Functions coded:
as defined in https://www.intel.cn/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/carry-less-multiplication-instruction-in-gcm-mode-paper.pdf
and as defined in https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-09.txt
- mulX_GHASH
- dot_siv_ghash
- dot_siv_polyval (in binary mode, fastest)
- dot_big_math (using longs longs mode 1)
- dot2 (using longs longs mode 2, faster)
from draft https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-09.html
Polynomials in this document will be written as 16-byte values.
For example, the sixteen bytes 01000000000000000000000000000492
would represent the polynomial x^127 + x^124 + x^121 + x^114 + 1,
which is also the value of x^-128 in this field.
(1's are in positions 127,124,121,114 and 0)
foreach (str_split("10010010000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",8) as $z) $packed.=chr(bindec($z));
irreducible polynomial: POLYVAL works modulo x^128 + x^127 + x^126 + x^121 + 1
Then, dot makes 2 gf128 operations
- first
$ab = gf128_dot($a , $b, $R); mul a,b and reduce modulo 010000000000000000000000000000C2
Ri = 01000000000000000000000000000492
$r = gf128_dot($ab, $Ri, $R); mul ab,Ri(=x^-128) and reduce modulo 010000000000000000000000000000C2
function convert
''' Polynomials in this field are converted to and from 128-bit strings
by taking the least-significant bit of the first byte to be the
coefficient of x^0, the most-significant bit of the first byte to the
the coefficient of x^7 and so on, until the most-significant bit of
the last byte is the coefficient of x^127.
so convert transform to an element of the binary galois field 2^128
If a = 66e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e and b =
ff000000000000000000000000000000 then a+b =
99e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e, a*b =
37856175e9dc9df26ebc6d6171aa0ae9 and
dot(a, b) = ebe563401e7e91ea3ad6426b8140c394.
then dot(a,b) = gf128(a,b)
Also dot can be simplified
R = e1000000000000000000000000000000;
no need to convert
1- a=strrev a
2- H = 40000000000000000000000000000000;
b=mul b,H mod e1000000000000000000000000000000
3- r=strrev(mul a,b mod e1000000000000000000000000000000)
class Galois128
function __construct()
$this->hbin = $this->h2bin = array();
for ($k=0;$k<16;$k++)
function convert($x)
$poly = 0;
for ($b=0;$b<16;$b++)
$byte_val = 0;
for ($i=7; $i>-1; $i--)
$index = 127 - (8 * $b) - $i;
$t_byte_val = bcmul(gmp_and(bcdiv($x,bcpow('2',$index)) , 1),bcpow('2',$i));
$byte_val = bcadd($t_byte_val,$byte_val) ;
$poly = bcadd(bcmul($poly,256) , $byte_val) ;
return $poly;
function gf128_dot($x, $y, $R)
/*''' Multiplication in GF(2^128).
The caller specifies the irreducible polynomial.
$z = 0;
for ($i=127;$i>-1;$i--)
$z = $z ^ ($x * gmp_and(bcdiv($y,bcpow('2',$i)),1)); # if MSB is 0, XOR with 0, else XOR with x
$x = bcdiv($x,2) ^ (gmp_and($x , 1) * $R); # shift and also reduce by R if overflow detected
return $z;
function u128_dec($hex)
$dec = 0;
$len = strlen($hex);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $len; $i++)
$dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($hex[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($len - $i))));
return $dec;
function dot_big_math($a,$b)
Working with long long elements
mod R=0x010000000000000000000000000000C2
convert elements
1- ab=mul a,b
2- r=mul ab,Ri=0x01000000000000000000000000000492
$Ri = $this->convert($this->u128_dec("01000000000000000000000000000492"));
$R = $this->convert($this->u128_dec("010000000000000000000000000000C2"));
$b = $this->convert($this->u128_dec($b));
$X = str_split($a,32);
$i = 0;$r = str_repeat("\0",16);
$a = $this->convert($this->u128_dec(bin2hex(pack("H*",$X[$i])^$r)));
$ab = $this->gf128_dot($a , $b, $R);
$r = gmp_Export($this->convert($this->gf128_dot($ab, $Ri, $R)));
return bin2hex($r);
function dot2($a,$b)
simplified dot
no need to convert
mod R=0xe1000000000000000000000000000000
1- a=strrev a
2- b=mul b,H
3- r=mul a,b
$H = $this->u128_dec("40000000000000000000000000000000");
$R = $this->u128_dec("e1000000000000000000000000000000");
$b = $this->gf128_dot($this->u128_dec($this->reverse($b)) , $H, $R);
$X = str_split($a,32);
$i = 0;$r = str_repeat("\0",16);
$a = $this->u128_dec(bin2hex(strrev(pack("H*",$X[$i]))^$r));
$r = gmp_Export($this->gf128_dot($a, $b, $R));
return bin2hex(strrev($r));
function reverse($hex)
return implode(array_reverse(str_split($hex,2)));
function bstr($hex)
// from hex to binary string
return str_replace($this->h2bin,$this->hbin,$hex);
function to128($bin)
$result="";foreach (str_split(bin2hex($bin),2) as $z) $result.=$z[1];
return $result;
function bstrtohex($bin)
$hex="";foreach (str_split($this->to128($bin),4) as $bin) $hex.=dechex(bindec($bin));
return $hex;
function mul($binX)
$mask0 = str_repeat(sprintf("%08b",1),16);
$mask1 = str_repeat("01111111",16);
// polynomial reduction
$R = $this->bstr("000000000000000000000000000000e1");
$xLSB = $binX[7];
$binX = "0".substr($binX,0,-1)&$mask1|substr($binX&$mask0,15);
if ($xLSB)
$binX = $this->to128($binX^$R);
return $binX;
function PCLMULQDQ($X,$Y)
// as defined in https://www.intel.cn/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/carry-less-multiplication-instruction-in-gcm-mode-paper.pdf
a = 7b5b54657374566563746f725d53475d
b = 48692853686179295b477565726f6e5d
PCLMULQDQ (a, b) = 040229a09a5ed12e7e4e10da323506d2
little endian
rbits = Reflecting Bits
PCLMULQDQ (a, b) = rbits(GFMUL (rbits(a),rbits(b)))
with reduction
$p = str_repeat("0",128);
$binY = strrev($this->bstr($Y));
$binX = strrev($this->bstr($this->reverse($X)));
for($i = 0; $i < 128; $i++)
if ($binY[$i])
$binX = $this->mul($binX);
return $this->reverse($this->bstrtohex(strrev($p)));
function GFMUL($X,$Y)
// as defined in https://www.intel.cn/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/carry-less-multiplication-instruction-in-gcm-mode-paper.pdf
Counter mode
Data: 952b2a56a5604ac0b32b6656a05b40b6
Hash Key: dfa6bf4ded81db03ffcaff95f830f061
Multiplication Result: da53eb0ad2c55bb64fc4802cc3feda60
$p = str_repeat("0",128);
$binY = $this->bstr($this->reverse($Y));
$binY = implode(array_reverse(str_split($binY,8)));
$binX = $this->bstr($this->reverse($X));
for($i = 0; $i < 128; $i++)
if ($binY[$i])
$binX = $this->mul($binX);
return $this->reverse($this->bstrtohex($p));
function mulX_POLYVAL($X)
multiplies X by bigendian(010000000000000000000000000000c2)
and reduce modulo 000000000000000000000000000000e1
let H = 25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b
If we wished to calculate this
given only an implementation of POLYVAL then we would first calculate
the key for POLYVAL,
mulX_POLYVAL(ByteReverse(H)) = f6ea96744df0633aec8424b18e26c54a
$Ri = $this->reverse("010000000000000000000000000000c2");
return $this->reverse($this->gfmul($X,$Ri));
function mulX_GHASH($X)
multiplies X by bigendian(40000000000000000000000000000000)
and reduce modulo 000000000000000000000000000000e1
let H = 25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b
If we wished to calculate this
given only an implementation of GHASH then the key for GHASH would be
mulX_GHASH(ByteReverse(H)) = dcbaa5dd137c188ebb21492c23c9b112
$binX = $this->mul($this->bstr($X));
return $this->reverse($this->bstrtohex($binX));
function dot_siv_ghash($X,$Y)
// as defined in https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-09.txt
GHASH(H, X_1, ..., X_n) =
ByteReverse(POLYVAL(mulX_POLYVAL(ByteReverse(H)), ByteReverse(X_1),
..., ByteReverse(X_n)))
let H = 25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b
X_1 = 4f4f95668c83dfb6401762bb2d01a262
X_2 = d1a24ddd2721d006bbe45f20d3c9f362
GHASH(H, X_1, X_2)= bd9b3997046731fb96251b91f9c99d7a
$X =str_split($X,32);
$H =$Y;
$GHASH =str_repeat("\0",16);
$i =0;
return bin2hex($GHASH);
function dot_siv_polyval($X,$Y)
// as defined in https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-09.txt
POLYVAL(H, X_1, ..., X_n) =
ByteReverse(GHASH(mulX_GHASH(ByteReverse(H)), ByteReverse(X_1), ...,
let H = 25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b
X_1 = 4f4f95668c83dfb6401762bb2d01a262
X_2 = d1a24ddd2721d006bbe45f20d3c9f362
POLYVAL(H, X_1, X_2)= f7a3b47b846119fae5b7866cf5e5b77e
$X = str_split($X,32);
$H = $this->mulX_GHASH($Y);
$GHASH = str_repeat("\0",16);
$i = 0;
return $this->reverse(bin2hex($GHASH));
$gf128=new Galois128;
echo " PCLMULQDQ ".$gf128->PCLMULQDQ("7b5b54657374566563746f725d53475d","48692853686179295b477565726f6e5d")."\n";
echo " GFMUL ".$gf128->GFMUL("952b2a56a5604ac0b32b6656a05b40b6","dfa6bf4ded81db03ffcaff95f830f061")."\n";
echo " mulX_POLYVAL ".$gf128->mulX_POLYVAL(("25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b"))."\n";
echo " mulX_GHASH ".$gf128->mulX_GHASH(("25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b"))."\n";
echo " GHASH ".$gf128->dot_siv_ghash("4f4f95668c83dfb6401762bb2d01a262d1a24ddd2721d006bbe45f20d3c9f362","25629347589242761d31f826ba4b757b")."\n";
from https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-09.txt page 10
The latter halves of the ciphertext blocks are discarded and the
remaining bytes are concatenated to form the per-message keys. Thus
message-authentication key is 310728d9911f1f3837b24316c3fab9a0
and the message-encryption key is a4c5ae6249963279c100be4d7e2c6edd.
The length block contains the encoding of the bit-lengths of the
additional data and plaintext, respectively. The string "example" is
seven characters, thus 56 bits (or 0x38 in hex). The string "Hello
world" is 11 characters, or 88 = 0x58 bits. Thus the length block is
The input to POLYVAL is the padded additional data, padded plaintext
and then the length block. This is
based on the ASCII encoding of "example" (6578616d706c65) and of
"Hello world" (48656c6c6f20776f726c64).
Calling POLYVAL with the message-authentication key and the input
above results in S_s = ad7fcf0b5169851662672f3c5f95138f.
echo "\nComputing POLYVAL\n\n";
$input ="6578616d706c6500000000000000000048656c6c6f20776f726c64000000000038000000000000005800000000000000";
echo " Valid result ad7fcf0b5169851662672f3c5f95138f\n";
echo " POLYVAL ".$gf128->dot_siv_polyval($input,$authkey)." ";
echo ((hrtime(true)-$t)/1000000)." ms (in binary mode)\n";
echo " dot_big_math ".$gf128->dot_big_math($input,$authkey)." ";
echo ((hrtime(true)-$t)/1000000)." ms (long long mode 1)\n";
echo " dot_big_math2 ".$gf128->dot2($input,$authkey)." ";
echo ((hrtime(true)-$t)/1000000)." ms (long long mode 2)\n";