; Dbuser.Cfg
lcd = 'en'
title = '34:Administrators'
description = '469:Contains a simplified user management system for administrators, operators and visitors'
level = '60:70:90'
table = 'dbuser'
tabletype = 'admin'
fieldsused = 'c_username,c_password,c_group,c_type,c_email,c_level,c_options,c_status,c_notes,c_lastmodified,c_whomodified,c_document,d_title,d_firstname,d_midname,d_lastname'
dbtype = 'string'
title = '128:Type'
defval = 'admin'
action = ''
required = 'true'
unique = 'false'
; General options
url = '/ajax/en/gettabledata/dbuser/admin/'
orderby = 'c_username ASC'
search = ''
; Table pagination and operational defaults
limit = 10
end = 10
field = 'd_company'
type = 'text'
title = '209:Company'
valign = 'top'
order = 'm'
searchable = 'true'
sortable = 'false'
title = '90:Change password'
type = 'changepassword'
title = '501:Change status'
type = 'changestatus'
type = 'popupform'
title = ''
instructions = ''
action = '/ajax/en//dbuser/admin/'
method = 'POST'
enctype = 'multipart/form-data'
name = 'dataform'
id = 'dataform'
class = 'form-horizontal'
; Hidden
v-model = 'c_type'
type = 'hidden'
defval = 'admin'
display = 'c'
; Visible
type = 'rowtext'
text = '9999:Complete all fields and press enter'
order = 'a1'
class = 'text-muted'
v-model = 'd_langcd'
type = 'select'
listtype = 'static'
options = 'en|English,es|Espaņol,de|Deutsch,ca|Catāla'
optionclass = ''
label = '{fields.d_langcd.title}'
helptext = '9999:Select your preferred access language'
style = 'width: 40%;'
defval = 'es'
order = 'ap'
display = 'cu'
; Form ends