DownloadJSON Object Mapper Documentation
Simple Mapping
Mapping with Typehints
Mapping Alternative Property Names
Using Transformers
Convert an Mapped Object to JSON
Multiple Annotations
Basic usage
JOM is totally easy to use.
Simply put the annotation @MintWare\JOM\JsonField() to your class properties.
Dataset: {
"first_name": "Pete",
"surname": "Peterson",
"age": 28,
"address": {
"street": "Mainstreet 22a",
"zip_code": "A-12345",
"town": "Best Town"
Data Class: <?php
use MintWare\JOM\JsonField;
class Person
/ @JsonField(name="first_name", type="string") */
public $firstName;
/ @JsonField(name="surname", type="string") */
public $lastname;
/ @JsonField() */
public $age;
/ @JsonField(type="Some\Other\DataClass\Address") */
public $address;
Map the JSON: <?php
use MintWare\JOM\ObjectMapper;
$mapper = new ObjectMapper();
$person = $mapper->mapJson(file_get_contents('person.json'), Person::class);