crudClass2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
crudClass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Author: Mahbub (2016-05-09)
* Author URI: mahboobz.com
* from: https://www.phpclasses.org/package/9761-PHP-Generate-SQL-and-forms-to-perform-CRUD-operations.html
* modified by m.sillano (08/08/2017) for use with remoteDB (https://github.com/msillano/remotesDB):
* - use of remoteDB/irp_commonSQL.php for unified DB access (requires remoteDB/irp_config.php)
* - added $this->index array to store one or more PK names (in place of one pre-defined PK='id')
* - added get_where(), get_hidden($record) to handle multiple PKs
* - added optional hook and callback to customize the CRUD page:
* 1) special input fields: select, radio... (crud_get_input)
* 2) special edit fields: select, radio... (crud_get_edit)
* 3) special show fields: links, references... (crud_get_show)
* 4) more actions in table (crud_action_hook)
* - added 3 static utility: make_select, make_radio and make_checkbox for input/edit fields
* - added CONFIRM to delete
* - added $extrasql parameter to renderVertically(),
* to extend the basic sql: "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table
* - cosmetic minor variations, use of css file (in: remoteDB/css/style.css)
* - if a field name is equal to a mySQL reserved name, the use of (`) for fields is mandatory.
* As examples of the use of modified crudClass see: sources crud_irp_xxxxxxxx.php in remoteDBdiscovery
* (https://github.com/msillano/remoteDBdiscovery).
$d = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once ("$d/irp_commonSQL.php");
class crudClass {
* @var $table string : table name
public $table;
* @var $raw_fields string : columns name (no pk))
public $raw_fields;
* @var $fields array : columns name array
public $fields = array();
* @var $index array : all PK names
public $index= array();
* modified: added $pk primary keys list, and $this->index array
* Rules:
* if PK is only one field and it is autoincrement: NO PK in fields list, YES PK in $pk
* if PK is only one field and not autoincrement: YES PK in fields list, YES PK in $pk
* if PK is more than one field (not autoincrement): YES all PKs in fields list, YES all PKs in $pk list as 'pk1,pk2...'
* note: $fields can be partial, you can omit fields with mySQL defaults or NULL
public function __construct($table, $fields, $pk){
$this->table = $table;
$this->raw_fields = $fields;
$this->fields = explode(',', $fields);
$this->index = explode(',', $pk); // added
// new: static utility, generates code for HTML select, to be used in callback
// the $sql query must generate a list of (keys, values). Optional $selected is a key or a value.
public static function make_select($field, $sql, $selected = NULL){
$code = "$field: <select name='$field'>";
$code .= optionsList($sql, $selected);
$code .= '</select><br>';
return ($code);
// new: static utility, generates code for HTML select, to be used in callback
// the $optionlist is a string list of values == keys. Optional $selected is a value.
public static function make_select4list($field, $optionlist, $selected = NULL){
$code = "$field: <select name='$field'>";
$options = explode(',', $optionlist);
foreach($options as $value){
$code .= "<option value='$value' ".(($selected == $value)?'selected = "selected" ':'').">$value</option>\n";
$code .= '</select><br>';
return ($code);
// new: static utility, generates code for HTML radio, to be used in callback
// the $optionlist is a string list of values. Optional $checked is a value.
public static function make_radio($field, $optionlist, $checked = NULL){
$options = explode(',', $optionlist);
$code = "$field: ";
foreach($options as $radio){
$code .= "<input type='radio' name='$field' ".(($checked == $radio)?"checked='true' ":"")."value ='$radio'/> $radio ";
return ($code."<br>");
// new: static utility, generates code for HTML checkbox, to be used in callback
// the $sql query must generate a list of (keys, values). $checked is an array of values or true or false.
public static function make_checkbox($field, $sql, $checked = false){
return checkList($sql, $field, $checked)."<br>";
// new: all hidden fields required by get_where() (values from $record)
private function get_hidden($record){
foreach($this->index as $pk){
$hidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='$pk' value='".$record[$pk]."' />";
return $hidden;
// new: makes a WHERE string to select one record, single or multiple PK (values on _POST) for read()
private function get_where(){
$update_where = array();
foreach($this->index as $pk){
$update_where[] = "`$pk`='".$_POST[$pk]."'";
return "WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $update_where);
// new: true if $field is PK (if it is in $this->index)
public function isPK($field){
return in_array( $field, $this->index);
* create function is used to create new record using only fields in $fields
* modified: NULL in case of '', to use mySQL defaults
* */
public function create(){
$post_fields = array();
foreach($this->fields as $field){
$post_fields[] = (((!isset($_POST[$field] )) || $_POST[$field] == '')?'NULL':"'".$_POST[$field]."'");
$ifields = implode("`,`",$this->fields);
$new_fields = $post_fields;
if (function_exists('before_create')){
$new_fields = before_create($post_fields);
$values = implode(",", $new_fields);// Form Post values to Insert
$create_sql = "INSERT into `".$this->table."` (`".$ifields."`) VALUES ($values)";
return $create_sql;
* read function is used to read rows of the table
* additionally it takes WHERE clause value as $where variable
* */
public function read($where = ''){
$read_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$this->table."` ".$where;
return $read_sql;
* update function is used to update a row
* modified: NULL in case of '', to use mySQL defaults
* */
public function update(){
$update_array = array();
foreach($this->fields as $field){
$update_array[] = "`$field` = ".(((!isset($_POST[$field] )) || $_POST[$field] == '')?'NULL':"'".$_POST[$field]."'");
$new_update = $update_array;
if (function_exists('before_update')){
$new_update = before_update($update_array);
$values = implode(", ", $new_update);// Form Post values to update
$update_sql = "UPDATE `".$this->table."` SET $values ". self::get_where()." LIMIT 1";
return $update_sql;
* delete function is used to delete a row
* */
public function delete(){
$delete_sql = "DELETE FROM `".$this->table."` ". self::get_where()." LIMIT 1";
return $delete_sql;
* create_form function is used to develop a form for NEW record according to given attributes
* modified: added optional crud_get_input() function to format special inputs
* */
public function create_form(){
$form = '<form method="post" action="crud_'.$this->table.'.php">';
foreach($this->fields as $field){
if (function_exists('crud_get_input') && ( $user = call_user_func('crud_get_input', $field)))
$form .= $user;
else // default
$form .= "$field: <input type='text' name='$field' /><br>";
$form .= '<hr><input type="submit" name="submit" value="NEW RECORD"/> </form>';
return $form;
* renderVertically function is used to show records in table
* modified: added optional crud_get_show() function to format special fields
* modified: added optional crud_action_hook() function to add more action buttons
* modified: added 'confirm popup' to delete button
* modified: added optional $extrasql (extends the basic sql: "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table )
* */
public function renderVertically($extrasql = ''){
$result = sqlArrayTot(self::read($extrasql));
$render = '<table align="center" >';
$render .= '<tr>';
foreach($this->fields as $field){
$render .= '<th>'.$field.'</th>'; // cosmetic modifications: td changed in th, removed ucfirst
$render .='<th><i>action</th></i></tr>';
foreach($result as $record){
$render .= '<tr>';
foreach($this->fields as $field){
if (function_exists('crud_get_show')&& ( $user = call_user_func('crud_get_show', $field, $record[$field])))
$render .= '<td>'.$user.'</td>';
else // standard
$render .= '<td>'.$record[$field].'</td>';
$render .= '<td><table><tr><td><form method="post" action="crud_'.$this->table.'.php" >';
$render .= self::get_hidden($record); // pk data
$render .= '<input type="submit" style="width:70;" name="edit" value="EDIT"/>';
$render .= '<input type="submit" style="width:70;" name="delete" value="DELETE" onclick="return confirm(\'WARNING: not safe delete!\nAre you sure?\');" />';
$render .= '</form></td>';
if (function_exists('crud_action_hook')) // this hook is for special actions on record.
$render .= '<td>'.call_user_func('crud_action_hook',$record).'</td>'; //see crud_irp_devrem.php
$render .= '</tr></table></td>';
$render .='</tr>';
$render .='</table>';
return $render;
* renderEditor function is used to make the row edit form
* modified: added optional crud_get_edit() function to format special fields
* modified to handle more than one PK
* note: if field is PK, the input is disabled (but added as hidden): user can't edit PK
* */
public function renderEditor(){
$record = sqlRecord(self::read(self::get_where()));
$render = '';
$render .= '<form method="post" action="crud_'.$this->table.'.php">';
$addhidden = true;
foreach($this->fields as $field){
if (function_exists('crud_get_edit') && ( $user = call_user_func('crud_get_edit', $field, $record[$field])))
$render .= $user;
//default: htmlspecialchars to allow (") in values, PKs disabled (no edit)
$render .= $field.': <input type="text" name="'.$field.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars( $record[$field]).'"'.(self::isPK($field)?' disabled ':'').'/><br>';
$render .= self::get_hidden($record); // adds, hidden PKs fields to select record
$render .= '<hr><input type="submit" name="update" value="UPDATE"/>';
$render .= '</form>';
return $render;