A stand-alone database of Nigeria states and local government manager written for php developers.
composer require coderatio/ngstates or clone this repo to use it mannually. _We don't recommend manual download._
What you can do with it.
Add states
Add state
Add state local governments
Add state local government
Get all states
Get state
Get state local governments
Get state local government
Update state
Update state local governments
Update state local government
Delete state
Delete state local government
// If you downloaded the library using composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// If you didn't download the library via composer.
require 'src/NGStates.php';
$ngStates = new Coderatio\NGStates\NGStates();
* Note: You can use the helper function which is an instance of NGStates::class.
* e.g ngstates()->getStates();
print_r($ngStates->getStates()); // Print all the states
Fetch records
// Get states
// This will return an array of all states.
// Get State
$ngStates->getState(string|int $stateNameOrId);
// e.g
// OR
$ngStates->getState('Nasarawa State');
// Get state local governments
$ngStates->getStateLocals(string|int $stateNameOrId);
// e.g
// OR
$ngStates->getStateLocals('Nasarawa State');
// Get state local government
$ngState->getStateLocal(string|int $stateNameOrId, string|int $localNameOrId);
// e.g
$ngStates->getStateLocal(26, 1);
// OR
$ngStates->getStateLocal('Nasarawa State', 'Lafia');
Add new records
// Add multiple states to database
$ngStates->addStates(array $statesData);
// e.g
['state' => [
'id' => 38,
'name' => 'Demo State'
'locals' => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA One'
['state' => [
'id' => 39,
'name' => 'Demo State Two'
'locals' => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA One'
// Add a state
$ngStates->addState(array $stateData);
// e.g
'id' => 38,
'name' => 'Demo State',
'locals' => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA One'
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Two',
// Add state local governments
$ngStates->addStateLocals(string|int $stateNameOrId, array $localsData);
// e.g
$ngStates->addStateLocals(38, [
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Three',
'id' => 4,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Four'
// Add single local government
$ngStates->addStateLocal(string|int $stateNameOrId, array $localData);
// e.g
$ngStates->addStateLocal(38, [
'id' => 5,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Five'
Update records
// Update state
$ngStates->updateState(string|int $stateNameOrId, array $stateData);
// e.g
$ngStates->updateState(38, [
'name' => 'Demo State Edited',
'locals' => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA One Edited'
// Update state local governments
$ngStates->updateStateLocals(string|int $stateNameOrId, array $localsData);
// e.g
$ngStates->updateStateLocals(38, [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA One Updated'
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Two Updated'
// Update state local
$ngStates->updateStateLocal(string|int $stateNameOrId, array $localData);
// e.g
$ngStates->updateStateLocal(38, [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Demo LGA Changed'
Delete records
// Delete state
$ngStates->deleteState(int $stateNameOrId);
// e.g
// Delete state local government
$ngStates->deleteStateLocal(string|int $stateNameOrId, int $stateLocalId);
// e.g
$ngStates->deleteStateLocal(38, 1); // Will delete local government with the ID 1.
To contribute, kindly fork the repo and send a pull request or find me on <a href="">Twitter</a>.
This project is licenced under MIT License. Read through the <a href="">license here</a>.