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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/test/js/browser/ui/SerialisedLinkTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/test/js/browser/ui/SerialisedLinkTest.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 14,072 bytes


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asynctest( 'Browser Test: ui.SerialisedLinkTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.ApproxStructure', 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.Chain', 'ephox.agar.api.FocusTools', 'ephox.agar.api.GeneralSteps', 'ephox.agar.api.Keyboard', 'ephox.agar.api.Keys', 'ephox.agar.api.Logger', 'ephox.agar.api.Mouse', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'ephox.agar.api.UiFinder', 'ephox.alloy.api.system.Attachment', 'ephox.alloy.test.GuiSetup', 'ephox.boulder.api.FieldSchema', 'ephox.boulder.api.ValueSchema', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Focus', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Body', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', '', '', 'global!navigator', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], function ( ApproxStructure, Assertions, Chain, FocusTools, GeneralSteps, Keyboard, Keys, Logger, Mouse, Pipeline, Step, UiFinder, Attachment, GuiSetup, FieldSchema, ValueSchema, Fun, PlatformDetection, Focus, Body, Element, Class, Traverse, navigator, TestEditor, TestSelectors, TestStyles, TestUi, IosRealm, LinkButton ) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var detection = PlatformDetection.detect(); var realm = IosRealm(); // Make toolbar appear Class.add(realm.system().element(), 'tinymce-mobile-fullscreen-maximized'); var body = Body.body(); Attachment.attachSystem(body, realm.system()); var doc = Traverse.owner(body); TestStyles.addStyles(); var unload = function () { TestStyles.removeStyles(); Attachment.detachSystem(realm.system()); }; var tEditor = TestEditor(); realm.setToolbarGroups([ { label: 'group1', items: [ LinkButton.sketch(realm, tEditor.editor()) ] } ]); var sAssertNavigation = function (label, prevEnabled, nextEnabled) { return Logger.t( label, Step.sync(function () { var active =; // The buttons are next and previous siblings var prev = Traverse.parent(active).bind(Traverse.prevSibling).getOrDie('Could not find button to left'); var next = Traverse.parent(active).bind(Traverse.nextSibling).getOrDie('Could not find button to right'); var assertNavButton = function (buttonLabel, expected, button) { Assertions.assertStructure( 'Checking ' + buttonLabel + ' button should be enabled = ' + expected, (s, str, arr) { return s.element('span', { attr: { role:'button') }, classes: [ (expected ? arr.not : arr.has)('tinymce-mobile-toolbar-navigation-disabled') ] }); }), button ); }; assertNavButton('previous', prevEnabled, prev); assertNavButton('next', nextEnabled, next); }) ); }; var sClickNavigation = function (selector) { return Chain.asStep({ }, [ TestUi.cGetFocused, TestUi.cGetParent, TestUi.cGetParent, UiFinder.cFindIn(selector), Mouse.cClick ]); }; var sClickPrev = sClickNavigation('.tinymce-mobile-icon-previous'); var sClickNext = sClickNavigation('.tinymce-mobile-icon-next'); var sAssertUrlFocused = GeneralSteps.sequence([ FocusTools.sTryOnSelector('Focus should be on input with link URL', doc, 'input[placeholder="Type or paste URL"]'), sAssertNavigation('Checking initial navigation on text node', false, true) ]); var sAssertTextFocused = GeneralSteps.sequence([ FocusTools.sTryOnSelector('Focus should be on input with link text', doc, 'input[placeholder="Link text"]'), sAssertNavigation('Checking navigation for link text', true, true) ]); var sAssertTitleFocused = GeneralSteps.sequence([ FocusTools.sTryOnSelector('Focus should be on input with link title', doc, 'input[placeholder="Link title"]'), sAssertNavigation('Checking navigation for link text', true, true) ]); var sAssertTargetFocused = GeneralSteps.sequence([ FocusTools.sTryOnSelector('Focus should be on input with link target', doc, 'input[placeholder="Link target"]'), sAssertNavigation('Checking navigation for link target', true, false) ]); var sTestNavigation = GeneralSteps.sequence([ Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { }), sAssertTextFocused, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { }), sAssertTitleFocused, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { }), sAssertTargetFocused, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { shift: true }), sAssertTitleFocused, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { shift: false }), sAssertTargetFocused, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc,, { }), Step.wait(1000), Logger.t('Checking pressing tab at the end should not move focus', sAssertTargetFocused), sClickPrev, sAssertTitleFocused, sClickNext, sAssertTargetFocused, sClickPrev, sAssertTitleFocused, sClickPrev, sAssertTextFocused, sClickPrev, sAssertUrlFocused ]); var sClickLink = Mouse.sClickOn(realm.element(),; var sTestScenario = function (rawScenario) { var scenario = ValueSchema.asRawOrDie('Checking scenario', ValueSchema.objOf([ FieldSchema.strict('label'), FieldSchema.defaulted('content', ''), FieldSchema.defaulted('node', Element.fromText('')), FieldSchema.strictObjOf('fields', [ FieldSchema.option('url'), FieldSchema.option('text'), FieldSchema.option('title'), FieldSchema.option('target') ]), FieldSchema.strict('expected'), FieldSchema.defaulted('beforeExecute', Step.pass), FieldSchema.defaulted('mutations', Fun.constant(Step.pass)) ]), rawScenario); return Logger.t( scenario.label, GeneralSteps.sequence([ tEditor.sPrepareState(scenario.node.dom(), scenario.content), sClickLink, TestUi.sSetFieldOptValue(scenario.fields.url), sClickNext, sAssertTextFocused, TestUi.sSetFieldOptValue(scenario.fields.text), sClickNext, sAssertTitleFocused, TestUi.sSetFieldOptValue(scenario.fields.title), sClickNext, sAssertTargetFocused, TestUi.sSetFieldOptValue(, sClickPrev, sAssertTitleFocused, sClickPrev, sAssertTextFocused, sClickPrev, sAssertUrlFocused, scenario.beforeExecute, Keyboard.sKeydown(doc, Keys.enter(), { }), tEditor.sAssertEq('Checking insert content', scenario.expected), scenario.mutations(scenario.node), tEditor.sClear ]) ); }; Pipeline.async({}, detection.browser.isChrome() ? [ GuiSetup.mAddStyles(doc, [ '.tinymce-mobile-icon-link:before { content: "LINK"; background: black; color: white; }', // Speeds up tests. '.tinymce-mobile-serialised-dialog-chain { transition: left linear 0.000001s !important }' ]), TestStyles.sWaitForToolstrip(realm), tEditor.sPrepareState(Element.fromText('hi'), 'link-text'), sClickLink, FocusTools.sTryOnSelector('Focus should be on input with link URL', doc, 'input[placeholder="Type or paste URL"]'), sAssertNavigation('Checking initial navigation on text node', false, true), sTestNavigation, Step.sync(function () { realm.restoreToolbar(); }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after just setting URL', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url' }, innerText: 'http://fake-url' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL and text', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url', text: 'LinkText' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url' }, innerText: 'LinkText' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL and title (not text)', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url', title: 'Title' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url', title: 'Title' }, innerText: 'http://fake-url' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL, text, and title', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url', text: 'LinkText', title: 'Title' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url', title: 'Title' }, innerText: 'LinkText' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL, text, title, and target', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url', text: 'LinkText', title: 'Title', target: 'Target' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url', title: 'Title', target: 'Target' }, innerText: 'LinkText' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL with initial text selection', content: 'Initial text selection', fields: { url: 'http://fake-url' }, expected: [ { method: 'insertContent', data: { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: 'http://fake-url' }, innerText: 'Initial text selection' } } ] }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in nothing with an existing link with url', node: Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://prepared-url">Prepared</a>'), fields: { }, expected: [ ], mutations: function (node) { return Assertions.sAssertStructure('Checking mutated structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'http://prepared-url') }, html:'Prepared') }); }), node); } }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL with an existing link with url (and text content did not match URL previously)', node: Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://prepared-url">Prepared</a>'), fields: { url: 'http://new-url' }, expected: [ ], mutations: function (node) { return Assertions.sAssertStructure('Checking mutated structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'http://new-url') }, html:'Prepared') }); }), node); } }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL with an existing link with url (and text content matched URL previously)', node: Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://prepared-url">http://prepared-url</a>'), fields: { url: 'http://new-url' }, expected: [ ], mutations: function (node) { return Assertions.sAssertStructure('Checking mutated structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'http://new-url') }, html:'http://new-url') }); }), node); } }), sTestScenario({ label: 'Testing hitting ENTER after filling in URL and text with an existing link with url', node: Element.fromHtml('<a href="http://prepared-url">any text</a>'), fields: { url: 'http://new-url', text: 'new-text' }, expected: [ ], mutations: function (node) { return Assertions.sAssertStructure('Checking mutated structure', (s, str, arr) { return s.element('a', { attrs: { href:'http://new-url') }, html:'new-text') }); }), node); } }) ] : [], function () { unload(); success(); }, failure); } );