethod\(\) <atk4\\core\\self::hasMethod\(\)>` :See: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\self::hasMethod\(\) <atk4\\core\\self::hasMethod\(\)>` .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public hasGlobalMethod( $name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Return true if such global method exists\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#172 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of the method :Returns: bool .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public removeGlobalMethod( $name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Remove dynamically registered global method\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DynamicMethodTrait.php#187 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$name** (string) Name of the method :Returns: $this