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File: DB.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Database
Class: Tiny P2P
Manage a social networking a friends
Author: By
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Date: 2007-06-19 21:48
Size: 22,552 bytes


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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.9.2
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Jun 20, 2007 at 04:42 AM
-- Server version: 5.0.33
-- PHP Version: 5.2.1
-- Database: `platinul1`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `invite_network`

CREATE TABLE `invite_network` (
  `InviteId` bigint(10) NOT NULL,
  `varificationCode` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `FromId` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `invite_network`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `m_usr_online`

CREATE TABLE `m_usr_online` (
  `timestamp` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `m_ip` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `MemberId` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `m_file` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `status` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default ''
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `m_usr_online`

INSERT INTO `m_usr_online` VALUES ('1182246484', '', 10, '/theplatinumlists/p2p/view_my_profile.php', 'Online');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `p2p_network`

CREATE TABLE `p2p_network` (
  `NetworkId` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `MemberId` bigint(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `InvitedMemberId` bigint(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `InviteStatus` enum('Pending','Approved','Deny') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Pending',
  `InvitationMessage` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `InviteDateTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `ActiveStatus` enum('Active','Inactive') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Active',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`NetworkId`)

-- Dumping data for table `p2p_network`

INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (1, 9, 11, 'Approved', 'yekini', '2006-11-14 16:41:59', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (2, 11, 24, 'Approved', '', '2006-11-14 17:15:37', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (3, 9, 12, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-11-15 08:40:38', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (9, 1, 14, 'Approved', 'add me plz.......', '2006-11-20 10:38:11', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (5, 14, 9, 'Approved', 'Hey Saif it''s Sam - Can you add me. This is a test.\r\n\r\nS', '2006-11-17 11:12:49', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (6, 9, 24, 'Approved', 'bobby bobby....', '2006-11-17 11:36:50', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (31, 9, 42, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-11 11:06:07', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (14, 14, 32, 'Approved', 'Hi Charlie, please add me to your network!\r\n\r\nCheers!\r\nSam', '2006-11-24 13:27:29', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (11, 14, 30, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-11-22 05:33:01', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (12, 14, 24, 'Approved', 'Hi Omar, add me to your network.!', '2006-11-22 08:41:22', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (13, 9, 31, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-11-22 08:51:52', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (30, 9, 32, 'Pending', 'hi sam....we''re almost ready to launch bro. hows our whitelabel looking...', '2006-12-07 12:07:22', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (17, 36, 9, 'Approved', 'Hello Saif, you will never guess where I am! Yes that''s right Bangladesh! Chat soon my man.', '2006-11-30 12:07:42', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (18, 9, 38, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-01 18:15:47', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (19, 9, 39, 'Approved', 'wonnn', '2006-12-03 19:36:12', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (20, 39, 31, 'Pending', 'Hello mate!! Long time no see, i will be in Dubai on the 10th of November, lets try and meet.', '2006-12-03 19:39:31', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (21, 39, 24, 'Approved', 'Hey mate, how are you?', '2006-12-03 19:39:57', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (22, 39, 11, 'Approved', 'Chammon!', '2006-12-03 20:15:41', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (23, 9, 40, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-05 15:40:21', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (24, 40, 30, 'Approved', 'hey dude, now i can put a face to the name, will be in touch when i''m ready but doing a lot of ground work before i get all the web stuff sorted! Adnan', '2006-12-05 15:57:05', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (32, 1, 30, 'Approved', 'hi sam', '2006-12-11 12:38:57', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (29, 30, 36, 'Approved', 'add me!', '2006-12-07 09:39:54', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (27, 9, 41, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-05 19:06:22', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (28, 39, 40, 'Pending', 'Hi mate!', '2006-12-05 20:39:47', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (33, 9, 43, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-11 17:04:47', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (34, 9, 46, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-12 12:19:02', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (35, 9, 44, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-12 12:19:25', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (36, 11, 51, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-12 17:51:28', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (37, 51, 24, 'Approved', 'billy is online\r\n', '2006-12-12 17:54:56', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (38, 51, 9, 'Approved', 'DJ Bob has arrived', '2006-12-12 17:55:42', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (39, 45, 44, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-12 23:32:33', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (40, 45, 9, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-12 23:33:06', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (41, 45, 11, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-12 23:33:46', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (42, 24, 45, 'Pending', 'yoooo tonnny', '2006-12-14 12:23:43', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (43, 11, 55, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-14 15:39:22', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (44, 9, 55, 'Pending', 'hi amrit, its saif here. glad to have you on the network but please make sure you change your picture to a better one asap otheriwse you will be removed. thanks.', '2006-12-14 16:22:55', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (45, 11, 56, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-15 01:51:04', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (46, 9, 56, 'Approved', 'oi...how did you get onto my network...what do you think of the site habib. 8 months in the making. let me know bro.', '2006-12-15 01:52:33', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (47, 9, 58, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-15 12:36:09', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (48, 11, 60, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-15 17:11:55', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (49, 11, 61, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-15 17:58:08', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (50, 9, 60, 'Approved', 'good to have you on bro. let us know what you think. also make sure you change your pic to a proper one otherwise we will have to take you off...', '2006-12-15 19:00:05', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (51, 11, 62, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-16 18:14:17', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (52, 11, 59, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-16 18:57:07', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (53, 11, 63, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-16 23:06:35', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (54, 9, 64, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-17 15:56:19', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (55, 9, 65, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-17 17:47:06', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (56, 39, 41, 'Approved', 'Hello!!!', '2006-12-17 18:06:42', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (57, 39, 63, 'Pending', 'Hello, hello!', '2006-12-17 18:07:30', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (58, 39, 46, 'Approved', 'Fantastic!', '2006-12-17 18:08:11', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (59, 9, 66, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 10:30:02', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (60, 9, 67, 'Approved', 'hey you. good to have you on the site. let me know what you think of it as we really want to go big with it globally next year. see you soon.xx', '2006-12-18 10:41:41', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (61, 9, 68, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 11:36:13', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (62, 9, 70, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 14:14:28', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (63, 46, 69, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 14:15:05', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (64, 70, 71, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 14:25:21', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (65, 11, 67, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-18 14:29:46', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (66, 9, 72, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 15:31:50', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (67, 11, 74, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 15:31:51', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (68, 9, 75, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 17:01:03', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (69, 11, 14, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-18 17:34:23', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (70, 11, 68, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-18 17:46:02', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (83, 11, 80, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-19 09:41:52', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (72, 9, 76, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 18:59:21', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (73, 11, 77, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 19:04:11', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (74, 77, 51, 'Approved', 'oi add me', '2006-12-18 19:12:20', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (75, 77, 59, 'Pending', 'hello mate', '2006-12-18 19:13:00', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (76, 77, 24, 'Approved', 'jaddou', '2006-12-18 19:13:41', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (77, 77, 43, 'Approved', 'hey bro', '2006-12-18 19:14:10', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (78, 77, 9, 'Approved', 'hello mate', '2006-12-18 19:15:04', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (79, 11, 43, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-18 19:20:26', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (80, 11, 38, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-18 19:20:47', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (81, 51, 74, 'Approved', 'for the love of camden fish market', '2006-12-18 21:56:16', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (82, 24, 79, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-18 23:58:28', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (84, 9, 80, 'Approved', 'hey u..welcome to the network. let me know what you think of the site. 2007 is our BIG year so let me know how you are....', '2006-12-19 10:46:52', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (85, 74, 40, 'Pending', 'hey dude. roman', '2006-12-19 12:15:44', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (86, 9, 81, 'Pending', 'you''re in...', '2006-12-19 13:12:07', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (87, 24, 83, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-19 16:12:29', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (88, 24, 84, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-19 16:21:55', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (89, 83, 61, 'Pending', 'hey man! nice to see you here, u think this site will be good?', '2006-12-19 16:22:03', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (90, 84, 9, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:25:02', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (91, 84, 40, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-19 16:25:44', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (92, 84, 51, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:26:03', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (93, 84, 77, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:26:36', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (94, 84, 11, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:26:54', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (95, 84, 76, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:26:59', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (96, 84, 45, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-19 16:27:13', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (97, 84, 43, 'Approved', '', '2006-12-19 16:27:46', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (98, 84, 74, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-19 16:27:53', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (99, 84, 59, 'Pending', '', '2006-12-19 16:28:17', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (100, 83, 86, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-19 17:01:23', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (101, 9, 59, 'Pending', 'oi...what do you think of the site bro. its almost finished and i want you and zaid to run things internationally....', '2006-12-20 04:46:02', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (102, 11, 88, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-20 08:57:26', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (103, 39, 69, 'Pending', 'hello', '2006-12-20 11:28:08', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (104, 39, 84, 'Approved', 'Hello Hello', '2006-12-20 11:29:11', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (105, 39, 73, 'Pending', 'Hi Eva', '2006-12-20 11:29:23', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (106, 39, 88, 'Approved', 'Hi Christina', '2006-12-20 11:29:45', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (107, 39, 80, 'Approved', 'Hi Chloe', '2006-12-20 11:30:04', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (108, 39, 71, 'Pending', 'Hi Danielle', '2006-12-20 11:30:19', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (109, 39, 67, 'Approved', 'Hi Laura', '2006-12-20 11:31:04', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (110, 39, 51, 'Approved', 'Chammon', '2006-12-20 11:33:04', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (111, 39, 82, 'Pending', 'Hi Rana', '2006-12-20 11:33:28', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (112, 39, 70, 'Approved', 'Hello Clarissa', '2006-12-20 11:33:48', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (113, 39, 75, 'Pending', 'Hi Leena', '2006-12-20 11:34:12', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (114, 39, 76, 'Approved', 'Chammon', '2006-12-20 11:34:41', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (115, 73, 70, 'Approved', 'Aw clar!', '2006-12-20 12:45:05', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (116, 73, 71, 'Pending', 'HI Dan! xxx', '2006-12-20 12:45:38', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (117, 39, 72, 'Pending', 'Hi Leila!', '2006-12-20 16:36:16', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (118, 72, 76, 'Approved', 'and another site... what do you make of it?', '2006-12-20 19:36:49', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (119, 9, 90, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-20 20:52:13', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (120, 39, 90, 'Pending', 'Chammonnnnnn', '2006-12-20 21:59:37', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (121, 39, 68, 'Pending', 'Hello Shalimar!', '2006-12-20 22:00:36', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (122, 11, 78, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-20 23:49:55', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (123, 91, 84, 'Approved', 'Heya! :)', '2006-12-21 00:36:57', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (124, 91, 76, 'Pending', 'Hi, its Luke from Clubsnapper. Hows it going?', '2006-12-21 00:43:22', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (125, 24, 93, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-21 12:04:06', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (240, 11, 94, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-21 14:39:09', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (470, 11, 95, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-22 03:51:14', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (930, 24, 96, 'Approved', 'Friend through invitation for registration.', '2006-12-22 03:51:20', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (1851, 1, 32, 'Approved', 'Manually Invite korse', '2006-12-25 00:00:00', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (1850, 1, 77, 'Approved', 'Manually Invite korse', '2006-12-20 00:00:00', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (1852, 10, 92, 'Pending', '', '2007-06-12 13:23:33', 'Active');
INSERT INTO `p2p_network` VALUES (1853, 44, 10, 'Approved', 'hello', '2007-06-12 13:26:14', 'Active');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `pla_registration`

CREATE TABLE `pla_registration` (
  `MemberId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `MemberStatus` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `FirstName` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `SirName` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `Gender` varchar(10) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `DateOfBirth` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
  `PhotoName` varchar(150) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `ResidenceCountry` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `PrimaryCity` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `OtherCities` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `PersonalWebSite` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `MobileNo` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EMail` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `UserName` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `Password` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `HowUHear` varchar(150) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `ReferredByMemName` varchar(11) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  `EmpTitle` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EmpCompanyName` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EmpSinceFrom` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EmpSinceTo` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EmpIndustry` varchar(80) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EduLevelOfEdu` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `EduLastSchool` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  `NoOfProfileView` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  `MemRegDateTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `PersonalResume` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `ProfessionalResume` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `ImageGallery` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`MemberId`)

-- Dumping data for table `pla_registration`

INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (81, 'Active Member', 'Aminul', 'Islam', 'Female', '1980-09-10', 'PE03-02_350.jpg', 'Bangladesh', '5', 'Bogra', 'yahoo.com', '+880158303815', 'aminul@bglobalsourcing.com', 'aminul', 'aminul', 'Magazine/Newspaper', '', 'Associate Programmer', 'bGlobal Sourcing LLC', '12-10-2005', '10-09-2006', 'Computers/Electronics', 'Bachelor Degree', 'MIST', 0, '2006-10-09 05:56:45', '', '', 'n664096458_6938_6.jpg,A2CC42C25DB72770AAAD6D6D4A5350.jpg,789C92CD8FE85777E74F01325E429.jpg');
INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (43, 'Active Member', 'Immy', 'Nikray', 'Male', '1981-07-18', 'Pics_In_Marbella.jpg', 'United Kingdom', '5', 'Marbella', 'umbaba.com', 'N/A', 'sabbir@bglobalsourcing.com', 'immy', 'lucinda', 'Referred by a Member', 'Saif', '', '', '', '', 'N/A', 'Bachelor Degree', '', 0, '2006-12-11 17:02:14', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (44, 'Active Member', 'Alex', 'Bracken', 'Male', '1975-02-03', 'AlexPP.jpg', 'United Arab Emirates', '5', '', 'newdawn.ae', '+971502087878', 'mamun@bglobalsourcing.com', 'alex', 'alex123', 'Referred by a Member', 'Saif Al Rub', 'MD', 'NewDawn', '', '', 'N/A', 'High School', '', 0, '2006-12-12 06:22:32', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (41, 'Active Member', 'Rahila', 'Kassam', 'Female', '1982-04-08', 'RayMTVPARTY_44.jpg', 'United Arab Emirates', '5', 'London', '', 'N/A', 'monir@bglobalsourcing.com', 'Ray', 'bubbly', 'Referred by a Member', 'Saif', '', '', '', '', 'N/A', 'College', '', 0, '2006-12-05 19:03:37', '', '', ',House_Party.jpg');
INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (92, 'Active Member', 'Admin', '', '', '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Admin', '', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `pla_registration` VALUES (97, 'ahmtEmFNJxU8.', 'Test', 'Kori', 'Male', '1975-06-02', 'car01_37.jpg', 'United Kingdom', '23', '', '', '+343434', 'sdsd@ddsd.com', 'dss', 'asaasa', 'Attended a Party', '', 'sdssd', 'dsds', '2323', '232', 'Pharmaceuticals', 'College', 'qwqw', 0, '2007-02-12 05:50:30', '', '', '');