* $Id: Template.php 1384 2007-04-06 21:02:59Z matthieu $
if (!class_exists('Test_Html_Template')) {
if (!defined('__CLASS_PATH__')) {
define('__CLASS_PATH__', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'));
if (!defined('__SIMPLETEST_PATH__')) {
define('__SIMPLETEST_PATH__', realpath(__CLASS_PATH__ . '/simpletest/'));
require_once __SIMPLETEST_PATH__ . '/shell_tester.php';
require_once __SIMPLETEST_PATH__ . '/reporter.php';
require_once __CLASS_PATH__ . '/Autoload.php';
* base architecture for Html unit test cases
* @author matthieu <matthieu@phplibrairies.com>
* @package html
* @subpackage unit_test_case
class Test_Html_Template extends ShellTestCase {
* @var mixed the object to test
* @access protected
protected $obj = null;
* @var string $value : the expected value
* @access protected
protected $value = '';
* @var string $fieldname : the fieldname
* @access protected
protected $fieldname = '';
* design style class name
const __STYLE_CLASS_NAME__ = 'design';
* design style value
const __STYLE_CONTENT__ = 'margin: 5px; width: 150px; font-weight: bold;';
* the default image picture
const __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ = './img/picture.gif';
* constructor
* @param string $closeBracket : the closeBracket value
* @return void
public function __construct() {
parent :: __construct();
* test a getter answer
* @access protected
* @param string $expectedValue : the expected value
* @param string $valueFound : the value found
* @return void
protected function testGetterAnswer($valueFound, $expectedValue) {
$this->assertTrue(($valueFound != ''), 'return value is empty');
$this->assertTrue(($valueFound == $expectedValue), "value mismatch: expected $expectedValue found $valueFound");
* test the toString method of the object
* @param string $expectedCodeValue : the expected code value
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function _testCode($expectedCodeValue) {
$return = $this->obj->__toString();
$this->assertTrue(($return != ''), 'toString return an empty value');
$this->assertTrue((strcasecmp($return, $expectedCodeValue) == 0), "unexpected return value for toString: found $return, expected $expectedCodeValue");
* test a getter
* @access protected
* @return void
* @param string $getter_name : the name of the getter used
* @param string $expect_value
* @param string $found_value
protected function _testGetter($getter_name, $expected_value, $found_value) {
$this->assertTrue((strcasecmp($expected_value, $found_value) == 0), 'Unexpected return value for getter ' . $getter_name . ': found ' . $found_value . ', expecting ' . $expected_value);
* check bug 1
* @see http://www.phplibrairies.com/bugtrack/
public function testBug_1() {
if (!is_null($this->obj)) {
if (in_array("Html_Design_Interface", class_implements(get_class($this->obj)))) {
$this->obj->setStyle('font-weight: bold');
$this->assertTrue((strcasecmp($this->obj->getStyle(), 'font-weight: bold') == 0), "class have bug #1, see http://www.phplibrairies.com/bugtrack/");
} else {