?; Config.Cfg
; Database Configuration
; type = mysql, pgsql, sqlite
; database = name of database or name of file e.g. data/cliq.sqlite
type = '{type}'
server = '{server}'
dbname = '{dbname}'
rootuser = '{rootuser}'
rootpassword = '{rootpassword}'
username = '{username}'
password = '{password}'
port = '{portno}'
charset = 'utf8'
; dsn = ''
; type = 'sqlite'
; file = 'data/clq.sqlite'
; Standard site configuration settings that will be overwritten if required from database
debug = 'development' ; development / production
status = 'development' ; development / production
setdefaultidiom = 'dynamic' ; static
defaultidiom = 'en'
timezone = 'Europe/Madrid'
dateformat = 'd-M-Y'
numberformat = '2|,|.'
currencyformat = '2|,|.|| ?'
currency = 'EUR'
currencysymbol = '?'
name = '{name}'
description = '{description}'
keywords = 'internet'
logo = 'logo.png'
favicon = 'favicon.ico'
email = '{adminemail}'
telephone = ''
address = ''
viewpath = 'views/'
adminpath = 'admin/'
extension = 'tpl'
nodepath = ''
cfgpath = 'config/'
copyrightmessage = 'Your Company 2017'
website = 'http://{siteurl}/'
defaultroute = 'DefaultController'
modeldbformat = 'toml' ; toml or json
toemail = '{adminemail}'
toname = 'You'
bingkey = 'XxXxXxXxXxXx'
gmapsapi = 'XxXxXxXxXx' ; Static Maps API Key
cmtcomapi = 'XxXxXxXxXx' ; CM Telecom Product Token
secret = 'XxXxXxXxX'
; Delete this section for security reasons
c_group = 'admin'
c_username = 'adminuser'
c_password = 'adminpassword'
c_level = '90'
c_status = 'active'
d_firstname = 'Temporary'
d_midname = 'Admin'
d_lastname = 'User'
d_langcd = 'en'
c_email = '{adminemail}'
; Optional
hostname = 'smtp.elasticemail.com'
smtpauth = 'true'
authtype = 'LOGIN'
username = ''
password = ''
security = 'tls'
port = '2525'
mailfrom = 'info@cliqon.com'
mailfromname = 'Cliqon'
mailreplyto = 'info@cliqon.com'
mailreplytoname = 'Cliqon'
altmailto = ''
altmailtoname = ''
; SMTP Server: smtp.elasticemail.com
; SMTP Port: 2525
; Username:
; Password:
; SMTP Server: srss.reachmail.net
; SMTP Port: 587
; Username: company\user
; Password: