PHP Classes

File: docs/metrics/phpmetrics.html/js/latest.json

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  Classes of Francesco Danti   ATK4 i18next PHP   docs/metrics/phpmetrics.html/js/latest.json   Download  
File: docs/metrics/phpmetrics.html/js/latest.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: ATK4 i18next PHP
Translate application texts like il8next-PHP
Author: By
Last change: Update documentation
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 1,026 bytes


Class file image Download
{ "avg": { "wmc": 7, "ccn": 4.9, "bugs": 0.08, "kanDefect": 0.42, "relativeSystemComplexity": 27.15, "relativeDataComplexity": 0.72, "relativeStructuralComplexity": 26.43, "volume": 225.32, "commentWeight": 27.26, "intelligentContent": 18.69, "lcom": 1.19, "instability": 0.63, "afferentCoupling": 1, "efferentCoupling": 1.67, "difficulty": 5.88, "mi": 123.16, "distance": 0.23, "incomingCDep": 2, "incomingPDep": 1.14, "outgoingCDep": 2.86, "outgoingPDep": 1.71, "classesPerPackage": 3.14 }, "sum": { "loc": 1045, "cloc": 413, "lloc": 632, "nbMethods": 63, "nbClasses": 21, "nbInterfaces": 1, "nbPackages": 7, "violations": { "total": 3, "information": 0, "warning": 2, "error": 1, "critical": 0 } } }