function (Focus, setTimeout) {
var refreshInput = function (input) {
// This is magic used to refresh the iOS cursor on an input field when input focus is
// lost and then restored. The setTime out is important for consistency, a lower value
// may not yield a successful reselection when the time out value is 10, 30% success
// on making the blue selection reappear.
var start = input.dom().selectionStart;
var end = input.dom().selectionEnd;
var dir = input.dom().selectionDirection;
setTimeout(function () {
input.dom().setSelectionRange(start, end, dir);
}, 50);
var refresh = function (winScope) {
// Sometimes the cursor can get out of sync with the content, it looks weird and importantly
// it causes the code that dismisses the keyboard to fail, Fussy has selection code, but since
// this is fired often and confined to iOS, it's implemented with more native code. Note, you
// can see the need for this if you remove this code, and click near the bottom of the content
// and start typing. The content will scroll up to go into the greenzone, but the cursor will
// still display in the old location. It only updates once you keep typing. However, if we do this
// hack, then the cursor is updated. You'll still have any autocorrect selection boxes, though.
var sel = winScope.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
var br = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var r = winScope.document.createRange();
r.setStart(br.startContainer, br.startOffset);
r.setEnd(br.endContainer, br.endOffset);
// Note, if dropdowns appear to flicker, we might want to remove this line. All selections
// (not Firefox) probably just replace the one selection anyway.
return {
refreshInput: refreshInput,
refresh: refresh