@set_time_limit(60*60); // 1 hour.
use eftec\DocumentStoreOne\DocumentStoreOne;
* It generates 12k invoices
* @author Jorge Castro Castillo jcastro@eftec.cl
* @license LGPLv3
echo "loading, please wait 1-5 minutes<br>";
include "../lib/DocumentStoreOne.php";
include "modelinvoices/Models.php";
try {
$flatcon = new DocumentStoreOne(dirname(__FILE__) . "/base", 'invoices');
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Unable to create document store ".$e->getMessage());
// random names
// 100 invoices x 12 months x 10 years.
// For a smb, it's around 10 years of invoices (most smb generates less than 100 invoices per month)
// https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/smb-invoicing-infographic
// A larget business moves 33k invoices per month versus a 5k invoices (medium business).
$numInv=$flatcon->getNextSequence("seq",-1,1,1,$TOTALINVOICES); // it reserves a big chunk at the same time.
for($i=1;$i<=$TOTALINVOICES;$i++) {
if ($i % $TOTALINVOICES10 ==0) {
echo "-";
//$numInv=$flatcon->getNextSequence(); // it slows down the load. For this exercise, it's better to reserve a number of sequences.
$inv=new Invoice($numInv);
$inv->customer=new Customer($names[$idCustomer],"Fake Street #".$idCustomer,"555-2444".$idCustomer);
for($e=0;$e<$numDet;$e++) {
$product=new Product($numProd,$drinks[$numProd]);
$det=new InvoiceDetail($product,rand(10,200)/10,rand(1,10));
if ($igbinary) {
} else {
echo "<br>Generated in ".($t2-$t1)." seconds<br>";