* FormatMail class is a simple extension of PhpMailer class.
* This class useful when you want to send complete (the email contains all images and css links as attachments) html formatted email.
* It containt a mini template mechanism to change data in the temlate file, to the GLOBALS array fields.
* Importatnt: In the mail template files the path of images and css links, must be relative to the sender script (in this case these must relative to example.php).
* In this example, we fill up user's real name, username (login), and password.
//In the source of email.htm you can see a css tag: <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> that will attached to the mail
//In templates/email.htm (this will the message body), you can find 3 special macros: {$NAME},{$USERNAME} and {$PASSWORD}
//We set up these values:
$GLOBALS['NAME']='The user name';
$GLOBALS['USERNAME']='Login name';
//You can set the email template filename at the FormatMail constructor
//Importatnt: fill up all GLOBALS field before call this constructor
$FM=new FormatMail('templates/email.htm');
//PhpMailer settings
//FormatMail use an instance of PhpMailer class to send mails
//For details, see PhpMailer class.
$FM->Mailer->FromName='Your Name';
//And now, send the mail...
if ($FM->Send())
echo 'Mail sent successfully.';
//Or echo the result
// echo $FM->Message;