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File: try_it_yourself.php

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File: try_it_yourself.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Demo
Class: HTML Classes
Generate HTML documents programmatically
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 2,085 bytes


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# -----------The PloucNet® Project - Copyright© LOGIQ Systèmes 2003-2007

// Exemple usage of phpclasses.htmlelements.php


$head = new clHtmlhead();
$body = new clHtmlbody();

$head->Content .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="aaa/classes/exstyle.css">';
// create span
$x = new clHtmlSpan();
$x->Content = "Hello World";

// Output result
$body->Content = $x->GenerateHtml();

// create absolute Div
$x = new clHtmlDiv("","","cellstyle");
$x->Content = "Hello World";

// Output result
$body->Content .= $x->GenerateHtml();

// create "3x3" Table
$x = new clHtmlTable("","","");
$row = $x->AddRow();
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 1x1";
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 1x2";
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 1x3";
$row = $x->AddRow();
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 2x1";
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 2x2";
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 2x3";
$row = $x->AddRow();
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 3x1";
$cell = $row->AddCell();
$cell->Content = "Cell 3x2";
$cell = $row->AddCell();

// Add a form in cell 3x3
$y = new clHtmlForm("fomrname","action.php");
$z = new clHtmlLabel();
$y->Content .= "Input your Data : ";
$z = new clHtmlInput();
$y->Content .= $z->GenerateHtml();

$z = new clHtmlInput();
$y->Content .= $z->GenerateHtml();

$cell->Content = $y->GenerateHtml();

// Output result
$body->Content .= $x->GenerateHtml();

// Output Global result
print $head->GenerateHtml();