* Brute Force Search Class
* @package Brute Force Search Class
* @file example2.php
* ****************************************************************************
* Allright! We gonna use this class to find a md5 output!
* We will search for db088d7fd61422d0dd9f2152fd550127
* which is actually md5 string of nima
@set_time_limit(0); //This might be useful. Searching might take too long!
function check_md5($md5, $i)
if(md5($md5) == "db088d7fd61422d0dd9f2152fd550127")
echo "Hey! I finally found it after searching total of $i strings! it's \"$md5\" you are looking for! (without quotes)\n";
return true;
$brute_force = new brute_force("check_md5", 3, 4, "lower") or die($brute_force->errormsg()); //We are searching for 3 and 4 length strings which contain only lowercase characters!
$brute_force->callback_break = true; //By setting this to true, process will terminate whenever callback function returns true (refer to the documentation)