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File: Templates/css/cust-inac.css

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File: Templates/css/cust-inac.css
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Sweeper
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Date: 6 years ago
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/* CLF 2.0 TEMPLATE VERSION 1.04 | VERSION 1.04 DU GABARIT NSI 2.0 */ @import url("/Templates/css/frm.css"); /* INAC - Custom CSS BEGINS | AINC - DEBUT DU CSS */ div#slideinterface { padding: 0; margin: 0; /* padding-bottom: 4px; */ background: url(/Templates/images/sshw-mdiap/deco.gif) #f0eeee; } body { background-color: #EDEEDE; } { /*width: 788px;*/ min-width: 12.00em; background-color: #FFF; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; /* background-image: url(/Templates/images/shad_bg.jpg);*/ background-repeat: repeat-y; } div.blueborder { padding: 5px; min-height: 158px; min-width: 9.5em; } div.blueborder { border: solid #96afc2 1px; } div.blueborder:after { content: ""; display: block; height: 0; clear: left; visibility: hidden; } .threeLndHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landbg_3col.jpg); background-color: #2D4F7C; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:100px; min-height:100px;*/ max-width:390px; /*margin-bottom:15px;*/ } div.blackborder div.threeLndHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:140%; /*margin-left: -15px;*/ } /**:first-child+html div.fourLndHdr { margin-left:-15px;}*/ .fourLndHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landAltbg_3col.gif); background-color: #2D4F7C; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:100px; min-height:100px;*/ max-width:390px; } div.blackborder div.fourLndHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:140%; } .twoLndHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landbg_2col.jpg); background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landCntbg_2col.gif); background-color: #2D4F7C; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:100px; min-height:100px;*/ max-width:590px; /*margin-bottom:15px;*/ } div.twoLndHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; font-size:140%; } /* for background image pages*/ .twoLndHdrImg { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landbg_2col.jpg);*/ background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landCntbg_2col.gif); background-color: #2D4F7C; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:100px; min-height:100px; max-width:590px; margin-bottom:15px; } div.twoLndHdrImg h1 { color:#FFFFFF; font-size:140%;} .contHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landCntbg_2col.gif); background-color: #2d5f86; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:100px; min-height:100px;*/ max-width:590px; } div.contHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; font-size:140%; margin-left: -15px;} .LwrCntHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landbg_2colstr.gif); background-color: #2d5f86; background-repeat:no-repeat;*/ height:50px; min-height:50px; width:590px; } div.LwrCntHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; font-size:135%; margin-left: -15px;} .oneCntHdr { /*background-image:url(/Templates/images/hdrs/landbg_1col.gif); background-color: #2d5f86; background-repeat:no-repeat;*/ height:50px; min-height:50px; width:750px; } div.oneCntHdr h1 { color:#2D4F7C; font-size:135%;} .padding15 {padding: 5px 20px 5px 15px;} .padding15b {padding: 2px 20px 5px 15px;} div.blackborder h2.thrLnd, div.blackborder h2.fourLnd, div.blackborder h2.thrLnd, div.blackborder h2.fourLnd { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:125%; font-weight:bold; } div.blackborder h3.thrLnd, div.blackborder h3.fourLnd, div.blackborder h3.thrLnd, div.blackborder h3.fourLnd { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:118%; font-weight:bold; } h2 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:130%; font-weight:bold; } h3 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:118%; font-weight:bold; } h4 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold; } h5 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:105%; font-weight:bold; } h6 { color:#2D4F7C; background-color: transparent; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; } a:link:hover { background-color: #E3E3E3; } div.left li.menucontent, div.left div.menucontent { padding: 4px 3px 4px 12px; } .undrLneRed {border-bottom: 1px solid #990000;} div.left li.menucontent, div.left div.menucontent { border-top: 2px solid #FFFFFF; /*font-weight:Bold;*/ } /* left subs */ div.left ul.nav li.menucontent ul.navLeftSub { margin-left: -52px; margin-right: 0; list-style:none;} *:first-child+html div.left ul.nav li.menucontent ul.navLeftSub { margin-left: -11px; margin-right: 0; list-style:none;} div.left li.menucontentLsub, div.left div.menucontentLsub { border-top: 1px solid #FFF; } div.left li.menucontentLsub, div.left div.menucontentLsub, div.left a.menulinkLsub { color: #000; background-color: #ecedea /*#dfe4d9*/; } li.menucontentLsub, li.menucontentLsub li, div.menucontentLsub, div.menucontentLsub li { font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight:normal; vertical-align: middle; margin: 0; } li.menucontentLsub, div.menucontentLsub { padding: 2px 0 2px 12px; } a.menulinkLsub { text-decoration: none; } a.menulinkLsub:hover { text-decoration: underline; } div.left li.menucontent1, div.left div.menucontent1, div.left a.menulink1 { color: #FFF; background-color: #006599; } li.menucontent1, li.menucontent1 li, div.menucontent1, div.menucontent1 li { font-size: 10.0pt; vertical-align: middle; margin: 0; } li.menucontent1, div.menucontent1 { padding: 2px 3px 2px 12px; } a.menulink1 { text-decoration: none; } a.menulink1:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .left .nav li.last { border-bottom: none; } div.last { border-bottom: none; } /*.navSde {background-image:url(/Templates/images/sdehdr.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:4px; }*/ .rnavlistS { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 5px; list-style: none; background-color: #dfe4d9; } .rnavlistS li { padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 7px; padding-top: 5px; background-position: 0 .5em; line-height: 140%; } .rnavlist, .mainIndRlist { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 5px; list-style: none; background-color: #eeeedd; } .mainIndRlist li { padding: 5px 0 3px 10px; font-size:89.5%; } .rnavlist li { padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-image: url(/Templates/images/arw-blt.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 .5em; line-height: 140%; font-size:89.5%; } .right .rnavlist li a.menulink, .right .mainIndRlist li a.menulink { background-color: #eeeedd;} .right .rnavlist li, .right .mainIndRlist li{ border-top: 1px solid #FFF; margin-left: -4px; } .right .rnavlist li.last, .right .mainIndRlist li.last { border-bottom: none; } .right .rnavlist li.alt, .right .mainIndRlist li.alt{ background-color:#f7f7ea; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; } div.right a.menulinkAlt { color: #000; background-color: #f7f7ea; } a.menulinkAlt { text-decoration: none; } a.menulinkAlt:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .right .rnavlist li.altLast, .right .mainIndRlist li.altLast { background-color:#f7f7ea; border-bottom: none; } .right .rnavlist li.altLast a.menulinkAlt, .right .mainIndRlist li.altLast a.menulinkAlt { background-color:#f7f7ea; border-bottom: none; } .right .rnavlist li.RegLast { background-color: #D8E1E8; border-bottom: none; } .right .rnavlist a.menulinkReg { color: #000; background-color: #D8E1E8; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; } .RmUndrlne {border-bottom:thin solid #003366; padding: 0 0 3px 0; } .rnavlist a.menulinkR { text-decoration: none; color:#000; background-color: transparent; } a.menulinkR:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .r2navlist a.menulinkR:visited { color: #800000; background-color:transparent; } .r2navlist li { padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-image: url(/Templates/images/arw-blt.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 .5em; line-height: 140%; } .right .r2navlist li{ border-top: 1px dotted #000; } .right .r2navlist li.last { border-bottom: none; } .rhtTitle { background-color:#006599; color:#FFFFFF; /*font-size:small;*/ padding:2px 0 2px 5px; font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.6em; border: 0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin: 0;} /*slideshow list */ .rnavlistSS { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 5px; list-style: none; background-color: #eeeedd; font-size: 0.85em; } .rnavlistSS li { padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-image: url(/Templates/images/arw-blt.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 .5em; line-height: 140%; } .rnavlistSS li.menucontent { background-color: #eeeedd;} .rnavlistSS a.menulinkSS { text-decoration: none; color:#000; background-color: #eeeedd; } a.menulinkSS:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .rnavlistSS a.menulinkSS:visited { color: #800000; background-color:#eeeedd; } h2.navR { font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.6em; border: 0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin: 0; } div.right h2.navR { background-color: #898575; color: #FFF; } .pointer { padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-image: url(/Templates/images/arw-blt.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 .5em; } .undrLne {border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC } .ctrTitle { background-color:#2C5D85; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:medium; padding:2px 0 2px 0; } /*.ctrTitle2 { background-image:url(../images/bludot.jpg); background-repeat:repeat; min-width: 390px; color: #FFFFFF; padding:2px 0 2px 0; }*/ div.blackborder2 { padding: 0 5px 0 5px; min-width: 9.5em; } div.blackborder2 { border: solid #000 1px; } div.blackborder2:after { content: ""; display: block; height: 0; clear: left; visibility: hidden; } .blackNewsborder { padding:2px 5px 5px 5px; border:solid #000 1px; min-height:60px; min-width:135px; } div.blackborder h1, div.blueborder h1{ background-color:transparent /*#2C5D85*/; min-width: 390px; color: #FFFFFF; font-size:medium; padding:2px 0 2px 0; } div.blackborder h2, div.blueborder h2 { background-color: transparent /*#2C5D85*/; min-width: 390px; color: #2C5D85; font-size:125%; padding:2px 0 2px 0; } .clearBoth { clear: both; } .clearRight { clear: right; } .clearLeft { clear: left; } hr {text-align:center;} .image-middle { vertical-align:middle; } .center ul { list-style-type:disc; } .center ul.disc { list-style-type:disc; } .center { list-style-type:circle; } .center ul li { list-style-type:circle; } .center ul ul li { list-style-type:disc; } .center ul.noBullet { list-style-type: none; } .center h2 { margin-top: 2px; } .alignCenterFont85 { text-align: center; font-size: 8.5pt; } div.srvMsgCol div { padding: 1.56em 20px 5px 0px; } .mrCap {text-align:center; font-size: 80%;} /*div.prodisA { height: 0.375em; min-height: 0.375em; padding: 0; margin: 0; }*/ div.prodisA { height: 5px; min-height: 0.375em; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /*Simulating a single-column, multi-row table with no background colour and a border*/ .boxNoWidth{background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #000000; padding:3px;} .box{background-color: transparent; width : 80%; border: 1px solid #000000; padding:3px;} .box90{background-color: transparent; width : 90%; border: 1px solid #000000; padding:3px;} .box98{background-color: transparent; width : 98%; padding:3px;} .brdr{background-color: transparent; width : 100%; border: 1px solid #000000; border-top:none;} .box-sm{background-color: transparent; width : 30%; border: 1px solid #990000; padding:3px; margin-right: 5px;} .box-sm2{background-color: transparent; width: 180px; border: 1px solid #990000; padding:3px; margin-right: 5px;} .box-sm3{background-color: transparent; width: 310px; border: 1px solid #990000; padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;} .mrpicRight{ float:right; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; width: 310px; border: 1px solid #990000; padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;} .mrpicLeft{ float:left; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; width: 310px; border: 1px solid #990000; padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;} .picBoxRight{ float:right; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; width: 210px; border: 1px solid #999999; padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;} .picBoxLeft{ float:left; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; width: 210px; border: 1px solid #999999; padding:5px 3px 3px 3px;} .picBoxCap {text-align:left; font-size:85%; background-color:transparent; color:#333333; padding-left:3px;} .picFloatRight{ float:right; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;} .picFloatLeft{ float:left; text-align:center; background-color: transparent; padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;} .width275 {width:275px;} .frmBxGrn { border: 3px solid #009966; padding: 2px; width:450px; } .frmBxGrn2 { border:1px solid #009966; padding: 0 6px 0 6px; text-align:left; } /*Creating a box with no border and a background colour without using a table */ .AccBox {background-color: #E7E7CF; width : 80%; border: none; padding:5px;} .fltrs{ margin:0 0 10px 10px; border:solid 2px #e2dba9; background-color:#f7f7ea; width:30%; float:right;} div.fltrs h2 { margin:0; padding:2px 0 2px 0; text-align:center; background-color:#e2dba9; color:#294D7B; font-size:90%; } div.fltrs ul li { font-size:90%; } .boxLtGreyBG{background-color: #CFCFCF; width: 30%; padding:5px 5px 5px 10px; float:right;} /*Creating a box with a border and a background colour without using a table */ .boxBlueBG{background-color: #DFEFFF; width : 80%; border: 1px solid #000000; padding:5px;} /*Simulating a single-column, multi-row table with a background colour and a border*/ .boxRedBG{background-color: #CC0000; width : 80%; border: 1px solid #000000;} /* Simulating a two-column single row table */ div.cols2 {float: left; width: 49%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols2 div{padding: 5px;} div.cols2b {float: left; width: 49%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols2b div{padding: 5px;} div.cols2c {float: left; width: 20%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols2c div{padding: 5px;} div.cols2cSmall {float: left; width: 20%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0; font-size:90%;} div.cols2cSmall div{padding: 5px; font-size:90%;} div.cols2d {float: left; width: 78%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols2d div{padding: 5px;} /* Simulating a two-column 2-row table */ div.row2 {margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 98.5%; overflow: hidden;} div.bx2{float: left; width: 45%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} /* Simulating a three-column multi-row table */ div.row {margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 98.5%; overflow: hidden;} div.bx{float: left; width: 32%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols3 {float: left; width: 32%; margin: 0 3px 0 0; padding: 0;} div.cols3 div{padding: 5px;} /* these classes remove the horizontal border from table cells to give the appearance of a long column see specialtablescells.htm in TBXinet/exa/ */ .padding5 { vertical-align:top; padding:5px; } .paddedBottom10 { padding-bottom: 10px; } td.notop { border-bottom: 0px solid #fff; /*height:100px;*/ } td.padding5b { vertical-align:bottom; padding:5px; } td.nobottom { border-top: 0px solid #fff; /*height:100px;*/ } td.notoporbottom { border-top: 0px solid #fff; border-bottom: 0px solid #fff; /*height:100px;*/ } /* end of table border classes */ .pdf {background:url(/images/comn/pdf.gif) no-repeat 100% ; padding: 0 25px 3px 0; } /* EXTERNAL LINK INDICATOR begins*/ .external {background:url(/images/comn/www-link.jpg) no-repeat 100% ; padding: 0 22px 3px 0; } .goc {background:url(/images/comn/gc-lnk3.gif) no-repeat 100% ; padding: 0 15px 2px 0; } /* EXTERNAL LINK INDICATOR ends */ /* GENERAL CSS BEGINS | CSS GENERALE COMMENCE */ .vspac2 {padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:2px;} .vspac5 {padding-bottom:5px; padding-top:5px;} .vBspac5 {padding-bottom:5px;} .hspac2 {padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px; } .hspac5 {padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; } .hspac10 {padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; } .hRspac5 {padding-right:5px;} img {border:none;} /* Misc */ .strike { text-decoration:line-through; } .width29 {width: 29%;} /* for foot/endnotes where the surrounding text is bold, or is a table header, or otherwise large - makes the [Note \n] smaller and more readable */ .normalnote {font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; } /* Colours and Backgrounds starts */ .brdrRed {background-color: transparent; width : 100%; border: 1px solid #990000; border-top: none;} .hlghts {background-color: #FFFFCC; width: 60%; border: 1px solid #FFCC00; padding:8px;} .subhlghts {color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #6699CC;} .bgbge {background-color: #FFFFCC;} .bgLtBlue {background-color: #CFE7FF;} .bgDrkBlue {background-color:#006599;} .DrkBlue {color: #006599; background-color: transparent;} .DkBrown {color: #663333; background-color: transparent;} .dkred {color: #990000;} .dkredBG {background-color: #990000;} .bgPink {background-color:#FFCCCC;} .bgLtrGrey {background-color: #EFEFEF;} .bgLightGrey {background-color: #CCCCCC;} .bgPaleYellow {background-color: #FFFF99;} .brnFade {background-image: url(/Templates/images/brown-fade-bar.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; color:#FFFFFF; padding: 2px 0 4px 4px; } .bluFade {background-image: url(/Templates/images/blue-fade-bar.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; color:#FFFFFF; padding: 2px 0 4px 4px; } /* Colours and Backgrounds ends */ .mthH2 {border-bottom:#999999 1px solid; margin: 25px 20px 0 0; padding:25px 0 0 0; } dl.table-display { width: 100%; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0; font-size:95%; } .table-display dt { float: left; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; border-right: 2px solid #FFF; font-weight: bold; background-color:#d8e1e7; height:2.5em; } .table-display dt.NwsAlt { float: left; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; border-right: 2px solid #FFF; font-weight: bold; background-color:#f1f1f1; height:2.5em; } /* commented backslash hack for mac-ie5 \*/ /*dt { clear: both; }*/ /* end hack */ .table-display dd { float: left; width: 90%; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; background-color:#d8e1e7; height:2.5em; } .table-display dd.NwsAlt { float: left; width: 90%; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: .5em; border-top: 1px solid #FFF; background-color:#f1f1f1; height:2.5em; } .Nws { background-color:#d8e1e7; color: #000 } .NwsAlt { background-color:#f1f1f1; color: #000; } .srch1 { background-color:#2C5D85; color: #fff; padding: 0 2px 0 3px; } /* GENERAL CSS ENDS | CSS GENERALE TERMINE */ /* used for RPP */ table.rpp th, table.dpr th { background-color: #eee; } .borderLeftThin { border-left: solid 1px #000; } .borderRightThin { border-right: solid 1px #000; } .borderTopThin { border-top: solid 1px #000; } .borderTopThick { border-top: solid 2px #000; } .borderTopDouble { border-top: double 3px #000; } .borderBottomThin { border-Bottom: solid 1px #000; } .borderBottomThick { border-Bottom: solid 2px #000; } .borderBottomDouble { border-Bottom: double 3px #000; } .borderSimple { border: solid 1px #000; } .width33 { width: 33%; } .width34 { width: 34%; } .darkgreyBG { background-color: #666; color: #fff; } /* end of RPP */ /* Start of M & S classes */ .rown { padding-bottom: 10px; clear: both; width: 575px; } .col1 { float: left; width: 250px; padding: 1px; margin: 25px 25px 5px 10px; border-top: 1px solid #000000; } .col2 { float: left; width: 116px; padding: 1px; margin: 25px 0px 5px 2px; border-top: 1px solid #000000; } .col3 { float: left; width: 350px; padding: 1px 1px 8px 1px; } .col4 { float: left; width: 200px; padding: 1px 1px 8px 1px; } .col1NoBorder { float: left; width: 250px; padding: 1px; margin: 25px 25px 5px 10px; } .col2NoBorder { float: left; width: 250px; padding: 1px; margin: 25px 0px 5px 2px; } .blackBox { border: 2px solid #000000; width: 570px; margin-left: 5px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 5px; display: block; } .underline { text-decoration: underline; } .col150 { float: left; width: 250px; padding: 1px; margin: 5px 25px 5px 10px; } .col250 { float: left; width: 250px; padding: 1px; margin: 5px 0px 5px 2px; } .col130 { float: left; width: 120px; padding: 1px; margin: 5px 25px 5px 10px; } .col230 { float: left; width: 160px; padding: 1px; margin: 5px 0px 5px 2px; } .col330 { float: left; width: 200px; padding: 1px; margin: 5px 0px 5px 2px; } .lowerlatin { list-style: lower-alpha; } th.un_normalize_header { text-align:left; font-weight : normal; } .smallfont { font-size: 12px; } .listnone { list-style: none; } .width200 { width: 200px; } .width300 { width: 300px; } .width100 { width: 100px; } .width400 { width: 400px; } /* .width50 { width: 50px; }*/ .fontnormal { font-weight: normal; } .marginleft10px { display:block; margin-left: 10px; } .center ul.noBullet ul li { list-style-type: none; } .center li { margin-bottom: 10px; } div.footnote { font-size: 10px; } div.footnote a, div.footnote a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #000; } div.footnote a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #000; } .col1w { float: left; } .col2w { float: left; } .col3w { float: left; } .col4w { float: left; } .col5w { float: left; } .col6w { float: left; } .col7w { float: left; } .col8w { float: left; } .col9w { float: left; 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