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File: docs/_sources/api/atk4/core/Exception.rst.txt

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  Classes of Francesco Danti   ATK4 i18next PHP   docs/_sources/api/atk4/core/Exception.rst.txt   Download  
File: docs/_sources/api/atk4/core/Exception.rst.txt
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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst .. role:: php(code) :language: php Exception ========= .. php:namespace:: atk4\core .. php:class:: Exception .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | All exceptions generated by Agile Core will use this class\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#15 <>`_ :Parent: :php:class:`Exception` Summary ------- Methods ~~~~~~~ * :php:meth:`public \_\_construct\($message, $code, $previous\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::\_\_construct\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public setMessage\($message\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::setMessage\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public getMyTrace\(\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::getMyTrace\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public getColorfulText\(\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::getColorfulText\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public getHTMLText\(\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::getHTMLText\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public getHTML\(\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::getHTML\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public toString\($val\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::toString\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public getParams\(\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::getParams\(\)>` * :php:meth:`public addMoreInfo\($param, $value\)<atk4\\core\\Exception::addMoreInfo\(\)>` Properties ---------- .. php:attr:: public static trace2 :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#24 <>`_ :Type: array Methods ------- .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public __construct( $message="", $code=0, $previous=null) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Constructor\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#33 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$message** (string | array) * **$code** (int) * **$previous** (:any:`Throwable <Throwable>`) .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public setMessage( $message) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Change message \(subject\) of a current exception\. Primary use is | for localization purposes\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#56 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$message** (string) :Returns: $this .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getMyTrace() .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Return trace array\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#68 <>`_ :Returns: array .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getColorfulText() .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Output exception message using color sequences\. | <exception name\>: <string\> | <info\> | | trace | | \-\- | <triggered by\> :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#86 <>`_ :Returns: string .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getHTMLText() .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Similar to getColorfulText\(\) but will use raw HTML for outputting colors\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#171 <>`_ :Returns: string .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getHTML() .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Output exception message using HTML block and Semantic UI formatting\. It\'s your job | to put it inside boilerplate HTML and output, e\.g:\. | $l = new \\atk4\\ui\\App\(\); | $l\-\>initLayout\(\'Centered\'\); | $l\-\>layout\-\>template\-\>setHTML\(\'Content\', $e\-\>getHTML\(\)\); | $l\-\>run\(\); | exit; :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#261 <>`_ :Returns: string .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public toString( $val) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Safely converts some value to string\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#378 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$val** (mixed) :Returns: string .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public getParams() .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Follow the getter\-style of PHP Exception\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#396 <>`_ :Returns: array .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public addMoreInfo( $param, $value) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Augment existing exception with more info\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/Exception.php#409 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$param** (string) * **$value** (mixed) :Returns: $this