* This file contains the XML class, "xml"
* Licensed under the BSD license
* All credits to strangeways (http://www.strangeways.se/)
* for letting this code out in the free where it belongs!
* Contributions made by:
* Fredrik Carlbom <fredrik.carlbom@gmail.com>
* @author Mikael "Lilleman" Goransson <lilleman@strangeways.se>
* @version 0.1
* @package SW-CMS
* XML class
* Contributions made by:
* Fredrik Carlbom <fredrik.carlbom@gmail.com>
* @author Mikael "Lilleman" Goransson <lilleman@strangeways.se>
* @version 0.1
* @package SW-CMS
* @subpackage xml
class xml {
* Content as array
* @var arr
var $array = array();
* Errors
* @var arr
var $errors = array();
* The XML
* @var str
var $XML = '';
* XML Encoding
* @var str
var $XMLEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
* XML default indent char
* @var str
var $XMLIndentChar = ' ';
* XML number of indents per level
* @var int
var $XMLIndentNum = 4;
* XML Line Break
* @var str
var $XMLLineBreak = "\n";
* Sets if the values of each tag should be fixed for forbidden characters (like <> etc)
* @var bol
var $XMLSafe = true;
* XML Version
* @var str
var $XMLVersion = '1.0';
* Class constructor
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function xml() {
return true;
} // End of xml()
* Generate tags recursive
* (This is the magic XML-creator)
* @param arr $arr
* @param int $lvl
* @param int $prev_lvl - will be one less than lvl if this is the first row, else it'll be the same
* @return str
* @access Private
function generateTag($arr,$lvl = 0,$prev_lvl = 0) {
$str = '';
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
// Numeric keys are not allowed, so we skip them and treat them as non associated arrays
if ($prev_lvl != $lvl) {
$this->XML .= $this->XMLLineBreak;
} // End of if ($prev_lvl != $lvl)
$this->XML .= $this->indent($lvl) . '<' . $this->strToXMLKeySafe($value) . ' />' . $this->XMLLineBreak;
$prev_lvl = $lvl;
} else { // End of if ($key == '0' && !isset($arr['1']))
if ($prev_lvl != $lvl) {
$this->XML .= $this->XMLLineBreak;
} // End of if ($prev_lvl != $lvl)
$this->XML .= $this->indent($lvl) . '<' . $this->strToXMLKeySafe($key) . '>';
if (is_array($value)) $this->XML .= $this->generateTag($value,$lvl + 1,$lvl);
else $this->XML .= $this->strToXMLSafe($value);
// Remove attributes from closing key
list($key) = explode(' ',$key);
if (is_array($value)) $this->XML .= $this->indent($lvl);
$this->XML .= '</' . $this->strToXMLKeySafe($key) . '>' . $this->XMLLineBreak;
$prev_lvl = $lvl;
} // End of else to if ($key == '0' && !isset($arr['1']))
} // End of foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
return $str;
} // End of generateTag()
* Create an indent string
* @param int $num - number of indents
* @return str
* @access Private
function indent($num) {
$str = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= ($this->XMLIndentNum * ($num)); $i++) {
$str .= $this->XMLIndentChar;
} // End of for ($i = 1; $i <= ($this->XMLIndentNum * ($num)); $i++)
return $str;
} // End of indent()
* Generate XML from $this->array
* @param bol $xmlHead - if the XML head should be included
* @return boolean
* @access Private
function generateXML($xmlHead = true) {
$this->XML = '';
if ($xmlHead) $this->XML .= $this->getXMLHead();
$this->XML .= $this->generateTag($this->array);
return true;
} // End of generateXML()
* Output XML Data
* @param str $method - Either "return" or "echo" - "return" will make the function return, "echo" will print it to screen with header 'n all
* @param bol $xmlHead - if the XML head should be included
* @access Public
function outputXML($method = 'return',$xmlHead = true) {
if ($method == 'return') {
return $this->XML;
} elseif ($method == 'echo') { // End of if ($method == 'return')
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $this->XML;
return true;
} else { // End of elseif ($method == 'echo')
return false;
} // End of elseif ($method == 'echo')
} // End of outputXML()
* Set the array of contents
* @param arr $arr
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setArray($arr) {
$this->array = $arr;
return true;
} // End of setArray()
* Set indent character
* @param str $str
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setIndentChar($str) {
$this->XMLIndentChar = strval($str);
return true;
} // End of setIndentChar()
* Set number of indents
* @param int $int
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setIndentNum($int) {
$this->XMLIndentNum = intval($int);
return true;
} // End of setIndentNum()
* Set XML line breaks
* @param str $str
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setLineBreak($str) {
$this->XMLLineBreak = strval($str);
return true;
} // End of setLineBreak()
* Set the line break to the default for Mac OS
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setLineBreakForMacOS() {
return $this->setLineBreak("\r");
} // End of setLineBreakForMacOS()
* Set the line break to the default for UNIX (and Linux)
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setLineBreakForUNIX() {
return $this->setLineBreak("\n");
} // End of setLineBreakForUNIX()
* Set the line break to the default for Microsoft Windows
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setLineBreakForWindows() {
return $this->setLineBreak("\r\n");
} // End of setLineBreakForWindows()
* Set XML Encoding
* @param str $str
* @return boolean
function setXMLEncoding($str) {
$this->XMLEncoding = strval($str);
return true;
} // End of setXMLEncoding()
* Gets the XML Head for use in XML output
* @return str
* @access Private
function getXMLHead() {
return '<?xml version="' . $this->XMLVersion . '" encoding="' . $this->XMLEncoding . '"?>' . $this->XMLLineBreak;
} // End of setXMLHead();
function setXMLSafe($mode) {
if (is_bool($mode)) {
$this->XMLSafe = $mode;
return true;
} else { // End of if (is_bool($mode))
return false;
} // End of else to if (is_bool($mode))
} // End of setXMLSafe()
* Set XML Version (as a string)
* example: "1.0"
* @param str $str
* @return boolean
* @access Public
function setXMLVersion($str) {
$this->XMLVersion = strval($str);
return true;
} // End of setXMLVersion()
* String to XML Safe for key (tag) values
* @param str $str
* @return str
* @access Private
function strToXMLKeySafe($str) {
if (is_numeric($str)) {
// Due to rules in $this->generateTag(), this should not happend, so just for safety
$str = 'a' . $str;
} elseif (is_numeric(substr($str,0,1))) { // End of if (is_numeric($str))
$str = preg_replace("/^(\\d*)/","",$str);
} // End of elseif (is_numeric(substr($str,0,1)))
return $str;
} // End of strToXMLKeySafe()
* String to XML Safe
* @param str $str
* @return str
* @access Private
function strToXMLSafe($str) {
if ($this->XMLSafe) {
$searchArray = array('<', '>', "'", '"');
$replaceArray = array('<', '>', ''', '"');
$str = str_replace($searchArray,$replaceArray,$str);
} // End of if ($this->xmlSafe)
return $str;
} // End of strToXMLSafe()
} // End of class xml