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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/modern/src/test/js/browser/ui/MenubarTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/modern/src/test/js/browser/ui/MenubarTest.js
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test( 'browser.tinymce.themes.modern.test.ui.MenubarTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'tinymce.core.Editor', 'tinymce.core.EditorManager', 'tinymce.themes.modern.ui.Menubar' ], function (Assertions, Arr, Fun, Editor, EditorManager, Menubar) { var menuItems = [ 'newdocument', 'restoredraft', 'preview', 'print', 'undo', 'redo', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'pastetext', 'selectall', 'code', 'visualaid', 'visualchars', 'visualblocks', 'spellchecker', 'preview', 'fullscreen', 'image', 'link', 'media', 'template', 'codesample', 'inserttable', 'charmap', 'hr', 'pagebreak', 'nonbreaking', 'anchor', 'toc', 'insertdatetime', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'codeformat', 'blockformats', 'align', 'removeformat', 'spellcheckerlanguage', 'a11ycheck' ]; var testMenubarCustomItems = function (label, expectedStructure, settings, customItemsCallback) { var editor = new Editor('id', settings, EditorManager); Arr.each(menuItems, function (name) { editor.addMenuItem(name, { text: name }); }); customItemsCallback(editor); var menuButtons = Menubar.createMenuButtons(editor); Assertions.assertEq(label, expectedStructure, menuButtons); }; var testMenubar = function (label, expectedStructure, settings) { testMenubarCustomItems(label, expectedStructure, settings, Fun.noop); }; var menuItem = function (text) { return { text: text }; }; var menuSeparator = function () { return { text: '|' }; }; var menuCustomItem = function (item) { return item; }; testMenubar( 'Default config should match', [ { text: 'File', menu: [ menuItem('newdocument'), menuItem('restoredraft'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('preview'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('print') ] }, { text: 'Edit', menu: [ menuItem('undo'), menuItem('redo'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('cut'), menuItem('copy'), menuItem('paste'), menuItem('pastetext'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('selectall') ] }, { text: 'View', menu: [ menuItem('code'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('visualaid'), menuItem('visualchars'), menuItem('visualblocks'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('spellchecker'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('preview'), menuItem('fullscreen') ] }, { text: 'Insert', menu: [ menuItem('image'), menuItem('link'), menuItem('media'), menuItem('template'), menuItem('codesample'), menuItem('inserttable'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('charmap'), menuItem('hr'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('pagebreak'), menuItem('nonbreaking'), menuItem('anchor'), menuItem('toc'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('insertdatetime') ] }, { text: 'Format', menu: [ menuItem('bold'), menuItem('italic'), menuItem('underline'), menuItem('strikethrough'), menuItem('superscript'), menuItem('subscript'), menuItem('codeformat'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('blockformats'), menuItem('align'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('removeformat') ] }, { text: 'Tools', menu: [ menuItem('spellchecker'), menuItem('spellcheckerlanguage'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('a11ycheck') ] } ], {} ); testMenubar( 'Default config with some removed items', [ { text: 'File', menu: [ menuItem('newdocument'), menuItem('restoredraft'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('print') ] }, { text: 'Edit', menu: [ menuItem('undo'), menuItem('redo'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('cut'), menuItem('copy'), menuItem('paste'), menuItem('pastetext'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('selectall') ] }, { text: 'View', menu: [ menuItem('visualaid'), menuItem('visualchars'), menuItem('visualblocks'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('spellchecker'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('fullscreen') ] }, { text: 'Insert', menu: [ menuItem('image'), menuItem('link'), menuItem('media'), menuItem('template'), menuItem('codesample'), menuItem('inserttable'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('charmap'), menuItem('hr'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('pagebreak'), menuItem('nonbreaking'), menuItem('anchor'), menuItem('toc'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('insertdatetime') ] }, { text: 'Format', menu: [ menuItem('bold'), menuItem('italic'), menuItem('underline'), menuItem('strikethrough'), menuItem('superscript'), menuItem('subscript'), menuItem('codeformat'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('blockformats'), menuItem('align') ] }, { text: 'Tools', menu: [ menuItem('spellchecker'), menuItem('spellcheckerlanguage'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('a11ycheck') ] } ], { removed_menuitems: 'preview code removeformat' } ); testMenubar( 'Menubar config with only file menu button', [ { text: 'File', menu: [ menuItem('newdocument'), menuItem('restoredraft'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('preview'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('print') ] } ], { menubar: 'file' } ); testMenubar( 'Menu custom config', [ { text: 'Custom file', menu: [ menuItem('newdocument'), menuItem('preview') ] }, { text: 'Custom view', menu: [ menuItem('preview') ] } ], { menu: { 'file': { title: 'Custom file', items: 'newdocument preview' }, 'view': { title: 'Custom view', items: 'preview' } } } ); testMenubar( 'Menu custom config cleanup separators', [ { text: 'Custom file', menu: [ menuItem('newdocument'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('preview') ] } ], { menu: { 'file': { title: 'Custom file', items: '| newdocument | | | preview |' } } } ); testMenubarCustomItems( 'Adding custom menu items by context', [ { text: 'File', menu: [ menuCustomItem({ text: 'custom3', context: 'file', prependToContext: true }), menuItem('newdocument'), menuItem('restoredraft'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('preview'), menuSeparator(), menuItem('print'), menuCustomItem({ text: 'custom1', context: 'file' }), menuCustomItem({ text: 'custom2', context: 'file' }) ] } ], { menubar: 'file' }, function (editor) { editor.addMenuItem('custom1', { text: 'custom1', context: 'file' }); editor.addMenuItem('custom2', { text: 'custom2', context: 'file' }); editor.addMenuItem('custom3', { text: 'custom3', context: 'file', prependToContext: true }); } ); testMenubarCustomItems( 'Adding custom menu items', [ { text: 'File', menu: [ menuCustomItem({ text: 'custom1' }) ] } ], { menu: { 'file': { title: 'File', items: 'custom1' } } }, function (editor) { editor.addMenuItem('custom1', { text: 'custom1' }); editor.addMenuItem('custom2', { text: 'custom2' }); } ); } );