PHP Classes

File: basic/typical-mod.php

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  Classes of Jill Lingoff   Sweeper   basic/typical-mod.php   Download  
File: basic/typical-mod.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Sweeper
Clean HTML to remove unwanted tags and attributes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 2,036 bytes


Class file image Download

= array(

' align="justify"' => '',
// *** removing align="left" on headings and paragraphs in table headers is not desired since
// *** the default alignment for these is center rather than left.

// ### redacted text
//'redacted text' => 'redacted&nbsp;text',
/*'[ redacted' => '<span class="redacted_text">[&nbsp;redacted',
'redacted ]' => 'redacted&nbsp;]</span>',
'text ]' => 'text&nbsp;]</span>',
//'texte r&eacute;dact&eacute;' => 'texte&nbsp;r&eacute;dact&eacute;',
'[ r&eacute;dact&eacute;' => '<span class="redacted_text">[&nbsp;r&eacute;dact&eacute;',
'texte ]' => 'texte&nbsp;\]</span>',
'r&eacute;dact&eacute; ]' => 'r&eacute;dact&eacute;&nbsp;]</span>',*/

//' *** for cells that were created by inserting rows or columns in dreamweaver
'<!--DWLayoutEmptyCell-->' => '',

//' ### removing page numbers and dots in table of contents
//' *** this first step is done for a .pdf that was broken up
'.Error! Bookmark not defined.' => '0',

//''</strong><sup><a href="#footnote" name="note" title="Link to footnote "><strong>' => '<sup><a href="#footnote" name="note" title="Link to footnote ">',
//''</strong></a></sup><strong>' => '</a></sup>',
//''</em><sup><a href="#footnote" name="note" title="Link to footnote "><em>' => '<sup><a href="#footnote" name="note" title="Link to footnote ">',
//''</em></a></sup><em>' => '</a></sup>',
//' *** nice try, but we must change the heredity of the tags for this to work. (see DOM_combine_inline)

//' ### eliminate any empty align attributes
' align=""' => '',

// this presumably comes out of converter.
'<table align="center"width="' => '<table width="',

//' ### for missing links
// tidy seems to delete either <a> or <a></a> so that this line is not used...
// disabled 2009-09-14
//'<a>' => '<a><br>---------------------------------------<br>-- Link missing, fix manually --<br>---------------------------------------<br>',

// tags from PDF
//'<LBody>' => '',
// tidy cleans unknown tags, such as those from PDF.
