PHP Classes

File: profiles/clean_openoffice.php

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  Classes of Jill Lingoff   Sweeper   profiles/clean_openoffice.php   Download  
File: profiles/clean_openoffice.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Sweeper
Clean HTML to remove unwanted tags and attributes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 3,570 bytes


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include('mappings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'CLF2.php');

return array(

// execution macro: this defines the methods you want to call, each and every one of these "cleans" something
    // call the methods how many times you want, change the order as needed
'pre_internal_templating_macro' => array(


'macro' => array(
    //'DOM_primalize_anchors', // this may not be effective may because node cloning takes place upon saving the DOM so that anchors that are not within the document are not primalized?

'HTML5' => true,
'apply_acronym_if_near_definition' => true,
'apply_combined_acronyms' => false,
'apply_combined_abbr' => true,
'abbr_instead_of_acronym' => true,

'strict_accessibility' => true,
'table_headers_id_start_count' => 1,
'table_headers_string' => 'header',
'table_type' => 'complex',
'trust_ths' => true,
'make_new_classes' => true,
'new_classes' => 'embedded', // embedded or new_stylesheet
'new_class_name' => 'new_class',
//'turn_captions_into' => 'paragraphs', // paragraphs, captions
'table_note_size' => '80percent', // normal, 80percent
'non_breaking_type' => 'nbsp', // nbsp, noWrap
'TOC_sub' => 'lists', // lists, indent, CED
'trust_headings' => false, // false, true, if_they_seem_sufficient
    //'HTML5' => false, // false, true
'anchor_text' => 'section', // the text to put before anchor numbers that is required since ids beginning with a number do not constitute valid HTML
'normalize_heading_text' => 'all_indexical_content', // headings, all_indexical_content, false
'generate_TOC' => false, // false, if_non_existent, true
'lowest_generated_TOC_level' => 4, // 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

'use_local_DTD' => true,
'local_DTD' => 'DTD' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xhtml1-strict.dtd',

// execute the following search and replace for CLF2
'CLF2_replace' => $CLF2Array,
// execute the following search and replace for CLF2
'CLF2_regex' => $CLF2RxpArray,
'normalize_th' => true,
// uncomment the desired quotes style
    //'quotes_style' => 'omit_characters', // this quotes style removes and does not insert quotation characters inside existing or added <q> tags
    //'quotes_style' => 'use_quote_chars_inside_quote_tags', // this quotes style applies quotation characters inside existing or added <q> tags
'quotes_style' => 'use_quote_chars_outside_quote_tags', // this quotes style applies quotation characters outside existing or added <q> tags
'WET' => 'WET',
'french_footnote_reference_anchor_text' => 'Lien à la note ',
'french_footnote_anchor_text' => 'Lien &agrave; la r&eacute;f&eacute;rence de la note ',
'english_footnote_reference_anchor_text' => 'Link to note ',
'english_footnote_anchor_text' => 'Link to note reference ',
'footnote_anchor_name' => 'note',
'footnote_reference_anchor_name' => 'noteref',
'french_endnote_reference_anchor_text' => 'Lien à la note de bas ',
'french_endnote_anchor_text' => 'Lien &agrave; la r&eacute;f&eacute;rence de la note de bas ',
'english_endnote_reference_anchor_text' => 'Link to endnote ',
'english_endnote_anchor_text' => 'Link to endnote reference ',
'endnote_anchor_name' => 'nnote',
'endnote_reference_anchor_name' => 'nnoteref',
'strict_accessibility_level' => 0, // 0 = document retains all relevant styles, 1 = color information is lost, 2 = table header normalization is lost
