<h1>{!! $title !!}.</h1>
<h2>Current user: @user</h2>
account is adminstrator
account is user
account is not administrator neither user
@@can('edit','noallowed'), @@elsecan('view'), @@elsecan(), @@endcan() By code, nobody is allowed
The user can edit!
The user can edit but he can view
The user can't edit neither view.
@@cannot('edit','noallowed'),@@elsecannot('delete') By code, nobody is allowed
The user is not allowed to edit the element not allowed
The user is not allowed to edit the element not allowed, but delete
The user is allowed to edit
The user is not allowed to edit
The user is allowed to edit but delete
The user is allowed to edit
The user can edit!
The user can't edit!
The user can edit or add!
The user can't edit or add!
User is anonymous
User is not anonymous and is not admin
User is not anonymous
User is not anonymous
User is anonymous