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File: admin/js/cliqform.js

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File: admin/js/cliqform.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
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/** Cliqon Form Functions - cliqform() * *************************************************************************************/ var Cliqform = (function($) { // initialise // var shared values var clqfCfg = { useCaching: true, langcd: "en", formopts: [], form: {} }; /** * Setup a form **/ function qForm(opts) { clqfCfg.formopts = opts; // Fieldset var fields = []; if (typeof(opts.fieldset) != 'object') { fields = qFields(opts.formfields); } else { $.each(opts.fieldset, function(f, fset) { fields = qFieldset(f, fset); }) }; // Form Preparation clqfCfg.form = $("#"+opts.formid); $(clqfCfg.form).empty().clqform({ action: function() { if (typeof(opts.formaction) != 'string') { return "#"; } else { return opts.formaction; }; }, method: function() { if (typeof(opts.formmethod) != 'string') { return "POST"; } else { return opts.formmethod; }; }, class: function() { if (typeof(opts.formclass) != 'string') { return "form-horizontal"; } else { return opts.formclass; }; }, html: [{ 'type':'container', 'class':'container', 'html': fields }] }); // Form JS includes here // Form validate $.validate({modules : 'html5'}); // is unique, next reference and next id qInputHelpers(); // autocomplete qPopSelect(); $.hook('formbutton').on('click', function(e) { var action = $(this).data('action'); switch (action) { case "previewbutton": qPreview(opts.formid); break; case "resetbutton": $('#'+opts.formid).clearform(); break; case "submitbutton": qSubmit(opts.formid); break; default: Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'information', text: action}); break; } }); // Easy Editor var options = { buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'image', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'list', 'x', 'source'], buttonsHtml: { 'bold': '<i class="fa fa-bold"></i>', 'italic': '<i class="fa fa-italic"></i>', 'link': '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>', 'insert-image': '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>', 'align-left': '<i class="fa fa-align-left"></i>', 'align-center': '<i class="fa fa-align-center"></i>', 'align-right': '<i class="fa fa-align-right"></i>', 'list': '<i class="fa fa-list"></i>', 'remove-formatting': '<i class="fa fa-ban"></i>', 'source': '<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>' }, css: ({ minHeight: '100px', maxHeight: '200px' }), }; $('.rte').easyEditor(options); // JSON Editor // Idiom Text fields } /** * Runs through each fieldset (if exists) **/ function qFieldset(f, fieldset) { var html = ''; html += '<fieldset class="'+fieldset.fieldsetCss+'">'; html += '<legend class="'+fieldset.legendCss+'">'+fieldset.fieldsetLabel+'</legend>'; html += qFields(fieldset.fields); html += '</fieldset>'; return html; } /** * Runs through each field in the definition or the fields per fieldset **/ function qFields(fields) { var flds = []; flds = flds.concat(qHtml('div', '<p id="forminstructions" class="ml-10">text</p>', {})); $.each(fields, function(idx, fld) { // Only necessary to define specials switch(fld.type) { case "hidden": flds = flds.concat(qHidden(fld)); break; case "select": flds = flds.concat(qSelect(fld)); break; case "autocomplete": flds = flds.concat(qAutoComplete(fld)); break; case "idmtext": flds = flds.concat(qIdiomText(fld)); break; case "json": flds = flds.concat(qJSONEditor(fld)); break; // Is ordinary field but type gets changed to "textarea" on display and get content case "rte": flds = flds.concat(qRichTextEditor(fld)); break; case "radio": flds = flds.concat(qRadio(fld)); break; case "checkbox": flds = flds.concat(qCheckbox(fld)); break; case "buttons": flds = flds.concat(qButtons(fld)); break; case "freetext": flds = flds.concat(qHTML(fld)); break; // Specials // Text, Number, URL, Email - generally a standard input type default: flds = flds.concat(qText(fld)); break; } }); return flds; } /** * Hidden field **/ function qHidden(fld) { // Standard options var defld = {name :, id :, type : fld.type}; return qOptions(fld, defld); } /** * Text fields, also input types such as number, url, email **/ function qText(fld) { // Standard options var defld = {name :, id :, type : fld.type}; var frmgrp = qFdiv(fld, qOptions(fld, defld)); return frmgrp; } /** * Text fields, also input types such as number, url, email **/ function qAutoComplete(fld) { // Standard options var defld = {name :, id :, type : 'text', 'data-options' : fld.options}; var frmgrp = qFdiv(fld, qOptions(fld, defld)); return frmgrp; } /** * Select with options **/ function qSelect(fld) { // Standard options var defld = {name :, id :, type : fld.type}; var frmgrp = qFdiv(fld, qOptions(fld, defld)); return frmgrp; } /** * Radio Group with Radio buttons **/ function qRadio(fld) { } /** * Checkbox group with checkboxes **/ function qCheckbox(fld) { } /** * Textareas in a tabbed div where tabs are languages of site **/ function qIdiomText(fld) { var qi = explode('|', fld.idms); var idms = {}; $.each(qi, function(q, idm) { var qq = explode(':', idm); idms[qq[0]] = qq[1]; }); var tbs = []; $.each(idms, function(lcdcode, lcdname) { if(lcdcode == jlcd) { var active = 'active'; } else { var active = ''; } var item = { type: 'li', class: 'nav-item', html: { type: 'a', class: 'nav-link '+active, 'data-toggle': 'tab', href: '#'+lcdcode, role: 'tab', html: lcdname } }; tbs.push(item); }); // Idiom Nav Tabs var tablist = { type: 'ul', class: 'nav nav-tabs smaller', role: 'tablist', html: tbs } var panes = []; $.each(idms, function(lcdcode, lcdname) { var item = { type: 'div', class: 'tab-pane', id: lcdcode, role: 'tabpanel', html: { type: 'textarea', class: 'form-control e100 '+fld.class, name:'['+lcdcode+']' } }; panes.push(item); }); // Idiom Nav Panes var tabcontent = { type: 'container', class: 'tab-content', html: panes }; var help = { type: 'div', class: 'clear text-muted col-xs-9 hlf-pad', html: }; var frmgrp = { type: 'container', class: 'form-group', html: [ qLabel(fld), { type: 'div', id:, css: {height: fld.height}, class: 'col-xs-9 hlf-pad', html: [tablist, tabcontent, help] } ] }; return frmgrp; } /** * Displays a JSON EDitor in line **/ function qJSONEditor(fld) { var frmgrp = { type: 'container', class: 'form-group', html: [ qLabel(fld), { type: 'div', id:, css: {height: fld.height}, class: fld.class } ] }; return frmgrp; } /** * Displays an in-line Rich Text editor with a few controls **/ function qRichTextEditor(fld) { // Standard options var defld = {name :, id :, type : 'textarea'}; var frmgrp = qFdiv(fld, qOptions(fld, defld)); return frmgrp; } /** * Displays a set of buttons **/ function qButtons(fld) { btns = new Array(); $.each(fld.buttons, function(idx, btn) { btns.push({ type: 'button', class: 'mr5 btn btn-sm right '+btn.class, html: btn.title, 'data-hook': 'formbutton', 'data-action': btn.action }); }); var frmgrp = { type: 'container', class: 'formgroup-group mt10 row', // space top and bottom id: 'buttongrp', html: [{ type: 'div', class: 'col-xs-12 right', html: btns }] }; return frmgrp; } /** * Displays free text but within a form row **/ function qHTML(fld) { var frmgrp = { type: 'container', html: fld.html }; return frmgrp; } /** * Adds all appropriate options to any fields **/ function qOptions(fld, defld) { $.each(fld, function(key, attr) { switch(key) { case "class": defld['class'] = "form-control " + attr; break; case "name": defld['name'] = attr; defld['v-model'] = attr; break; default: defld[key] = attr; break; } }); return defld; } /** * The complete form Row or element **/ function qFdiv(fld, defld) { return { type: 'div', class: 'form-group mb5 row', html: [qLabel(fld), qIdiv(defld, fld)] } } /** * The inner form element after the label **/ function qIdiv(defld, fld) { if(array_key_exists('help', fld)) { return { type: 'div', class: 'col-xs-9', html: [ defld, { type: 'span', class: 'clear text-muted', html: } ] } } else if(array_key_exists('icon', fld)) { return { type: 'div', class: 'col-xs-9', html: [ { type: 'i', class: 'right tp5 larger fa fa-'+fld.icon }, defld ] } } else { return { type: 'div', class: 'col-xs-9', html: defld } } } /** * The Label **/ function qLabel(fld) { if(array_key_exists('required', fld)) { var req = '<span class="bold red larger lp5">*</span>'; } else { var req = ''; }; var labeltxt = { type: 'span', class: 'blue', html: fld.label+req }; var lbl = { type: 'label', for:, class: 'col-xs-3 form-control-label left', // html: labeltxt }; return lbl; } /** * Produces an HTML string **/ function qHtml(tag, html, attrs) { // you can skip html param if (typeof(html) != 'string') { attrs = html; html = null; } var h = '<' + tag; for (attr in attrs) { if(attrs[attr] === false) continue; h += ' ' + attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '"'; } h += html ? ">" + html + "</" + tag + ">" : "/>"; return { 'type': 'container', 'html': h } } /** * Creates a Preview of the form content in a table in a Noty **/ function qPreview(formid) { var tbody = ''; $.each(clqfCfg.formopts.formfields, function(idx, fld) { if(fld.type != 'buttons') { var label = ''; array_key_exists('label', fld) ? label = fld.label : label = ; tbody += '<tr class="">'; tbody += '<td class="txtright blue e30 text-muted ">'+label+'</td>'; tbody += '<td class="txtleft e70">'; switch(fld.type) { case "rte": tbody += $('#'; break; case "json": tbody += jEditor[].getText(); break; default: tbody += $('#'; break; }; tbody += '</td>'; tbody += '</tr>'; } }); var tbl = '<div class="container"><h3 id="tablecaption">'+clqfCfg.formopts.title+'</h3><table class="table table-bordered table-sm table-striped smaller">'; tbl += '<tbody>'+tbody+'</tbody></table></div>'; Cliqu.nMsg({timeout: false, text: tbl}); } /** * Submits the form **/ function qSubmit(formid) { // Introduce validation // if(clqfCfg.form.valid() == true) { // Get data for form, which will create PostData var postdata = "?"; $.each(clqfCfg.formopts.formfields, function(idx, fld) { switch(fld.type) { case "buttons": null; break; case "rte": postdata += + "=" + encodeURIComponent($('#' + "&"; break; case "json": postdata += + "=" + encodeURIComponent(jEditor[].getText()) + "&"; break; default: postdata += + "=" + encodeURIComponent($('#' + "&"; break; } }); // Anything else to add to Postdata ?? postdata = trim(postdata, "&"); console.log(postdata); aja() .method('POST') .url(clqfCfg.formopts.urlstr+postdata) // .timeout(2500) .cache(false) .on('200', function(data){ // DataVue.collections.$set(data); reLoad(); }) .on('40x', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //something is definitely wrong }) .on('500', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //oh crap }) .go(); // Ends // }; return false; } /** * Gets back the Data from the form as an Array * adds a RowID * converts it to a format usable for the Bootstrap Table **/ function qData(formid) { var data = $('#'+formid+' form').serializeArray(); var result = { id: count(vuedata) // Not plus 1 as ID starts from Zero when used by Lstr }; $.each(data, function(key, val) { result[] = val.value; }); return result; } /** * Popup in which to show clickable selections * @return generates a popup attached to the input field **/ function qPopSelect() { // Produces a usable JSON object var popts = { selector: '.autocomplete', html: true, content: function() { var list = $(this).data('options'); var id = $(this).attr('id'); var buffer = '<ul class="list">'; $.each(list, function(idx, lbl) { buffer += '<li rel="'+idx+'" class="list-item" data-id="'+id+'">'+lbl+'</li>'; }); buffer += '</ul>'; return buffer; }, placement: 'top', trigger: 'click' }; $('form').popover(popts); $('form').on('', function () { return $('.list-item').on('click', function(e) { var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); var id = $(this).data('id'); $('#'+id).val(rel); }) }) } // /** * is unique, next reference and next id * @return generates a form activity **/ function qInputHelpers() { $('.isunique').blur(function(e) { if($('input[name="'+name+'"]').val() != "") { var table = $('input[name="table"]').val(); var tabletype = $('input[name="type"]').val(); var fldname = $(this).attr('name'); aja().method('GET').url('/request/'+jlcd+'/isunique/'+table+'/'+tabletype+'/') .data({fld: fldname, tocheck: $('input[name="'+fldname+'"]').val()}).cache(false) .on('200', function(data){ // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(data); if(match == true) { Cliqu.nMsg({type: 'error', text: lstr[24]}); $('input[name="'+name+'"]').empty().focus(); }; }).on('40x', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //something is definitely wrong }).on('500', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //oh crap }).go(); // Ends } }); $('.nextref').focus(function(e) { var fldname = $('input[name="'+name+'"]').val() var table = $('input[name="table"]').val(); var tabletype = $('input[name="type"]').val(); aja().method('GET').url('/request/'+jlcd+'/getnextref/'+table+'/'+tabletype+'/') .body({fld: fldname, defval: $('input[name="'+fldname+'"]').attr('placeholder')}).cache(false) .on('200', function(data){ // Test NotOK - next reference or equivalent var match = /NotOk/.test(data); if(match != true) { $('input[name="'+name+'"]').val(); } else { Cliqu.nMsg({type: 'error', text: lstr[22]}); }; }).on('40x', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //something is definitely wrong }).on('500', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //oh crap }).go(); // Ends }); $('.nextid').focus(function(e) { var fldname = $('input[name="'+name+'"]').val() var table = $('input[name="table"]').val(); var tabletype = $('input[name="type"]').val(); aja().method('GET').url('/request/'+jlcd+'/getnextid/'+table+'/'+tabletype+'/') .body({fld: fldname, defval: $('input[name="'+fldname+'"]').attr('placeholder')}).cache(false) .on('200', function(data){ // Test NotOK - next reference or equivalent var match = /NotOk/.test(data); if(match != true) { $('input[name="'+name+'"]').val(); } else { Cliqu.nMsg({type: 'error', text: lstr[22]}); }; }).on('40x', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //something is definitely wrong }).on('500', function(response){ Cliqu.nMsg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: response}); //oh crap }).go(); // Ends }); }; // explicitly return public methods when this object is instantiated return { // outSide: inSide, form: qForm, formPreview: qPreview, getData: qData }; })(jQuery);