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File: sweeper.php

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File: sweeper.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Sweeper
Clean HTML to remove unwanted tags and attributes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 16,628 bytes


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<?php //header('Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'); print('<meta charset="utf-8" /> '); include("retidy.php"); include("getLanguage.php"); //include("detectWET.php"); $page_id_counter = 0; $initial_time = time(); if($_REQUEST["source"] == "") { $source = "not-swept"; } else { $source = $_REQUEST["source"]; } if($_REQUEST["target"] == "") { $target = "swept"; } else { $target = $_REQUEST["target"]; } $acronym_path = $_REQUEST["acronym_path"]; if($_REQUEST["profile"] == "") { $profile = "basic"; } else { $profile = $_REQUEST["profile"]; } // A drop-down box is generated using the text files with // the department acronyms and department names. if($_REQUEST["EngDep"] == "") { $EngDepAcro = ""; } else { $EngDepAcro = substr($_REQUEST["EngDep"], 0, strpos($_REQUEST["EngDep"], " ")); } // try to find the templates $look_for_english_template = false; $look_for_french_template = false; if($_REQUEST["EngTemplate"] == "") { $look_for_english_template = true; $english_template = "none"; } else { $english_template = $_REQUEST["EngTemplate"]; } if($_REQUEST["FraTemplate"] == "") { $look_for_french_template = true; $french_template = "none"; } else { $french_template = $_REQUEST["FraTemplate"]; } // first look for the templates in the source folder if($look_for_english_template) { if(is_dir($source)) { $d = dir($source); while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if($entry == 'Templates') { $e = dir($source . '/Templates'); // notice that this will take the last file with the required condition while(FALSE !== ($fntry = $e->read())) { if($fntry == '.' || $fntry == '..') { continue; } if(strpos($fntry, "-eng.") !== false) { $look_for_english_template = false; $english_template = $source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fntry; } } break; } } $d->close(); } } if($look_for_french_template) { if(is_dir($source)) { $d = dir($source); while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if($entry == 'Templates') { $e = dir($source . '/Templates'); // notice that this will take the last file with the required condition while(FALSE !== ($fntry = $e->read())) { if($fntry == '.' || $fntry == '..') { continue; } if(strpos($fntry, "-fra.") !== false) { $look_for_french_template = false; $french_template = $source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fntry; } } break; } } $d->close(); } } // then look for templates in sweeper's templates folder if($look_for_english_template) { if(is_dir('Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro)) { $d = dir('Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro); // notice that this will take the last file with the required condition while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if(strpos($entry, "-eng.") !== false) { $look_for_english_template = false; $english_template = 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry; } } $d->close(); } } if($look_for_french_template) { if(is_dir('Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro)) { $d = dir('Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro); // notice that this will take the last file with the required condition while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if(strpos($entry, "-fra.") !== false) { $look_for_french_template = false; $french_template = 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $EngDepAcro . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry; } } $d->close(); } } /*if($look_for_english_template) { $english_template = 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'XHTML-blank-css.html'; } if($look_for_french_template) { $french_template = 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'XHTML-blank-css.html'; }*/ $grand_total_changes = 0; full_directory_sweep($source, $target, $profile); // If we wanted to count the total number of changes or time taken to sweep (for example) // this is the place to do it although number of changes per file would have to passed back or recorded somewhere print("Total number of changes made by sweeper: " . $grand_total_changes . "<br>\r\n"); $sweeping_time = time() - $initial_time; print("Total sweeping time: " . $sweeping_time . " seconds"); function merge_files($source, $target, $profile, $EngDepAcro) { if (is_dir($source)) { $have_english_file_to_add_to = false; $have_french_file_to_add_to = false; $d = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $Entry = $source . '/' . $entry; if (is_dir($Entry)) { merge_files($source, $target, $profile, $EngDepAcro); continue; } //if (strpos($Entry, ".html") || strpos($Entry, ".htm") || strpos($Entry, ".asp")) { if (file_extension_is($Entry, ".html") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".htm") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".asp")) { $entry_contents = file_get_contents($Entry); $open_body_string = '<body> <div class="center" style="width:600px;text-align:left;">'; $close_body_string = '</div> </body>'; $close_body_pos = strpos($entry_contents, $close_body_string); $close_body_strlen = strlen($close_body_string); $entry_code = substr($entry_contents, $open_body_pos+$open_body_strlen, $close_body_pos-($open_body_pos+$open_body_strlen)); if(strpos($Entry, "-eng")) { if($have_english_file_to_add_to) { $english_working_contents = str_replace('</div> </body>', $entry_code . '</div> </body>', $english_working_contents); } else { $english_working_contents = file_get_contents($Entry); $have_english_file_to_add_to = true; } } if(strpos($Entry, "-fra")) { if($have_french_file_to_add_to) { $french_working_contents = str_replace('</div> </body>', $entry_code . '</div> </body>', $french_working_contents); } else { $french_working_contents = file_get_contents($Entry); $have_french_file_to_add_to = true; } } } } $d->close(); file_put_contents($source . '/' . "merged-eng.html", $english_working_contents); file_put_contents($source . '/' . "merged-fra.html", $french_working_contents); SweepFile($source . '/' . "merged-eng.html", $target . '/' . "merged-eng.html", $profile, $EngDepAcro); SweepFile($source . '/' . "merged-fra.html", $target . '/' . "merged-fra.html", $profile, $EngDepAcro); } } function full_directory_sweep($source, $target, $profile) { if(is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($target); $d = dir($source); while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $Entry = $source . '/' . $entry; if(is_dir($Entry)) { if($entry != 'Templates' && $entry != '_notes') { full_directory_sweep($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry, $profile); } continue; } /*if($profile === 'clean_PDF' && strpos($Entry, ".xml")) { SweepFile($Entry, str_replace('.xml', '.html', $target . '/' . $entry)); } else*/if($profile === 'clean_excel' && strpos($Entry, ".xml")) { SweepFile($Entry, str_replace('.xml', '.html', $target . '/' . $entry)); } elseif($profile === 'clean_feeds' && strpos($Entry, ".xml")) { SweepFile($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); } elseif($profile === 'clean_CSS' && strpos($Entry, ".css")) { SweepFile($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); //} elseif(strpos($Entry, ".html") || strpos($Entry, ".htm") || strpos($Entry, ".asp") || strpos($Entry, ".aspx") || strpos($Entry, ".php")) { } elseif(file_extension_is($Entry, ".html") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".htm") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".asp") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".aspx") || file_extension_is($Entry, ".php")) { SweepFile($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); } } $d->close(); } else { SweepFile($source, $target); } } function file_extension_is($filename, $extension) { $found_extension = substr($filename, strpos_last($filename, '.')); if($found_extension === $extension) { return true; } return false; } function strpos_last($haystack, $needle) { //print('$haystack, $needle: ');var_dump($haystack, $needle); if(strlen($needle) === 0) { return false; } $len_haystack = strlen($haystack); $len_needle = strlen($needle); $pos = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle)); return $len_haystack - $pos - $len_needle; } function SweepFile($sourceFile, $destFile) { global $profile, $EngDepAcro, $english_template, $french_template, $acronym_path, $grand_total_changes; // if the file contains two languages; split it then sweep each file: if (false) { // CED1162 $fileContentsForSplit = file_get_contents($sourceFile); preg_match('/<body>(.*?)(<p align="center"><strong>Profil socio&eacute;conomique.*?)<\/body>/is', $fileContentsForSplit, $matches); $englishContent = $matches[1]; $frenchContent = $matches[2]; $englishContent = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"> <title></title> </head> <body>" . $englishContent . "</body> </html>"; $frenchContent = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"> <title></title> </head> <body>" . $frenchContent . "</body> </html>"; $engdestFile = str_replace('.html', '-eng.html', $destFile); $fradestFile = str_replace('.html', '-fra.html', $destFile); $arraySourceContentsDest = array( $englishContent => $engdestFile, $frenchContent => $fradestFile, ); } else { $filecontents = file_get_contents($sourceFile); $arraySourceContentsDest = array($filecontents => $destFile); } foreach($arraySourceContentsDest as $filecontents => $destFile) { $ProfileDetected = true; if ($profile == "" || $profile == "auto-detect") { // then we must detect it $ProfileDetected = false; } if($ProfileDetected === false) { // default $profile = 'basic'; } if($EngDepAcro == "" || $EngDepAcro == "auto-detect") { // then we must detect it $EngDepAcroDetected = false; // Try to detect it, for example by looking in the title. } if($EngDepAcroDetected === false) { // default // not every job shall be for a government client... } if($profile === 'clean_feeds') { } elseif($profile === 'clean_CSS') { } else { $language = getLanguage($sourceFile); if($language === "unknown") { // useful at least for files with two languages. (which are rare) $language = getLanguage($filecontents); } if($language === "french") { $template = $french_template; } else { $template = $english_template; } } //$temp_var = $page_id_counter; //echo("<strong>" . htmlentities($destFile) . "</strong><br>\r\n"); $destFile_to_string = iconv('windows-1252', 'utf-8//TRANSLIT', $destFile); print('<strong>' . $destFile_to_string . '</strong><br> '); $cleaner = new ReTidy($profile, 'profiles' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $cleaner->setFile($sourceFile); $cleaner->setCode($filecontents); //var_dump($cleaner->config['macro']);exit(0); //foreach($cleaner->config['macro'] as $index => $function) { // if($function === "templateCode") { if($profile === 'clean_feeds') { } elseif($profile === 'clean_CSS') { } elseif($template !== 'none') { $cleaner->setTemplate($template); } // break; // } //} if($profile === 'clean_feeds') { } elseif($profile === 'clean_CSS') { } else { $cleaner->setLanguage($language); } /* // it is also conceivable that we might not want to display that "WET" has been recognized but very much of the work will be WET if($cleaner->config['WET'] === 'WET') { // no need to detect it $WET = 'WET'; } else { $WET = detectWET($sourceFile); } $cleaner->setWET($WET);*/ if(strlen($EngDepAcro) > 0) { $cleaner->setDepartment($EngDepAcro); } if(strlen($acronym_path) > 0) { $cleaner->setAcronymPath($acronym_path); } $cleaner->cleanCode(); $cleaned_code = $cleaner->getCode(); // For INAC and CED... maybe this is a bigger character encoding problem. $cleaned_code = str_replace('&#13;', '', $cleaned_code); // what about splitting files? //var_dump($cleaner->config['encoding']); //var_dump($cleaner->config);exit(0); $messages = $cleaner->getMessages(); echo $messages; //$this->messages = iconv($cleaner->config['encoding'], "UTF-8", $cleaner->getMessages()); // browsers probably default to UTF-8 $grand_total_changes += $cleaner->getChanges(); if(isset($cleaner->config["split_files"]) && $cleaner->config["split_files"]) { // split files (CED) $template_code = file_get_contents($cleaner->config["template"]); preg_match_all('/<body[^<>]*>(.*?)<\/body>/is', $cleaned_code, $body_matches); $body_code = $body_matches[1][0]; // get the strpos of the last <h2>: $last_section_code = substr($body_code, rstrpos($body_code, "<h2")); preg_match_all('/(.*?)<h2/is', $body_code, $section_matches); foreach($section_matches[1] as $index => $section_code) { $destOfThisPart = preg_replace('/\/[^ \/]*\.[^ \/]*/is', '/' . $cleaner->config["split_files_names"][$index], $destFile); $codeOfThisPart = str_replace('{content}', '<h2' . $section_code, $template_code); if($index === 0) { // the first section also needs to be treated specially because of the way I have done this. $codeOfThisPart = str_replace('<h2', '', $codeOfThisPart); } file_put_contents($destOfThisPart, $codeOfThisPart); } // do the last part of the file. $index++; $destOfLastSection = preg_replace('/\/[^ \/]*\.[^ \/]*/is', '/' . $cleaner->config["split_files_names"][$index], $destFile); $codeOfLastSection = str_replace('{content}', $last_section_code, $template_code); file_put_contents($destOfLastSection, $codeOfLastSection); } elseif(isset($cleaner->config["split_files_because_of_size"]) && $cleaner->config["split_files_because_of_size"]) { $filesize = filesize($sourceFile); $chunksize = 100000; // bytes $chunksize = 6000; // bytes $chunksize = 200; // characters $chunksize = 1; // characters $pos_open_body = strpos($cleaned_code, "<body"); $pos_close_body = strpos($cleaned_code, "</body>"); $body_code = substr($cleaned_code, $pos_open_body, ($pos_close_body-$pos_open_body+7)); $body_code = str_replace('</body>', '', $body_code); $body_code = preg_replace('/<body[^<>]*>/is', '', $body_code); // since preg_match gives up for a long string length (which is a reason to split the file!)... $length_body_code = strlen($body_code); $arrayPosTagsToSplitOn = array(); $body_code_left = $body_code; $marker_code = "<p"; while(($pos_end_part = strpos($body_code, $marker_code, $chunksize)) !== false) { var_dump(substr($body_code_left, 0, $pos_end_part-strlen($marker_code))); $body_code_left = substr($body_code_left, $pos_end_part-strlen($marker_code)); } exit(0); var_dump($arrayPosTagsToSplitOn);print("<br>\r\n");exit(0); $template_code = file_get_contents($cleaner->config["template"]); $piece_count = 0; foreach($arrayPosTagsToSplitOn as $index => $posToSplitOn) { $piece_count++; if($index > 0) { $code_of_part = substr($body_code, $arrayPosTagsToSplitOn[$index - 1], $posToSplitOn - $arrayPosTagsToSplitOn[$index - 1]); $templated_code = str_replace('{content}', $code_of_part, $template_code); } else { $code_of_part = substr($body_code, 0, $posToSplitOn); $templated_code = str_replace('{content}', $code_of_part, $template_code); } file_put_contents(str_replace('.', '-' . $piece_count . '.', $destFile), $templated_code); } } else { //$cleaner->var_dump_full($filecontents, $cleaned_code); // only put the file if there is a difference in it? if($filecontents != $cleaned_code) { file_put_contents($destFile, $cleaned_code); } } unset($cleaner); } } function rstrpos ($haystack, $needle){ $len = strlen ($haystack); $needle_len = strlen($needle); $pos = strpos (strrev($haystack), strrev($needle)); if ($pos === false) return false; return $len - ($pos + $needle_len); } function RxpReplaceCaseInsensitive($pattern, $replacement, $code) { $code = preg_replace("/" . $pattern . "/is", $replacement, $code); return $code; } ?>