namespace Encase\Functional;
* Get a string by concatenting all the iterable elements, separated by a given
* separator.
* If `$lastSeparator` is specified, it will be used instead of `$separator` to
* separate the last two elements in the string, or both elements if the
* `$iterable` only has two. Can be used to build gramatically correct lists.
* @param iterable|array $iterable
* @param string|null $separator Used to separate sequential elements in the
* string.
* @param string|null $lastSeparator Used to separate the last two elements
* in the string.
* @return string
function join($iterable, ?string $separator = ',', string $lastSeparator = null): string
assertType($iterable, ['iterable', 'stdClass'], 'iterable');
$separator = $separator ?? ',';
if ($iterable instanceof \Traversable) {
$iterable = \iterator_to_array($iterable);
} elseif (\is_object($iterable)) {
$iterable = (array)$iterable;
if ($lastSeparator !== null && \count($iterable) > 1) {
$lastTwo = \array_splice($iterable, -2);
$iterable[] = \implode($lastSeparator, $lastTwo);
return \implode($separator, $iterable);