<meta charset="utf-8" />
$initial_time = time();
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
//print('$code: ');var_dump($code);
if($code == '') {
$cleaned_code = '<p>paste code here</p>';
} else {
$acronym_path = $_REQUEST["acronym_path"];
if($_REQUEST["profile"] == "") {
$profile_by_request = "basic";
} else {
$profile_by_request = $_REQUEST["profile"];
if($_REQUEST["language"] == "") {
//$language = "english";
} else {
$language = $_REQUEST["language"];
if($_REQUEST["EngDep"] == "") {
$EngDepAcro = "";
} else {
$EngDepAcro = substr($_REQUEST["EngDep"], 0, strpos($_REQUEST["EngDep"], " "));
$grand_total_changes = 0;
$cleaner = new ReTidy($profile_by_request, 'profiles' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$cleaned_code = str_replace('&', '&', $cleaned_code);
$code = '<html>
<title>paste sweep</title>
' . $code . '
if($_REQUEST["language"] == "") {
if($profile === 'clean_feeds') {
} elseif($profile === 'clean_CSS') {
} else {
$language = getLanguage($code);
/*if($profile_by_request === 'clean_feeds') {
} elseif($profile_by_request === 'clean_CSS') {
} elseif($template !== 'none') {
if($profile_by_request === 'clean_feeds') {
} elseif($profile_by_request === 'clean_CSS') {
} else {
if(strlen($EngDepAcro) > 0) {
if(strlen($acronym_path) > 0) {
$cleaned_code = $cleaner->getCode();
//print('$cleaned_code after getCode: ');var_dump($cleaned_code);
$cleaned_code = substr($cleaned_code, strpos($cleaned_code, '<body>') + strlen('<body>'));
$cleaned_code = substr($cleaned_code, 0, strpos($cleaned_code, '</body>'));
$cleaned_code = str_replace('&', '&', $cleaned_code);
$messages = $cleaner->getMessages();
echo $messages;
$grand_total_changes += $cleaner->getChanges();
// If we wanted to count the total number of changes or time taken to sweep (for example)
// this is the place to do it although number of changes per file would have to passed back or recorded somewhere
print("Total number of changes made by sweeper: " . $grand_total_changes . "<br>\r\n");
$sweeping_time = time() - $initial_time;
print("Total sweeping time: " . $sweeping_time . " seconds");
<form method="POST" action="paste_sweep.php" style="margin-top: 0;">
<textarea rows="30" cols="100" name="code">
<?php print($cleaned_code); ?>
Profile: <br>
<select style="WIDTH: 350px;" name="profile">
$directory = "profiles";
$handle = opendir($directory);
$profiles_array = array();
$file = "string_not_null";
while($file != "") {
$file = readdir($handle);
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "" && !is_dir($directory . '/' . $file)) {
$profiles_array[] = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "."));
sort($profiles_array, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); // for linux
foreach($profiles_array as $profile) {
if($profile_by_request === $profile) {
print('<option value="' . $profile . '" selected>' . $profile . '</option>');
} else {
print("<option value=\"" . $profile . "\">" . $profile . "</option>\r\n");
<div id="EngDepDiv">
Path: <input type="text" name="acronym_path" size="70"> (in the abbr folder)<br>
Language: <br>
<select style="WIDTH: 350px;" name="language">
if($language === 'english') {
print('<option value=""></option>
<option value="english" selected>english</option>
<option value="french">french</option>');
} elseif($language === 'french') {
print('<option value=""></option>
<option value="english">english</option>
<option value="french" selected>french</option>');
} else {
print('<option value=""></option>
<option value="english">english</option>
<option value="french">french</option>');
<input type="submit">