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File: models/

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File: models/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
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; Dbitem > Blogarticle Cfg [common] lcd = 'en' title = '9999:Blog' description = '412:News document or blog entry' displayusing = 'blogarticle' tabletype = 'blog' formtype = 'pageform' viewwidth = '760' fieldsused = 'c_reference,c_type,c_group,c_common,c_category,c_status,c_document,c_lastmodified,c_whomodified,c_version,c_notes,d_author,d_date,d_description,d_title,d_text,d_image' ; Fields array is set [fields:d_description] dbtype = 'json' title = '125:Description' action = '' required = 'true' unique = 'true' [fields:d_title] dbtype = 'json' required = 'true' title = '130:Title' action = '' unique = 'false' [fields:d_text] dbtype = 'json' required = 'true' title = '7:Content' action = '' unique = 'false' [fields:d_image] dbtype = 'string' title = '214:Image' defval = '' action = '' required = 'false' unique = 'false' [fields:d_author] dbtype = 'string' title = '420:Author' defval = '' action = '' required = 'true' unique = 'false' [fields:d_date] dbtype = 'date' title = '183:Date' defval = '' action = '' required = 'true' unique = 'false' ; Datatable array must be set for straight entries [blogarticle] url = '/ajax/{common.lcd}/getblogdata/dbitem/blog/' ; id - b ; reference - c [blogarticle:columns:c_status] field = 'c_status' title = '199:Status' valign = 'top' searchable = 'false' sortable = 'false' order = 'c' type = 'list' action = 'changestatus' list = 'statustypes' params = 'list|statustypes' class = 'nowrap pointer redc uline' [blogarticle:columns:c_category] field = 'c_category' title = '196:Category' valign = 'top' searchable = 'true' sortable = 'false' order = 'd' type = 'list' list = 'documenttypes' params = 'list|documenttypes' class = 'nowrap' [blogarticle:columns:d_date] field = 'd_date' title = '183:Date' valign = 'top' searchable = 'false' sortable = 'false' order = 'e' type = 'date' class = 'nowrap' [blogarticle:columns:d_author] field = 'd_author' title = '420:Author' valign = 'top' searchable = 'true' sortable = 'false' order = 'f' [blogarticle:columns:d_title] field = 'd_title' title = '456:Summary' valign = 'top' searchable = 'true' sortable = 'false' order = 'j' type = 'titlesummary' summary = 'd_description' [blogarticle:columns:d_image] field = 'd_image' title = '217:Image' valign = 'top' searchable = 'false' order = 'k' type = 'image' sortable = 'false' class = 'h80' ; notes [blogarticle:rowicons:editarticle] icon = 'pencil' formid = 'pageform' [blogarticle:rowicons:viewarticle] icon = 'eye' formid = 'popupform' [blogarticle:rowicons:deleterecord] icon = 'trash' [blogarticle:topbuttons:addarticle] class = 'success' icon = 'plus' action = 'addarticle' title = '100:Add' tooltip = '234:Add record' formtype = 'pageform' order = 'a' [form] type = 'pageform' [form:formheader] action = '/ajax/{common.lcd}/postform/dbitem/blog/' [form:pageform:fields] ; v-model = default id = 0 c_reference = 'blog(1)' c_type = 'blog' c_category = 'other' c_options = '' c_common = 'Blog article' c_version = 0 c_status = 'draft' c_notes = 'No notes' d_date = '2018-04-01' d_author = 'markr' d_image = '' d_title = '' d_description = '' d_text = '' [form:topbuttons:cancel] class = 'danger' icon = 'undo' action = 'displayblog' title = '136:Cancel' tooltip = '136:Cancel' order = 'a' [view] ; Common - hidden [view:viewfields:c_common] fld = 'c_common' label = '' type = 'hidden' order = 'ab' [view:viewfields:d_image] fld = 'd_image' label = '217:Image' type = 'image' class = 'h120' order = 'ac' ; Title [view:viewfields:d_title] fld = 'd_title' label = '130:Title' type = 'idiomtext' order = 'ad' [view:viewfields:d_description] fld = 'd_description' label = '456:Summary' type = 'idiomtext' order = 'ae' ; Status [view:viewfields:c_status] fld = 'c_status' label = '199:Status' type = 'list' order = 'af' ; Status [view:viewfields:c_category] fld = 'c_category' label = '196:Category' type = 'list' order = 'ag' ; Tags [view:viewfields:c_options] fld = 'c_options' label = '574:Tags' type = 'string' order = 'ah' ; Author [view:viewfields:d_author] fld = 'd_author' label = '420:Author' type = 'text' order = 'aj' ; Date [view:viewfields:d_date] fld = 'd_date' label = '183:Date' type = 'date' order = 'ak' [view:viewfields:d_text] fld = 'd_text' label = '7:Content' type = 'idiomtext' order = 'bc' [report]