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File: my_twitter.php

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  Classes of Andres Scheffer   My Twitter   my_twitter.php   Download  
File: my_twitter.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: class to work with the twitter api
Class: My Twitter
Set and retrieve Twitter user status
Author: By
Last change: Arreglado error con coneccion curl (CURLOPT_POST to CURLOPT_GET)
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 19,609 bytes


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<?php # My Twitter Class PHP, work with the Twitter API. # author: Andres "Artux" Scheffer # url: #********************************************************************** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # ( at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # ERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Online: # ***************************************************************** class MyTwitter { private $Username; private $Password; // private $MaxLength = 140; private $UserTimeLine = array (); private $FollowingTimeLine = array (); private $PublicTimeLine = array (); private $Replies = array (); private $Following = array (); private $Followers = array (); private $Featured = array (); private $DirectMessages = array (); private $SentMessages = array (); private $ResponseMessage; private $UrlTwitter = ''; private $UrlStatus = ''; function __construct ($user, $password) { $this->Username = $user; $this->Password = $password; } /********************* Status Methods *****************************/ //Update Status public function updateStatus ($status='') { if(empty($this->Username) || empty($this->Password)) { $this->Error(1); } else { if(!empty($status) && strlen($status) <= $this->MaxLength) { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'update.xml?status='. urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($status))); $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; }else { $this->Error(3); } } } //Show User Statuses public function userTimeLine ($limit='20') { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'user_timeline.xml?count='. $limit; $statuses = $this->myTimeLineParse($url, 'user'); return $statuses; } //Show updates from people you follow public function followingTimeLine ($page='1') { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'friends_timeline.xml?page='. $page; $statuses = $this->myTimeLineParse($url, 'friends'); return $statuses; } //Show Public Statuses public function publicTimeLine () { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'public_timeline.xml'; $statuses = $this->myTimeLineParse($url, 'public'); return $statuses; } //Show Replies of your Updates public function repliesLine ($page='1') { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'replies.xml?page='. $page; $statuses = $this->myTimeLineParse($url, 'replies'); return $statuses; } //Show a single status, specified by the id parameter below public function showStatus ($id='') { if(!empty($id) && is_integer($id)) { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'show/'. $id .'.xml'; if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $xml = curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200) { $data = simplexml_load_string($xml); $protc = "protected"; $showstatus = array (); $showstatus['created_at'] = (string) $data->created_at; $showstatus['id'] = (string) $data->id; $showstatus['text'] = (string) $data->text ; $showstatus['source'] = (string) $data->source ; $showstatus['user']['userid'] = (string) $data->user->id; $showstatus['user']['name'] = (string) $data->user->name; $showstatus['user']['screen_name'] = (string) $data->user->screen_name; $showstatus['user']['location'] = (string) $data->user->location; $showstatus['user']['description'] = (string) $data->user->description; $showstatus['user']['profile_image_url'] = (string) $data->user->profile_image_url; $showstatus['user']['url'] = (string) $data->user->url; $showstatus['user']['protected'] = (string) $data->user->$protc; return $showstatus; }else { if($Headers['http_code'] == 401) { $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404) { $this->Error(5); } } }else { $this->Error(2); } }else { $this->Error(6); } } //Destroy a single status, specified by the id parameter below public function destroyStatus ($id='') { if(!empty($id) && is_integer($id)) { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'destroy/'. $id .'.xml'; $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; }else { $this->Error(6); } } /******************End Status Methods***************************/ /********************* User Methods *****************************/ //Returns up to 100 of the authenticating users you follow who have most recently updated. public function userFollowing () { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'friends.xml'; $statuses = $this->myUserParse($url, 'following'); return $statuses; } //Returns the authenticating user's followers. public function userFollowers () { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'followers.xml'; $statuses = $this->myUserParse($url, 'followers'); return $statuses; } //Returns a list of the users currently featured on the site with their current statuses inline. public function userFeatured () { $url = $this->UrlStatus; $url .= 'featured.xml'; $statuses = $this->myUserParse($url, 'featured'); return $statuses; } //Show a single status, specified by the id parameter below public function userShow ($id='') { if(!empty($id)) { $url = ''. $id .'.xml'; if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->Username:$this->Password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, 1); $xml = curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200) { $data = simplexml_load_string($xml); $protc = "protected"; $usershow = array (); $usershow['userid'] = (string) $data->id; $usershow['name'] = (string) $data->name; $usershow['screen_name'] = (string) $data->screen_name ; $usershow['location'] = (string) $data->location ; $usershow['description'] = (string) $data->description; $usershow['profile_image_url'] = (string) $data->profile_image_url; $usershow['url'] = (string) $data->url; $usershow['protected'] = (string) $data->$protc; $usershow['bg_color'] = (string) $data->profile_background_color; $usershow['text_color'] = (string) $data->profile_text_color; $usershow['link_color'] = (string) $data->profile_link_color; $usershow['sidebar_bg_color'] = (string) $data->profile_sidebar_fill_color; $usershow['sidebar_border_color'] = (string) $data->profile_sidebar_border_color; $usershow['following_count'] = (string) $data->friends_count; $usershow['followers_count'] = (string) $data->followers_count; $usershow['favourites_count'] = (string) $data->favourites_count; $usershow['utc_offset'] = (string) $data->utc_offset; $usershow['bg_image'] = (string) $data->profile_background_image; $usershow['bg_tile'] = (string) $data->profile_background_tile; $usershow['statuses_count'] = (string) $data->statuses_count; $usershow['status']['created_at'] = (string) $data->status->created_at; $usershow['status']['id'] = (string) $data->status->id; $usershow['status']['text'] = (string) $data->status->text; $usershow['status']['source'] = (string) $data->status->source; return $usershow; }else { if($Headers['http_code'] == 401) { $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404) { $this->Error(5); } } }else { $this->Error(2); } }else { $this->Error(6); } } /**********************End User Methods*****************************/ /******************** Direct Message Methods************************/ //Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent to the authenticating user public function directMessages () { $url = ''; $statuses = $this->myMessagesParse($url, 'direct'); return $statuses; } //Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent by the authenticating user public function sentMessages () { $url = $this->UrlTwitter; $url .= 'direct_messages/sent.xml'; $statuses = $this->myMessagesParse($url, 'sent'); return $statuses; } //Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user public function newMessage ($for='', $message='') { if(empty($for) || empty($message)) { $this->Error(9); }else { if (strlen($message) >= $this->MaxLength) { $this->Error(9); }else { $url = $this->UrlTwitter; $url .= 'direct_messages/new.xml?user='. $for .'&text='. urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($message))); $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; } } } //Destroy a Message, specified by the id parameter below public function destroyMessage ($id='') { if(!empty($id) && is_integer($id)) { $url = $this->UrlTwitter; $url .= 'direct_messages/destroy/'. $id .'.xml'; $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; }else { $this->Error(6); } } /*********************End Direct Message Methods**********************/ /********************** Following Methods****************************/ //Destroy a Message, specified by the id parameter below public function follow ($id='') { if(!empty($id)) { $url = $this->UrlTwitter; $url .= 'friendships/create/'. $id .'.xml'; $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; }else { $this->Error(6); } } //Destroy a Message, specified by the id parameter below public function destroyFollow ($id='') { if(!empty($id)) { $url = $this->UrlTwitter; $url .= 'friendships/destroy/'. $id .'.xml'; $request = $this->requestToTwitter($url); return $request; }else { $this->Error(6); } } /*********************End Following Methods**************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /********************* Private Methods *****************************/ //Time Line XML Parse private function myTimeLineParse ( $url='', $type='' ) { if(empty($this->Username) || empty($this->Password)) { $this->Error(1); } else { if(function_exists('curl_init')){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->Username:$this->Password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, true); $xml = curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200){ } else{ if($Headers['http_code'] == 401){ $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404){ $this->Error(5); } }//Check Response } else{ $this->Error(2); }//CURL Library installed $data = simplexml_load_string($xml); $totalcount = count ($data); $dato = array (); $protc = "protected"; for ( $i=0; $i < $totalcount ; $i++ ) { $dato[$i]['created_at'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->created_at; $dato[$i]['id'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->id; $dato[$i]['text'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->text ; $dato[$i]['source'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->source ; $dato[$i]['user']['userid'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->id; $dato[$i]['user']['name'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->name; $dato[$i]['user']['screen_name'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->screen_name; $dato[$i]['user']['location'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->location; $dato[$i]['user']['description'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->description; $dato[$i]['user']['profile_image_url'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->profile_image_url; $dato[$i]['user']['url'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->url; $dato[$i]['user']['protected'] = (string) $data->status[$i]->user->$protc; } switch ( $type ) { case 'replies': return $this->Replies = $dato; break; case 'user': return $this->UserTimeLine = $dato; break; case 'friends': return $this->FollowingTimeLine = $dato; break; case 'public': return $this->PublicTimeLine = $dato; break; } } } //end Time Line XML Parse //User XML Parse private function myUserParse ( $url='', $type='' ) { if(empty($this->Username) || empty($this->Password)) { $this->Error(1); } else { if(function_exists(curl_init)) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->Username:$this->Password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, true); $xml = curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200) { } else { if($Headers['http_code'] == 401) { $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404) { $this->Error(5); } }//Check Response } else { $this->Error(2); }//CURL Library installed $data = simplexml_load_string($xml); $totalcount = count ($data); $dato = array (); $protc = "protected"; for ( $i=0; $i < $totalcount ; $i++ ) { $dato[$i]['userid'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->id; $dato[$i]['name'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->name; $dato[$i]['screen_name'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->screen_name ; $dato[$i]['location'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->location ; $dato[$i]['description'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->description; $dato[$i]['profile_image_url'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->profile_image_url; $dato[$i]['url'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->url; $dato[$i]['protected'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->$protc; $dato[$i]['status']['created_at'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->status->created_at; $dato[$i]['status']['id'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->status->id; $dato[$i]['status']['text'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->status->text; $dato[$i]['status']['source'] = (string) $data->user[$i]->status->source; } switch ( $type ) { case 'following': return $this->Following = $dato; break; case 'followers': return $this->Followers = $dato; break; case 'featured': return $this->Featured = $dato; break; } } } //end User XML Parse //Messages XML Parse private function myMessagesParse ( $url='', $type='' ) { if(empty($this->Username) || empty($this->Password)) { $this->Error(1); } else { if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->Username:$this->Password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, true); $xml = curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200) { } else { if($Headers['http_code'] == 401) { $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404) { $this->Error(5); } }//Check Response } else { $this->Error(2); }//CURL Library installed $data = simplexml_load_string($xml); $totalcount = count ($data); $dato = array (); for ( $i=0; $i < $totalcount ; $i++ ) { $dato[$i]['id'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->id; $dato[$i]['text'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->text; $dato[$i]['sender_id'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->sender_id; $dato[$i]['recipient_id'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->recipient_id; $dato[$i]['created_at'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->created_at; $dato[$i]['sender_screen_name'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->sender_screen_name; $dato[$i]['recipient_screen_name'] = (string) $data->direct_message[$i]->recipient_screen_name; } switch ( $type ) { case 'direct': return $this->DirectMessages = $dato; break; case 'sent': return $this->SentMessages = $dato; break; } } } //end Messages XML Parse //Request to Twitter with cURL lib private function requestToTwitter ( $url='') { if(empty($this->Username) || empty($this->Password)) { $this->Error(1); } else { if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->Username:$this->Password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, true); curl_exec($ch); $Headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if($Headers['http_code'] == 200) { return 1; } else { if($Headers['http_code'] == 401) { $this->Error(4); } elseif($Headers['http_code'] == 404) { $this->Error(5); } }//Check Response } else { $this->Error(2); }//CURL Library installed } } //end Messages XML Parse //Function to be called if error occurs private function Error($Error){ //List of Errors $e[1] = 'Username and/or password not set'; $e[2] = 'CURL library not installed'; $e[3] = 'Post value too long/not set'; $e[4] = 'Invalid username/password'; $e[5] = 'Invalud URL for CURL request'; $e[6] = 'Invalid ID value entered'; $e[7] = 'You are not authorized to view this page'; $e[8] = 'All variables for requested function not set'; $e[9] = 'For and/or Message not set'; //Display Error if(array_key_exists($Error, $e)){ echo $e[$Error]; } else{ echo 'Invalid Error Code'; } }//End Error() }//end My Twitter Class ?>