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File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/004_markdown/

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  Classes of Slavko Srakocic   B12 PHP FW   fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/004_markdown/   Download  
File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/004_markdown/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/004_markdown/
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 9,175 bytes


Class file image Download

Free CMSs with flat files DB (websites code skeletons)

  1. last few years very popular
  2. good for learning PHP, also see "Ideas & code my B12phpfw is based on" on fwphp site home page.
  3. Best in my opinion: Typemill (doc navigation most simmilar to my glomodul/mkd), Yellow (blog, site, wiki), Wondercms, cms.js is pure js, has potential.

My markdown documents navigator module fwphp/glomodul/mkd

Simmilar to Typemill MD documents navigator) is based on my B12phpfw code skeleton. Compared with Free CMSs other flat files DB in my opinion is : 1. Improved code, all additional features can be added, but are not needed for porsonal rich text editor (and more !). 2. Serves me better than :

1. Kompozer (abandoned, to old), 
2. Microsoft Expression Web 4. (abandoned, still usable 2018.05), 
3. Dreamweaver (huge, expensive, I do not use it anymore)...
  1. faster, simpler code, smaller

Mkd features

  1. Technology: 1. PHP 5.6+, 2. own B12phpfw code skeleton 3. I prefer own autoloading classes scripts, can be used "composer update" (comment/uncomment some code in fwphp\zinc\core\_02autoload.php) 4. no admin panel 5. no admin login, no users login 6. Templating: own native PHP 7. Formatting: Markdown SimpleMDE or easy to change to html Summernote
  2. Open source: yes, free
  3. CODE SIZE & SPEED: 1. Markdown rich text edit/show application Mkd is 25 kB 2. Core B12phpfw.php is 9 kB, Helper.php is 9 kB (also used for DB CRUD apps) 3. Main PHP native template layout_tpl_main.html contains CSS (both ~10 kB) (also used for DB CRUD apps), 4. background picture is ~11kB 1+2+3+4 : 25 + 18 + 10 + 11 = ~65 kB and no huge external SW ! 5. markdown SimpleMDE or html Summernote rich txt editor less than 200 kB 6. Pages are rendered in 2-10 miliseconds
  4. Website:

Typemill MD documents navigator 2 MB is most simmilar to my Mkd

Technology: PHP 5.6+, Slim, Simfony Templating: Twig Formatting: Markdown Open source: yes Website: no admin panel, free, open-source, no admin login composer update Run Locally

If you are a developer and if you want to run TYPEMILL locally, then download TYPEMILL (zip or git) and visit your local folder like localhost/typemill. No additional work is required.

Recommended: Copy file settings.yaml.example in the root folder of TYPEMILL
and rename it to settings.yaml. Fill out the settings directly in the file. It is human readable, so no problem for you!
Recommended: If you run you website on your local machine, you can also go to your-local-adress/setup and fill out the setup form.
Be careful: You can also upload TYPEMILL to a live server and fill out the form live. Just visit But be aware, that everybody can visit this adress and setup your website easily. It is not a big deal, because you can always upload your own settings.yaml file with your ftp program.

To run a live website, upload TYPEMILL to your webserver (e.g. with ftp). You have to make some folders and files writable:


To make the folders and files writable, use your ftp programm, click on the folder, choose permissions and change the permission to 744. Use the recursive permission for all containing files and folders. If 744 does not work, try 774.

To fill the website with your own content, upload your folders and markdown files to the content folder of TYPEMILL (with ftp again). Visit your website and press F5 to actualize the cache.

Yellow 0.5 MB, SimpleMDE markdown rich text editor

Local site Local site admin J:\awww\apl\dev1\af1blog\system\config\user.ini Technology: PHP Templating: HTML / PHP Formatting: Markdown Open source: yes Website:

blog, website or wiki templates, no admin panel, free, open-source

Wondercms 2.4.2, ~60 kB, Summernote 0.8.8 HTML rich text editor

61 kB PHP 5.5+, jQuery 1.12.4, Bootstrap 3.3.7 & Fontawesome, one file .json DB. One file .json DB could be minus, jQuery, Bootstrap & Fontawesome are slow (overkill) in my opinion. Extremely simple and will not be feature soup (over-bloated with features). I like it's help, way of thinking.

You'll need to install a certificate to avoid the persistent "update" message (or comment it in index.php): - not explained enough.


Pure js, no PHP, less then 50 kB J:\awww\apl\dev1\zz\mkd>git clone Configure js/config.js, comment so #Options Indexes in all .htaccess (but not in httpd.conf)

Herbie 3 MB

Technology: PHP Templating: Twig Formatting: Markdown Open source: yes Website: composer create-project getherbie/start-website myproject or : $ git clone myproject $ cd myproject $ composer update

Htmly PHP 5.3+


Pico MD, 2 MB

no admin panel, free, open-source, no admin login. A simple & fast, flat file CMS. Technology: PHP Templating: Twig Formatting: Markdown Open source: yes github Website:

Not very clever as almost all mentioned here : | Database files physical location | My URL | |-----------------------|------| | content/ | / | | content/ | ?sub | | content/sub/ | ?sub | | content/sub/ | ?sub/page | | content/a/very/long/ | ?a/very/long/url (doesn't exist) |


-parsedown, purecss, font-awesome.css. You will be prompted to enter the password = admin (default is puppycms)

Grav MD, 3rd best (first two are commercial), 30 MB

Fast, has sophisticated caching, and a light footprint. admin login [email protected] / Admin111 Technology: PHP / YAML Templating: Twig Formatting: Markdown Open source: yes Website: 3rd best free, much slower than Yellow or Limonade Local site

Get Simple CMS 3.3.13, 4 MB

XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independant and lite CMS. Technology: 4 MB, PHP 5.2+, SimpleXML, Javascript Templating: HTML, PHP Formatting: HTML / WYSIWYG editor Open source: yes Website:

Visit your domain and navigate to /admin (or your gsadmin path set in gsconfig)
You will be redirected to install / upgrade scripts

GetSimple Installation GetSimple Upgrade Check Failed ! 3.3.13 Download PHP Version 7.1.9 - OK Folder Permissions OK - Writable cURL Module Installed - OK GD Library Installed - OK ZipArchive Installed - OK SimpleXML Module Installed - OK Apache web server Apache/2.4.25 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.0.2k PHP/7.1.9 - OK Apache Mod Rewrite Installed - OK For more information on the required modules, see http://sspc1:8083/zz/mkd/getsimple/admin/health-check.php visit requirements page. Language: en_US Download Languages Your registration information has been sent to [email protected].. Your username is admin and your password is CHgm2m Login here..

Have potential Javasscript based


cms.js site generator

  1. Without the aid of server-side scripting (no Node.js, PHP, Ruby, etc.).
  1. In the spirit of Jekyll
  1. Server Mode if you choose to self host your content. Apache and NGINX servers are supported. Make sure the server's directory indexing feature is enabled. CMS.js takes advantage of the Server's Directory Indexing feature. By allowing indexes, CMS.js sends an AJAX call to your specified folders and looks for Markdown files. After they are found, it takes care of everything else and delivers a full website.
  1. Apache - Make sure htaccess is enabled OR Options Indexes is set for your directory.
  1. NGINX - Make sure autoindex on is set for your directory
  1. Github Mode is default mode for CMS.js. Host your website on Github using Github Pages, similar to Jekyll. CMS.js uses the Github API to get the content of your gh-pages repo and serve them as a full website.
  1. Install
     1. Clone the repo: git clone
        or download the latest release
     1. Configure js/config.js to your liking
     1. Make sure to set your githubUserSettings in js/config.js if using Github mode
     1. If using Github mode, create a new branch from your master or working branch called gh-pages (Github's default branch for hosting)

Have potential PHP based

Baun 2015 requires ssl, I like it's help, way of thinking

Bludit 4 MB, admin/admin1, has dashboard like Wordpress. How to import it's own pages ?

Netify 2 MB - cloud computing only