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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/inlite/src/test/js/browser/core/ActionsTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/inlite/src/test/js/browser/core/ActionsTest.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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asynctest( 'browser/core/ActionsTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.GeneralSteps', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyApis', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'ephox.sand.api.Uint8Array', 'ephox.sand.api.Window', 'tinymce.themes.inlite.core.Actions', 'tinymce.themes.inlite.Theme' ], function (GeneralSteps, Pipeline, Step, TinyApis, TinyLoader, Uint8Array, Window, Actions, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; Theme(); var wrap = function (f, args) { return function () { var currentArgs =; return Step.sync(function () { f.apply(null, [].concat(args).concat(currentArgs)); }); }; }; var sInsertTableTests = function (editor, tinyApis) { var sInsertTableTest = function (cols, rows, expectedHtml, message) { var sInsertTable = wrap(Actions.insertTable, editor); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent(''), sInsertTable(cols, rows), tinyApis.sAssertContent(expectedHtml, message) ]); }; return GeneralSteps.sequence([ sInsertTableTest(2, 3, [ '<table style="width: 100%;">', '<tbody>', '<tr>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</tr>', '<tr>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</tr>', '<tr>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</tr>', '</tbody>', '</table>' ].join('\n'), 'Should be a 2x3 table' ), sInsertTableTest(3, 2, [ '<table style="width: 100%;">', '<tbody>', '<tr>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</tr>', '<tr>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</tr>', '</tbody>', '</table>' ].join('\n'), 'Should be a 3x2 table' ) ]); }; var sFormatBlockTests = function (editor, tinyApis) { var sFormatBlockTest = function (name) { var sFormatBlock = wrap(Actions.formatBlock, editor); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent('<p>a</p>'), tinyApis.sSetCursor([0], 0), sFormatBlock(name), tinyApis.sAssertContent('<' + name + '>a</' + name + '>', 'Should be a ' + name + ' block') ]); }; return GeneralSteps.sequence([ sFormatBlockTest('h1'), sFormatBlockTest('h2'), sFormatBlockTest('pre') ]); }; var sCreateLinkTests = function (editor, tinyApis) { var sCreateLinkTest = function (inputHtml, url, sPath, sOffset, fPath, fOffset, expectedHtml) { var sCreateLink = wrap(Actions.createLink, editor); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent(inputHtml), tinyApis.sSetSelection(sPath, sOffset, fPath, fOffset), sCreateLink(url), tinyApis.sAssertContent(expectedHtml, 'Should have a link') ]); }; return GeneralSteps.sequence([ sCreateLinkTest('<p>a</p>', '#1', [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 1, '<p><a href="#1">a</a></p>'), sCreateLinkTest('<p><a href="#1">a</a></p>', '#2', [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 1, '<p><a href="#2">a</a></p>'), sCreateLinkTest('<p><a href="#1"><em>a</em></a></p>', '#2', [0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0], 1, '<p><a href="#2"><em>a</em></a></p>') ]); }; var sUnlinkTests = function (editor, tinyApis) { var sUnlinkTest = function (inputHtml, sPath, sOffset, fPath, fOffset, expectedHtml) { var sUnlink = wrap(Actions.unlink, editor); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent(inputHtml), tinyApis.sSetSelection(sPath, sOffset, fPath, fOffset), sUnlink(), tinyApis.sAssertContent(expectedHtml, 'Should not have a link') ]); }; return GeneralSteps.sequence([ sUnlinkTest('<p>a</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 1, '<p>a</p>'), sUnlinkTest('<p><a href="#">a</a></p>', [0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0], 1, '<p>a</p>'), sUnlinkTest('<p><a href="#"><em>a</em></a></p>', [0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0], 1, '<p><em>a</em></p>'), sUnlinkTest('<p><a href="#">a</a>b</p>', [0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 1], 1, '<p>ab</p>') ]); }; var base64ToBlob = function (base64, type) { var buff = Window.atob(base64); var bytes = new Uint8Array(buff.length); for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = buff.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([bytes], { type: type }); }; var sInsertBlobTests = function (editor, tinyApis) { var sInsertBlobTest = function (inputHtml, path, offset, blob, base64, expectedHtml) { var sInsertBlob = wrap(Actions.insertBlob, editor); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ tinyApis.sSetContent(inputHtml), tinyApis.sSetCursor(path, offset), sInsertBlob(blob, base64), tinyApis.sAssertContent(expectedHtml, 'Should have a image') ]); }; var base64 = 'R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7'; var blob = base64ToBlob(base64, 'image/gif'); return GeneralSteps.sequence([ sInsertBlobTest('<p>a</p>', [0, 0], 0, base64, blob, '<p><img src="data:image/gif;base64,' + base64 + '" />a</p>') ]); }; TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { var tinyApis = TinyApis(editor); Pipeline.async({}, [ sInsertTableTests(editor, tinyApis), sFormatBlockTests(editor, tinyApis), sInsertBlobTests(editor, tinyApis), sCreateLinkTests(editor, tinyApis), sUnlinkTests(editor, tinyApis) ], onSuccess, onFailure); }, { inline: true, theme: 'inlite', skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray' }, success, failure); } );