/** \file
* \brief Configurations for Springy\Mail class.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Fernando Val
* \warning Este arquivo é parte integrante do framework e não pode ser omitido.
* \defgroup emailcfg Configurações da classe de envio de email
* \ingroup config.
* As entradas de configuração dos arquivos \c mail, são utilizadas pela classe Mail, sendo que as entradas previamente definidas não podem ser omitidas
* caso você utilize a classe.
* \c mailers - as array with the engine mailers (see above).\n
* \c default_driver - the mailers' index name for default driver. If not setted, the first index of mailers will be used.\n
* The 'mailers' configuration accept this structure: 'name' => array()
* Each named item of 'mailers' must have the following structure:
* \c driver - a sting with the mail driver name. The supported values are 'phpmailer', 'sendgrid' or 'mimemessage'.\n
* \c protocol - a string with the protocol accepter by the driver. In SendGrid driver. This parameter must be into 'options' parameter.\n
* \li \c smtp - Send thru a SMTP connection
* \li \c sendmail - Send using Sendmail daemon server
* \li \c default - Send via PHP mail (default)
* \c host - the mail server host address. This parameter must be into 'options' parameter.\n
* \c port - a integer with the server port name. This parameter must be into 'options' parameter.\n
* \c cryptography - the secure connection type. Supported only by PHPMailer driver.\n
* \c authenticated - a boolean value that define if authentication is needed. Supported only by PHPMailer driver.\n
* \c username - username for server authentication.\n
* \c password - password for server authentication.\n
* \c options - as array with options for SendGrid driver.\n
* \c ssl - turn use of SSL on (1) or off (0). Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c starttls - turn use of StarTLS on (1) or off (0). Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c direct_delivery - to deliver message directly to receipt's MTA (1) or through your relay. Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c exclude_address - Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c workstation - Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c realm - Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c auth_host - Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c debug - turns the debug mode on (1, 2 or 3) or off (0). Do not supported by SendGrid driver.\n
* \c html_debug - debug output in HTML format. Used only by MIME Message driver.\n
* \c sendmail_path - command line for Sendmail program. Used only by Swift Mailer.\n
* To use SendGrid Web API driver, the SendGrid-PHP packege is required.
* To install SendGrud-PHP with Composer, adding the following in "require" section at composer.json file:
* "sendgrid/sendgrid": "~4.0"
* To use PHPMailer driver, the PHPMailer packege is required.
* To install PHPMailer with Composer, adding the following in "require" section at composer.json file:
* "phpmailer/phpmailer": "~5.2"
* To use SwiftMailer driver, the Swift Mailer packege is required.
* To install Swift Mailer with Composer, adding the following in "require" section at composer.json file:
* "swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "*"
* \see config
* @{
* @}
* \defgroup emailcfg_default Configurações da classe de envio de email para todos os ambientes
* \ingroup emailcfg.
* As entradas colocadas nesse arquivo serão aplicadas a todos os ambientes do sistema.
* Veja \link emailcfg Configurações da classe de envio de email \endlink para entender as entradas de configuração possíveis.
* \see emailcfg
/// Entradas para todos os ambientes
$conf = [
// Mail to notify system errors (used by framework)
'errors_go_to' => '',
// System Admin (used by framework)
'system_adm_mail' => 'noreply@yourdomain.com',
'system_adm_name' => 'System Admin',
// The mailer system
'default_driver' => 'phpmailer-class',
'mailers' => [
// Sample for PHP Mailer Class
'phpmailer-class' => [
'driver' => 'phpmailer',
'protocol' => 'smtp',
'host' => 'smtp.gmail.com',
'port' => 587,
'cryptography' => 'tls',
'authenticated' => true,
'username' => 'you@gmail.com',
'password' => 'put-your-password-here',
'debug' => 0,
// Sample for Sendgrid API using api key
'sendgrid-api' => [
'driver' => 'sendgrid',
'apikey' => 'put-the-sendgrid-api-key-here',
'options' => [
'protocol' => 'https',
// 'endpoint' => '/api/mail.send.json',
// 'port' => null,
// 'url' => null,
'raise_exceptions' => false,
'turn_off_ssl_verification' => false,
// Sample for Sendgrid API using auth method
'sendgrid-auth' => [
'driver' => 'sendgrid',
'username' => 'put-your-sendgrid-user-here',
'password' => 'put-your-sendgrid-pass-here',
'options' => [
'protocol' => 'https',
// 'host' => 'smtp.sendgrid.net',
// 'port' => 465,
'raise_exceptions' => false,
'turn_off_ssl_verification' => false,
// Sample using Manuel Lemos' Mime Message class - Do not use
'mimemessage' => [
'driver' => 'mimemessage',
'protocol' => 'default',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 25,
'ssl' => '0',
'starttls' => '0',
'direct_delivery' => '0',
'exclude_address' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'workstation' => '',
'realm' => '',
'auth_host' => null,
'debug' => 0,
'html_debug' => 1,