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File: imaginary.class.php4

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File: imaginary.class.php4
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class file
Class: Imaginary Numbers
Class for imaginary number calculations
Author: By
Last change: Fixed serious bug in the Im() method.
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 3,025 bytes


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<? define('Z_CARTESIAN', 0); define('Z_POLAR', 1); define('Z_RADIAN', 0); define('Z_DEGREE', 1); class Z{ // Constructor function Z($var = "", $im = "", $type = Z_CARTESIAN, $unit = Z_RADIAN ){ if( $unit ){ $this->unit = $unit; } list( $this->x, $this->y ) = $this->parse( func_get_args() ); } // Public Functions function SetUnit($unit = Z_RADIAN){ $this->unit = $unit; return $this->unit; } function Re(){ return $this->x; } function Im(){ return $this->y; } function Mod(){ return hypot( $this->x, $this->y ); } function Arg(){ if( $this->unit ){ return rad2deg( atan( $this->y / $this->x ) ); } else{ return atan( $this->y / $this->x ); } } # For the following 4-op functions, input vars is same as constructor function. function Add(){ list( $x, $y ) = $this->parse( func_get_args() ); $this->x+= $x; $this->y+= $y; } function Sub(){ list( $x, $y ) = $this->parse( func_get_args() ); $this->x-= $x; $this->y-= $y; } function Mul(){ list( $x, $y ) = $this->parse( func_get_args() ); list( $mod, $arg ) = $this->ToPolar( $x, $y ); list( $this->x, $this->y ) = $this->ToCartesian( $this->Mod()*$mod, $this->Arg()+$arg ); } function Div(){ list( $x, $y ) = $this->parse( func_get_args() ); list( $mod, $arg ) = $this->ToPolar( $x, $y ); list( $this->x, $this->y ) = $this->ToCartesian( $this->Mod()/$mod, $this->Arg()-$arg ); } // Private functions function parse( $arr ){ list ($var, $im, $type, $unit ) = $arr; if( $var ){ if( $im ){ if( $type == Z_POLAR ){ if( stristr( $im, "d" ) || ( ($unit == Z_DEGREE) && (!stristr( $im, "d" )) ) ){ $im = deg2rad( $im ); } list( $x, $y ) = $this->ToCartesian( $var, $im ); } else{ $x = $var; $y = $im; } } else{ list( $x, $y ) = $this->parse_number( $var ); } } return array( $x, $y ); } function parse_number($str){ $str = preg_replace("/\s*/","",$str); if( preg_match("/(?i)[^erd\-+ij.,0-9]+/", $str) ){ return -1; } else{ if( stristr( $str, "e" ) ){ preg_match("/(?i)([0-9]+)e-[ij]?([0-9rd]+)[ij]?/", $str, $arr); if( sizeof( $arr ) ){ if( stristr( $arr[2], "d" ) ){ $arr[2] = deg2rad( $arr[2] ); } list( $re, $im ) = $this->ToCartesian( $arr[1], $arr[2] ); } } else{ preg_match_all( "/(?i)([\-+]?[0-9.,ij]+)/", $str, $arr, PREG_SET_ORDER ); if( sizeof( $arr ) ){ foreach( $arr as $number ){ if( preg_match( "/(?i)[ij]/", $number[1] ) ){ $im += $number[1]; } else{ $re += $number[1]; } } } } return array($re, $im); } } function ToCartesian( $mod, $ang ){ return array( ( $mod*cos($ang) ), ( $mod*sin($ang) ) ); } function ToPolar( $re, $im ){ return array( hypot( $re, $im ) , atan( ($im/$re) ) ); } } ?>