You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* @copyright The XUUPS Project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xuups/
* @license http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license
* @package Publisher
* @subpackage Blocks
* @since 1.0
* @author trabis <lusopoemas@gmail.com>
* @author The SmartFactory <www.smartfactory.ca>
use XoopsModules\Publisher;
use XoopsModules\Publisher\Constants;
// defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || die('Restricted access');
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/include/common.php';
* @param $options
* @return array
function publisher_items_new_show($options)
/** @var Publisher\Helper $helper */
$helper = Publisher\Helper::getInstance();
/** @var Publisher\ItemHandler $itemHandler */
$itemHandler = $helper->getHandler('Item');
$selectedcatids = explode(',', $options[0]);
$block = [];
$allcats = false;
if (in_array(0, $selectedcatids)) {
$allcats = true;
$sort = $options[1];
$order = Publisher\Utility::getOrderBy($sort);
$limit = $options[3];
$start = 0;
$image = $options[5];
// creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
if ($allcats) {
$criteria = null;
} else {
$criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[0] . ')', 'IN'));
$publisherIsAdmin = $helper->isUserAdmin();
if (!$publisherIsAdmin) {
if (null === $criteria) {
$criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
$criteriaDateSub = new \Criteria('datesub', time(), '<=');
// $optCatItems = (int)$options[2];
// $categoryId = -1;
// $categoryItemsObj = $itemHandler->getAllPublished($optCatItems, 0, $categoryId);
$itemsObj = $itemHandler->getItems($limit, $start, [Constants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED], -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, 'none');
$totalitems = count($itemsObj);
if ($totalitems > 0) {
foreach ($itemsObj as $iValue) {
$item = [];
$item['link'] = $iValue->getItemLink(false, isset($options[4]) ? $options[4] : 65);
$item['id'] = $iValue->itemid();
$item['poster'] = $iValue->posterName(); // for make poster name linked, use getLinkedPosterName() instead of posterName()
if ('article' === $image) {
$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/blank.gif';
$item['image_name'] = '';
$images = $iValue->getImages();
if (is_object($images['main'])) {
// check to see if GD function exist
if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name');
} else {
$item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name') . '&w=50';
$item['image_name'] = $images['main']->getVar('image_nicename');
} elseif ('category' === $image) {
$item['image'] = $iValue->getCategoryImagePath();
$item['image_name'] = $iValue->getCategoryName();
} elseif ('avatar' === $image) {
if ('0' == $iValue->uid()) {
$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/blank.gif';
$images = $iValue->getImages();
if (is_object($images['main'])) {
// check to see if GD function exist
if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name');
} else {
$item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name') . '&w=50';
} else {
// check to see if GD function exist
if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $iValue->posterAvatar();
} else {
$item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $iValue->posterAvatar() . '&w=50';
$item['image_name'] = $iValue->posterName();
$item['title'] = $iValue->getTitle();
if ('datesub' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->getDatesub();
} elseif ('counter' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->counter();
} elseif ('weight' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->weight();
} elseif ('rating' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->rating();
} elseif ('votes' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->votes();
} elseif ('comments' === $sort) {
$item['new'] = $iValue->comments();
$block['newitems'][] = $item;
$block['show_order'] = $options[2];
return $block;
* @param $options
* @return string
function publisher_items_new_edit($options)
// require_once PUBLISHER_ROOT_PATH . '/class/blockform.php';
$form = new Publisher\BlockForm();
$catEle = new \XoopsFormLabel(_MB_PUBLISHER_SELECTCAT, Publisher\Utility::createCategorySelect($options[0], 0, true, 'options[0]'));
$orderEle = new \XoopsFormSelect(_MB_PUBLISHER_ORDER, 'options[1]', $options[1]);
'datesub' => _MB_PUBLISHER_DATE,
'counter' => _MB_PUBLISHER_HITS,
$showEle = new \XoopsFormRadioYN(_MB_PUBLISHER_ORDER_SHOW, 'options[2]', $options[2]);
$dispEle = new \XoopsFormText(_MB_PUBLISHER_DISP, 'options[3]', 10, 255, $options[3]);
$charsEle = new \XoopsFormText(_MB_PUBLISHER_CHARS, 'options[4]', 10, 255, $options[4]);
$imageEle = new \XoopsFormSelect(_MB_PUBLISHER_IMAGE_TO_DISPLAY, 'options[5]', $options[5]);
'none' => _NONE,
return $form->render();