//Instance the secShield Class
//You might put it at the top of your PHP code
$secShield = new secShield;
//Control the acess to the website preventing url injections. MAX_QUERY_ERROR = 10;
//The Function AcessControl will return false if the user got the maximum query error number.
//The information is stored in sessions and cookies.
if(!$secShield->AcessControl()) {
echo '<H3>User Banned !</H3>';
echo 'IP: '. $secShield->secShield_IP . '<br />';
echo 'Ban-TimeStamp: '. $secShield->secShield_TS . '<br />';
echo '<B>Banned for 1 day.</B>';
} else {
echo 'welcome';
//Return an Array with the url query as key and values
$array_query = $secShield->getQuery();
//Example Printing the array query
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="index.php?secShield=<?PHP echo $secShield->setQuery('class=secShield&developer=Tiago Sarlo&Age=25&Email=tiagosarlo@proged.com.br'); ?>">secShield Testing</a>