; Dbuser.Cfg
lcd = 'en'
title = '301:Users'
description = '469:Contains a simplified user management system for administrators, operators and visitors'
level = '20:20:20'
table = 'dbuser'
tabletype = 'client'
fieldsused = 'c_username,c_password,c_group,c_type,c_email,c_level,c_options,c_status,c_notes,c_lastmodified,c_whomodified,c_document,d_title,d_firstname,d_midname,d_lastname,d_identity,d_identitytype,d_addr1,d_addr2,d_suburb,d_postcode,d_city,d_region,d_country,d_phone,d_avatar,d_langcd,d_comments,d_image,d_responsibility,d_company'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '128:Type'
defval = 'client'
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '215:Identity'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '216:Id Type'
defval = 'nif'
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '203:Address '
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '204:Line 2'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '223:Suburb'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '219:Post code'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '379:Town or City'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '220:Region'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '210:Country'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'json'
title = '470:Phone Numbers'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '9999:Avatar'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '187:Language'
defval = 'en'
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '208:Comments'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '217:Image'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '221:Responsibility'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '209:Company'
defval = ''
action = ''
required = 'false'
unique = 'false'
; General options
url = '/ajax/en/gettabledata/dbuser/client/'
orderby = 'c_username ASC'
search = ''
; Table pagination and operational defaults
limit = 10
end = 10
; Row Buttons
icon = 'asterisk'
icon = 'key'
; Hidden
v-model = 'c_type'
type = 'hidden'
defval = 'client'
display = 'c'
; Visible
realflds = 'd_identity|d_identitytype'
type = 'identity'
listtype = 'static'
selectclass = 'col-md-5 ml10'
options = 'nif|NIF,nie|NIE,passport|Passport'
optionclass = ''
label = '{fields.d_identity.title}'
helptext = '472:Enter your Identity Number and Type of Document'
required = 'required'
defval = '|nif'
order = 'aj'
display = 'cu'
id = 'd_image'
type = 'image'
subtype = 'file'
label = '{fields.d_image.title}'
class = 'h120 dropzone'
sficon = 'trash'
action = 'deleteimage'
order = 'ar'
defval = 'blank.gif'
data-uploadurl = '/api/en/fileupload/dbuser/'
data-subdir = 'tmp/'
data-filescollection = 'file'
display = 'cu'
v-model = 'd_langcd'
type = 'select'
listtype = 'static'
options = 'en|English,es|Espaņol,de|Deutsch,ca|Catāla'
optionclass = ''
label = '{fields.d_langcd.title}'
helptext = '9999:Select your preferred access language'
style = 'width: 40%;'
defval = 'es'
order = 'ap'
display = 'cu'
v-model = 'd_responsibility'
type = 'text'
placeholder = '{fields.d_responsibility.title}'
label = '9999:Work responsibility'
helptext = '9999:Enter your position at work'
style = 'width: 100%;'
order = 'as'
display = 'cu'
v-model = 'd_company'
id = 'd_company'
type = 'text'
placeholder = '9999:Company'
label = '{fields.d_company.title}'
helptext = '478:Select the name of the Company you work for'
class = 'autocomplete'
data-url = '/api/en/listcompanies/dbdirectory/'
style = 'width: 100%;'
order = 'at'
display = 'cu'
fld = 'd_identity'
label = '215:Identity'
type = 'text'
order = 'ag'
fld = 'd_address1'
label = '202:Address'
type = 'fulladdress'
order = 'ah'
fld = 'd_phone'
label = '218:Telephone'
type = 'tags'
order = 'aj'
fld = 'd_langcd'
label = '187:Language'
type = 'idiomflag'
order = 'ak'
fld = 'd_image'
label = '217:Image'
type = 'image'
subdir = '/public/images/'
order = 'am'
class = 'h60'
fld = 'c_notes'
label = '8:Notes'
type = 'text'
order = 'az'