MySqueaks sample code
As this code will write to your database,
please make sure that the database and table name are valid.
you may also *not* want to publish this online,
although database operations are only limited to truncating
and inserting 12 rows every time.
if (!isset($_GET["rss"])) :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<style type="text/css">
#results table {
border: solid 2px #000000;
border-collapse: collpase;
background-color: #fafafa;
#results td {
border: solid 1px #999999;
<title>MySqueaks sample code</title>
else :
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=iso-8859-1');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>';
<rss version="2.0">
<title>MySqueaks sample code</title>
<pubDate><?php echo date("r"); ?></pubDate>
<lastBuildDate><?php echo date("r"); ?></lastBuildDate>
// initialisation
$book = new MySqueaks(array("localhost", "root", ""), "sqx_sample", "book");
if ($book->Status === null) {
// new table
echo "Book table created.\n";
} else {
echo "Book table truncated.\n";
$user = new MySqueaks(array("localhost", "root", ""), "sqx_sample", "user");
if ($user->Status === null) {
echo "User table created.\n";
} else {
echo "User table truncated.\n";
$record = new MySqueaks(array("localhost", "root", ""), "sqx_sample", "rec");
if ($record->Status === null) {
$record->TypeChrono("record_date", SQX_DATE);
echo "Record table created.\n";
} else {
echo "Record table truncated.\n";
// inserting sample data
$book->Set(array(null, "Book 1", "ABC Publisher"));
$book->Set(array(null, "Book 2", "HJK Publisher"));
$book->Set(array(null, "Book 3", "XYZ Publisher"));
$book->Set(array(null, "Book 4", "SQX Publisher"));
echo "Inserting data for Book table done.\n";
$user->Set(array(null, "Aaron", "12345"));
$user->Set(array(null, "Betty", "67890"));
$user->Set(array(null, "Charlie", "13579"));
$user->Set(array(null, "Diana", "24680"));
echo "Inserting data for User table done.\n";
$record->Set(array(null, "2007-01-01", 34.20, 1, 1));
$record->Set(array(null, "2007-01-01", 24.50, 2, 2));
$record->Set(array(null, "2007-02-01", 40.10, 3, 3));
$record->Set(array(null, "2007-03-02", 14.90, 4, 4));
echo "Inserting data for Record table done.\n";
// retrieve records
$book->Join($record->JoinTo("record_book", "record_user"));
$book->GreaterEquals("and", "record_price", 25);
$book->Like("or", "user_contact", "68", SQX_SKIP, SQX_SKIP, SQX_WILD_BOTH);
if (!isset($_GET["rss"])) {
echo $book->toString(true)."</pre>\n";
echo $book->Tabulate("results");
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
} else {
// giving aliases to column name to reflect the RSS tag structure
$book->Alias("book_title", "title");
$book->Alias("book_id", "guid");
$book->Alias("DATE_FORMAT(`record_date`, '%a, %d %M %Y %r')", "pubDate");
$book->Alias("`book_publisher`", "description");
$book->Alias("CONCAT(`user_name`, '@', `user_contact`, '.com')", "author");
$book->Alias("'http://mysqueaks.ikueb.com'", "link");
$book->Select(array("title", "guid", "pubDate", "description", "link",
echo $book->toString()."\n\t\t</description>\n";
// note that $sematic = true, so we have:
// <title>Book 1</title>
// instead of:
// <field name="title">Book 1</field>
// we've also changed the $wrapper default "result" to "item" for RSS usage
echo $book->XML(1, true, "item");
echo "\t</channel>\n</rss>\n";