// this is an exmple showing the use of the get_field_names function and
// its usefulness.
This is a sample of how to implement the class.search.php class.
The class was originally written by
Sujith Nair [sujith_77@hotmail.com]
On September 12, 2001
greatly modified and enhanced by
Craig Heydenburg [craigh@mac.com]
May 14, 2002
require ("class.search.php");
// change the information below to suit your needs
$try=new search_fields("hostname","username","password","dbname");
// end
if ($submit<>"search") {
<BODY style='font-family:Arial,Helvetica,San-Serif;'>
Select the fields you would like to search in and display:<BR>
<form action="<? echo basename($PHP_SELF) ?>" method="post">
<? while (list($k,$v)=each($try->get_field_names($table))) {
print ("<INPUT TYPE='checkbox' NAME='cols[".$k."]' value='".$v."'> ".$v."<BR>");
Enter words or title: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="terms">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" Name="submit" value="search">
<button type="submit" name="sub_button">Search</button></FORM>
} else {
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Search Results</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY style='font-family:Arial,Helvetica,San-Serif;'>
// Match the keywords and display the result
<BR><BR><A HREF="<? echo basename($PHP_SELF) ?>">Search Again</A>