PHP Classes

File: tests/data/locales/en/key.json

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  Classes of Francesco Danti   ATK4 i18next PHP   tests/data/locales/en/key.json   Download  
File: tests/data/locales/en/key.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: ATK4 i18next PHP
Translate application texts like il8next-PHP
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 1,057 bytes


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{ "key": "a key", "key_no_fallback": "not exists in language, return a key from fallback", "key_deep": { "deep": { "deep": "key deep" } }, "key_inline.deep.inline": "key deep in line", "key_context": "key with context", "key_interpolate": "{{what}} is {{how}}", "key_interpolate_array": "I am {{}} and i have {{author.age}} years old", "key_escaped": "no danger {{myVar}}", "key_unescaped": "no danger {{-myVar}}", "key_format_date": "The current date is {{date, MM\/DD\/YYYY}}", "key_format_uppercase": "{{text, uppercase}} just uppercased", "key_format_lowercase": "{{text, lowercase}} just lowercased", "key_format_ucfirst": "{{text, ucfirst}} just ucfirst", "key_0": "zero", "key_1": "one", "key_2": "two", "key_3": "few", "key_4": "many", "key_5": "other", "key_nesting_interpolate1": "hello world", "key_nesting_interpolate2": "say {{val}}", "key4_interval": "(1){one item};(2-7){a few items};(7-inf){a lot of items};" }