Downloadsysconf.php - The main application configuration file
The sysconf.php file is the general configuration script for the application.
This script sets a global variable named SYSTEM defined by $GLOBALS['SYSTEM'] .
The SYSTEM variable is an array with the following structure of indexes:
'SYSTEM_NAME' - A string with the name of the application;
'SYSTEM_VERSION' - The application version. A string or an array with 3 indexes of the version: major, minor and release. Example: `[1, 0, 0]`
'PROJECT_CODE_NAME' - A string with application code name.
'CHARSET' - System charset. Example: 'UTF-8'
'TIMEZONE' - System time zone.
'ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT' - A string with the active environment name. Example: 'development'. If empty the framework will define the environment using the host of the URI or the environment variable defined by 'ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE'.
'ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE' - Defines the name of the environment variable to sets the application environment. Used when 'ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT' is empty and the system fails to determines the environment by URI.
'CONSIDER_PORT_NUMBER' - Defines that the port number must be used when environment is defined by URI.
'ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS' - An array with a key pair where the key is a regular expression to search the host and the value is the environment.
'ROOT_PATH' - The web server virtual host root path.
'PROJECT_PATH' - The application root directory.
'SPRINGY_PATH' - The framework library path.
'CONFIG_PATH' - Configuration system path.
'APP_PATH' - The application path.
'CONTROLER_PATH' - Application controllers path.
'CLASS_PATH' - Application classes path.
'VAR_PATH' - The var path where the application will save temporary and cache files.
'MIGRATION_PATH' - Path for the folder of the scripts with database struture changes.
'VENDOR_PATH' - Path for the thirdy part components.