DownloadBotty - The TYPO3 Slack Bot

Hi, I am Botty
I am in each channel on, even if you do not see me. Talk to me by start a message with @T3Bot or with the command prefix.
A list of the commands I can understand is documented in the Wiki.
Developer Notes
If you want to contribute, fork this repository and send a pull request.
This project requires PHP 7.0
# copy env file and adjust
cp .env.example .env
# composer install
composer install
# database mgiration
./bin/doctrine-migrations --configuration=Build/migrations.xml --db-configuration=Build/migrations-db.php migrations:migrate
Unit Test
./bin/phpunit -c Build/UnitTests.xml
Coverage report
rm -rf public/docs
./bin/phpunit -c Build/UnitTests.xml --coverage-html public/docs