* $Id: Picture.php 1384 2007-04-06 21:02:59Z matthieu $
if (!class_exists('Test_Html_Picture')) {
if (!defined('__CLASS_PATH__')) {
define('__CLASS_PATH__', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'));
require_once __CLASS_PATH__ . '/Autoload.php';
* Test class for Html_Picture class
* @author Matthieu MARY <matthieu@phplibrairies.com>
* @since $Date$
* @package html
* @subpackage unit_test_case
class Test_Html_Picture extends Test_Html_Template implements Test_Html_Design_Interface {
* constructor
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct() {
parent :: __construct();
public function setUp() {
$this->initObject(parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__);
* initialise the object
* @param string $picturePath : mandatory parameter
* @access private
* @return void
private function initObject($picturePath) {
$this->obj = new Html_Picture($picturePath);
* test the toString method
* @access public
* @return void
public function testDefault() {
$this->_testCode('<img src="' . parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ . '"/>');
* test the set style method
* @access public
* @return void
public function testSetStyle() {
$this->obj->setStyle(parent :: __STYLE_CONTENT__);
$this->_testCode('<img src="' . parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ . '" style="' . parent :: __STYLE_CONTENT__ . '"/>');
$this->_testGetter('getStyle()', parent :: __STYLE_CONTENT__, $this->obj->getStyle());
* test the set style method
* @access public
* @return void
public function testSetStyleClass() {
$this->obj->setStyleClass(parent :: __STYLE_CLASS_NAME__);
$this->_testCode('<img src="' . parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ . '" class="' . parent :: __STYLE_CLASS_NAME__ . '"/>');
$this->_testGetter('getStyleClass()', parent :: __STYLE_CLASS_NAME__, $this->obj->getStyleClass());
* test the set style method
* @access public
* @return void
public function testAddJS() {
$js = new Html_Javascript(Html_Javascript :: __ONKEYUP__, "alert('ok')");
$this->_testCode('<img src="' . parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ . '" ' . $js->__toString() . '/>');
unset ($js);
* test the set style method for un unexpected event
* @access public
* @return void
public function testAddJSUnexpected() {
$this->obj->addJS(new Html_Javascript(Html_Javascript :: __ONCLICK__, "alert('ok')"));
$this->_testCode('<img src="' . parent :: __DEFAULT_PICT_PATH__ . '"/>');