votes: shakes
shake_it: shake it
shaken: shaken
clicks: "{0} %count% clicks|{1} %count% click|]1,Inf[ %count% clicks"
problem: problem
positive_votes: Positive votes
anonymous_votes: Anonymous votes
negative_votes: Negative votes
irrelevant: irrelevant
old: old
tiredness: tiredness
sensationalist: sensationalist
spam: spam
duplicated: duplicated
microblogging: microblogging
erroneous: erroneous
plagiarism: copy/plagiarism
anon_cannot_vote_negative: 'Anonymous user cannot vote negative.'
ref_does_not_exist: 'Reference %reference% does not exist.'
no_ip_defined_for_anon: 'No IP has been defined for anonymous user.'
already_voted: 'You have already voted.'
already_clicked: 'You have already clicked.'
too_much_anon_votes: 'Too much anonymous votes.'
invalid_reason: 'Invalid reason.'