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File: docs/source/api/atk4/core/ContainerTrait.rst
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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst .. role:: php(code) :language: php ContainerTrait ============== .. php:namespace:: atk4\core .. php:trait:: ContainerTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | This trait makes it possible for you to add child objects | into your object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#9 <>`_ Properties ---------- .. php:attr:: public static _containerTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Check this property to see if trait is present in the object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#16 <>`_ :Type: bool .. php:attr:: public static elements .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | short\_name =\> object hash of children objects\. If the child is not | trackable, then object will be set to "true" \(to avoid extra reference\)\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#24 <>`_ :Type: array Methods ------- .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public _unique_element( $desired) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Returns unique element name based on desired name\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#35 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$desired** (string) :Returns: string .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public add( $obj, $args=\[\]) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | If you are using ContainerTrait only, then you can safely | use this add\(\) method\. If you are also using factory, or | initializer then redefine add\(\) and call | \_add\_Container, \_add\_Factory,\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#60 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$obj** (mixed) * **$args** (array | string) :Throws: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\Exception <atk4\\core\\Exception>` :Returns: object .. rst-class:: protected .. php:method:: protected _add_Container( $element, $args=\[\]) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Extension to add\(\) method which will perform linking of | the object with the current class\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#101 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$element** (object) * **$args** (array | string) :Throws: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\Exception <atk4\\core\\Exception>` :Returns: object .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public removeElement( $short_name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Remove child element if it exists\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#181 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$short_name** (string) short name of the element :Throws: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\Exception <atk4\\core\\Exception>` :Returns: $this .. rst-class:: protected .. php:method:: protected _shorten( $desired) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Method used internally for shortening object names\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#207 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$desired** (string) Desired name of new object. :Returns: string Shortened name of new object\. .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getElement( $short_name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Find child element by its short name\. Use in chaining\. | Exception if not found\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#246 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$short_name** (string) Short name of the child element :Throws: :any:`\\atk4\\core\\Exception <atk4\\core\\Exception>` :Returns: object .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public hasElement( $short_name) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Find child element\. Use in condition\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/ContainerTrait.php#266 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$short_name** (string) Short name of the child element :Returns: object | bool