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File: docs/_sources/api/atk4/core/DIContainerTrait.rst.txt

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File: docs/_sources/api/atk4/core/DIContainerTrait.rst.txt
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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst .. role:: php(code) :language: php DIContainerTrait ================ .. php:namespace:: atk4\core .. php:trait:: DIContainerTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | A class with this trait will have setDefaults\(\) method that can | be passed list of default properties\. | $view\-\>setDefaults\(\[\'ui\' =\> \'segment\'\]\); | | Typically you would want to do that inside your constructor\. The | default handling of the properties is: | | \- only apply properties that are defined | \- only set property if it\'s current value is null | \- ignore defaults that have null value | \- if existing property and default have array, then both arrays will be merged | | Several classes may opt to extend setDefaults, for example in Agile UI | setDefaults is extended to support classes and content: | | $segment\-\>setDefaults\(\[\'Hello There\', \'red\', \'ui\'=\>\'segment\'\]\); | | WARNING: Do not use this trait unless you have a lot of properties | to inject\. Also follow the guidelines on | https://github\.com/atk4/ui/wiki/Object\-Constructors | | Relying on this trait excessively may cause anger management issues to | some code reviewers\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DIContainerTrait.php#31 <>`_ Properties ---------- .. php:attr:: public static _DIContainerTrait .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Check this property to see if trait is present in the object\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DIContainerTrait.php#38 <>`_ :Type: bool Methods ------- .. rst-class:: public .. php:method:: public setDefaults( $properties=\[\], $passively=false) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Call from \_\_construct\(\) to initialize the properties allowing | developer to pass Dependency Injector Container\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DIContainerTrait.php#47 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$properties** (array) * **$passively** (bool) if true, existing non-null argument values will be kept .. rst-class:: protected .. php:method:: protected setMissingProperty( $key, $value) .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description | Sets object property\. | Throws exception\. :Source: `vendor/atk4/core/src/DIContainerTrait.php#76 <>`_ :Parameters: * **$key** (mixed) * **$value** (mixed)