$varName = new ModalBox;
//lets first set the modal id
//Set the title of to be used in header (optional)
$varName->setTitle("modal title");
// Set the body content of the modal
$varName->setBodyContent("modal body content");
// Set the footer of the modal (optional)
$varName->setFooterContent("modal footer content");
// Finally initiate the function to build the modal
// This function has the following 6 arguments
// 1. Modal Animation Type: fade etc. Put 'false' in single quotes to disable it
// 2. Modal Header display Option. Boolean (true/ false)
// 3. Modal Header Title display Option. Boolean (true/ false)
// 4. Modal Close X on top Option. Boolean (true/ false)
// 5. Modal Footer Display Option. Boolean (true/ false)
// 6. Modal Footer close button display Option. Boolean (true/ false)
// The following parameters will add a modal of fade animation with everything (header, title, buttons footer etc) displayed
// NOTE: You will manualy need to add a button bound to this modal and add data-target as modal id.