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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/test/js/phantom/bridge/LinkBridgeTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/test/js/phantom/bridge/LinkBridgeTest.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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test( 'Test: phantom.bridge.LinkBridgeTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.ApproxStructure', 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.Logger', 'ephox.agar.api.RawAssertions', 'ephox.alloy.test.TestStore', 'ephox.boulder.api.FieldSchema', 'ephox.boulder.api.Objects', 'ephox.boulder.api.ValueSchema', 'ephox.katamari.api.Cell', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '' ], function (ApproxStructure, Assertions, Logger, RawAssertions, TestStore, FieldSchema, Objects, ValueSchema, Cell, Fun, Option, Element, LinkBridge) { var store = TestStore(); var editorState = { start: Cell(null), content: Cell('') }; var editor = { selection: { getStart: editorState.start.get, getContent: editorState.content.get, select: Fun.noop }, insertContent: function (data) { store.adder({ method: 'insertContent', data: data })(); }, execCommand: function (name) { store.adder({ method: 'execCommand', data: name })(); }, dom: { createHTML: function (tag, attributes, innerText) { return { tag: tag, attributes: attributes, innerText: innerText }; }, encode: Fun.identity }, focus: Fun.noop }; var checkGetNoLink = function (rawScenario) { var schema = ValueSchema.objOfOnly([ FieldSchema.strict('label'), FieldSchema.defaulted('nodeText', ''), FieldSchema.defaulted('selection', ''), FieldSchema.strict('expected') ]); var scenario = ValueSchema.asRawOrDie(rawScenario.label, schema, rawScenario); Logger.sync('getInfo ... ' + scenario.label, function () { editorState.start.set(Element.fromText(scenario.nodeText).dom()); editorState.content.set(scenario.selection); var info = LinkBridge.getInfo(editor); RawAssertions.assertEq('Checking getInfo (no link)', { url: '', text: scenario.expected, title: '', target: '' }, Objects.narrow(info, [ 'url', 'text', 'target', 'title' ])); RawAssertions.assertEq('Checking link is not set', true,; }); }; var checkGetALink = function (rawScenario) { var schema = ValueSchema.objOfOnly([ FieldSchema.strict('label'), FieldSchema.defaulted('linkHtml', ''), FieldSchema.defaulted('selection', ''), FieldSchema.strict('expected') ]); var scenario = ValueSchema.asRawOrDie(rawScenario.label, schema, rawScenario); Logger.sync('getInfo ... ' + scenario.label + ', link: ' + scenario.linkHtml, function () { editorState.start.set(Element.fromHtml(scenario.linkHtml).dom()); editorState.content.set(scenario.selection); var info = LinkBridge.getInfo(editor); RawAssertions.assertEq('Checking getInfo (link)', scenario.expected, Objects.narrow(info, [ 'url', 'text', 'target', 'title' ])); RawAssertions.assertEq('Checking link is set', true,; }); }; var checkApply = function (rawScenario) { var schema = ValueSchema.objOfOnly([ FieldSchema.strict('label'), FieldSchema.strictObjOf('info', [ FieldSchema.option('url'), FieldSchema.option('text'), FieldSchema.option('title'), FieldSchema.option('target'), FieldSchema.option('link') ]), FieldSchema.defaulted('mutations', Fun.noop), FieldSchema.defaulted('expected', [ ]) ]); var scenario = ValueSchema.asRawOrDie(rawScenario.label, schema, rawScenario); Logger.sync('setInfo ... ' + scenario.label, function () { store.clear(); LinkBridge.applyInfo(editor,; store.assertEq('Checking store', scenario.expected); var link =; link.each(scenario.mutations); }); }; checkGetNoLink({ label: 'Basic text node with no text', expected: '' }); checkGetNoLink({ label: 'Basic text node with some text and no selection', nodeText: 'some', expected: '' }); checkGetNoLink({ label: 'Basic text node with some text and "sel" selection', nodeText: 'some', selection: 'sel', expected: 'sel' }); checkGetALink({ label: 'Link with href', linkHtml: '<a href="http://foo">Foo</a>', selection: 'sel', expected: { url: 'http://foo', text: 'Foo', title: '', target: '' } }); checkGetALink({ label: 'Link with href and target', linkHtml: '<a href="http://foo" target="_blank">Foo</a>', selection: 'sel', expected: { url: 'http://foo', text: 'Foo', title: '', target: '_blank' } }); checkGetALink({ label: 'Link with href and target and title', linkHtml: '<a href="http://foo" target="_blank" title="wow">Foo</a>', selection: 'sel', expected: { url: 'http://foo', text: 'Foo', title: 'wow', target: '_blank' } }); checkGetALink({ label: 'Link with href and matching text (should ignore text)', linkHtml: '<a href="http://foo">http://foo</a>', selection: 'sel', expected: { url: 'http://foo', text: '', title: '', target: '' } }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to empty text', info: { url: 'hi' }, mutations: function (elem) { }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'hi' }, innerText: 'hi' } } ] }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to empty text with [ text ]', info: { url: 'hi', text: 'hello' }, mutations: function (elem) { }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'hi' }, innerText: 'hello' } } ] }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to empty text with [ text, title ]', info: { url: 'hi', text: 'hello', title: 'Title' }, mutations: function (elem) { }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'hi', title: 'Title' }, innerText: 'hello' } } ] }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to empty text with [ text, title, target ]', info: { url: 'hi', text: 'hello', title: 'Title', target: 'new' }, mutations: function (elem) { }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'hi', title: 'Title', target: 'new' }, innerText: 'hello' } } ] }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to simple link (http://foo) with url', info: { url: 'hi', text: '', title: '', target: '', link: Option.some( Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://foo">http://foo</a>') ) }, mutations: function (elem) { Assertions.assertStructure('Checking structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'hi') }, html:'hi') }); }), elem); } }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to complex link (http://foo), Foo with url', info: { url: 'hi', text: '', title: '', target: '', link: Option.some( Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://foo">Foo</a>') ) }, mutations: function (elem) { Assertions.assertStructure('Checking structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'hi') }, html:'Foo') }); }), elem); } }); checkApply({ label: 'Applying to complex link (http://foo), Foo with url, text, and title', info: { url: 'hi', text: 'new-text', title: 'new-title', target: '', link: Option.some( Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://foo">Foo</a>') ) }, mutations: function (elem) { Assertions.assertStructure('Checking structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'hi'), title:'new-title') }, html:'new-text') }); }), elem); } }); checkApply({ label: 'Unlinking a link by removing the URL', info: { url: '', text: 'new-text', title: 'new-title', target: '', link: Option.some( Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://foo">Foo</a>') ) }, expected: [ { method: 'execCommand', data: 'unlink' } ] }); checkApply({ label: 'Unlinking should not be called if there is no existing link', info: { url: '', text: 'new-text', title: 'new-title', target: '', link: Option.none() }, expected: [ ] }); } );