* @author Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo <jcastro arroba eftec dot cl>
* @link https://github.com/EFTEC/StateMachineOne
use eftec\statemachineone\Job;
use eftec\statemachineone\StateMachineOne;
use eftec\statemachineone\Transition;
// we use autoload's composer, so we call it here.
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
$smachine=new StateMachineOne(null);
// it is specific for this project
INITIAL_STATE=>'Initial State',
DRIVING_TO_BUY_MILK=>'Driving to buy milk',
CANCEL_DRIVING=>'Cancel driving.',
PICKING_THE_MILK=>'Picking the milk',
PAYING_FOR_THE_MILK=>'Paying for the milk',
UNABLE_TO_PURCHASE=>'Unable to purchase',
DRIVE_BACK_HOME=>'Drive back home.'
// database configuration
$smachine->tableJobLogs="buymilk_logs"; // it is optional
$smachine->createDbTable(false); // you don't need to create this table every time.
$smachine->loadDBAllJob(); // we load all jobs, including finished ones.
//$smachine->loadDBActiveJobs(); // use this in production, we don't need stopped job every time.
// business rules
,'when milk = 0 and gas > 0');
,'when gas = 0','stop'); // null means, no timeout and stop means, the job will stop
,'when store_open = 1 and stock_milk > 0');
,'when store_open = 0 or stock_milk = 0');
,'when money >= price set milk = 1');
,'when money < price');
,'when always','stop');
,'when always','stop');
$msg=$smachine->fetchUI(); // we show a visual id (it is optional and it's only for debug purpose)
$smachine->checkAllJobs(); // we check every (active,pause,continue) job available.
$smachine->viewUI(null,$msg); // null means it takes the current job