; Database Tables and Tabletypes
; A Tabletype must be unique
dbcollection = '156:Administrative Collection'
dbitem = '157:Main Collection'
dbuser = '395:Site users and administrators'
; dbcontact = '396:CRM and Directory Contacts'
; dbcatalog = '397:Catalogue of Products and Services'
dbdirectory = '308:Business Directory'
; dbadvert = '398:Site advertising and banners'
; dbcart = '399:eCommerce and Cart system'
dblocation = '400:Locations'
; dbproject = '328:Projects'
; dbclassad = '401:Classified Advertising'
dbtransaction = '403:Transactions'
dbindex = '9999:Index entries'
dbarchive = '9999:Backup table for dbitems'
dblog = '9999:Log files'
dbsession = '9999:Session entries'
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'service'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
title = '479:Services'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'collection'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
title = '116:Collections'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'model'
displayusing = 'datacard'
title = '9999:Models'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'form'
title = '405:Form definition'
displayusing = 'datacard'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'admfooter'
title = '406:Administration footer links'
displayusing = 'datatree'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'admtopleftmenu'
title = '36:Administration top menu'
displayusing = 'datatree'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'admdashboard'
title = '407:Administration dashboard widget configuration'
displayusing = 'datacard'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'admleftsidemenu'
title = '38:Administration side menu'
displayusing = 'datatree'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection,dbitem'
tabletype = 'image'
title = '217:Image'
displayusing = 'gallery'
notes = 'JSON Text only'
table = 'dbcollection,dbitem'
tabletype = 'string'
title = '404:Translatable string'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection,dbitem'
tabletype = 'list'
title = '289:Field select and autocomplete options'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem,dbcollection'
tabletype = 'report'
title = '408:Report and view configuration'
displayusing = 'datalist'
notes = ''
table = 'dbcollection'
tabletype = 'admhelp'
title = '409:Administrative Help Records'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'document'
title = '410:Content in rich text format'
displayusing = 'datatable'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'event'
title = '54:Diary Event'
displayusing = 'calendar'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'library'
title = '411:Downloadable electronic document'
displayusing = 'datatable'
notes = 'PDF or ODT etc.'
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'news'
title = '412:News articles'
displayusing = 'datatable'
notes = 'Uses version and revision system'
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'blog'
title = '9999:Blog articles'
displayusing = 'blogarticle'
notes = 'Uses version and revision system'
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'section'
title = '413:Web site content templates, themes, sections and components'
displayusing = 'datacard'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'config'
title = '43:Configuration'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
notes = 'User generated values that override config file'
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'weblink'
displayusing = 'datatable'
title = '52:Useful web links'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'topmenu'
displayusing = 'datatree'
title = '297:Main header menu'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'sidemenu'
displayusing = 'datatree'
title = '291:Main sidemenu'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'footer'
displayusing = 'datatree'
title = '299:Main footer menu'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'help'
title = '45:Help Records'
displayusing = 'datatable'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'text'
displayusing = 'datatable'
title = '414:Translatable content'
notes = ''
table = 'dbuser'
tabletype = 'admin'
title = '34:Administrative Users'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
notes = ''
table = 'dbuser'
tabletype = 'client'
title = '301:Users'
displayusing = 'datatable'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'manual'
displayusing = 'datatree'
title = '333:Manual'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'module'
displayusing = 'datatable'
title = '489:Modules'
notes = ''
table = 'dbitem'
tabletype = 'newsitem'
displayusing = 'datagrid'
title = '527:News item'
notes = 'Used by the RSS newsfeed plugin and widget'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'journal'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '536:Journal entry'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'cashbook'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '537:Cash book'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'purchase'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '538:Purchase'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'invoice'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '539:Invoice'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'stock'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '540:Stock'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
table = 'dbtransaction'
tabletype = 'general'
displayusing = 'datatablesnet'
title = '541:Nominal ledger'
notes = 'Part of the accounting system'
c_category = '196:Category'
c_common = '6:Common'
c_document = '197:Document'
c_email = '95:Email address'
c_group = '96:Group'
c_lastmodified = '198:Last modified'
c_level = '99:Level'
c_notes = '8:Notes'
c_options = '31:Options'
c_order = '129:Order'
c_parent = '23:Parent'
c_password = '2:Password'
c_reference = '9999:Reference'
c_revision = '3:Revision'
c_status = '199:Status'
c_type = '128:Type'
c_username = '1:User name'
c_version = '200:Version'
c_whomodified = '201:Who modified'
d_addr1 = '203:Address Line 1'
d_addr2 = '204:Address Line 2'
d_avatar = '9999:Avatar'
d_city = '207:City'
d_comments = '208:Comments'
d_company = '209:Company'
d_country = '210:Country'
d_css = '9999:CSS'
d_description = '125:Description'
d_firstname = '211:First name'
d_icon = '214:Icon'
d_identity = '215:Identity'
d_identitytype = '216:Identity type'
d_image = '217:Image'
d_langcd = '187:Language'
d_lastname = '213:Last name'
d_midname = '212:Middle name'
d_page = '143:Page'
d_phone = '218:Telephone'
d_postcode = '219:Post code'
d_region = '220:Region'
d_responsibility = '221:Responsibility'
d_submenu = '222:Submenu'
d_suburb = '223:Suburb'
d_table = '126:Table'
d_tabletype = '167:Tabletypes'
d_text = '140:Text'
d_title = '130:Title'
d_type = '128:Type'
d_url = '9999:URL'
d_value = '138:Value'
id = '9999:Id'